Ritual Calendar

2020 Dates

Note: Additional information on the following holidays is available at:
Valentine’s Day
Spring Equinox
Summer Solstice
August Ritual Dates
Fall Equinox
Winter Solstice

Please remember that abusive groups steal, pervert, and mock the holidays of legitimate religions. This does not mean that all people who observe these holidays are abusive. It is not their fault that abusive groups choose to defile their sacred days.

Groups may celebrate different sets of holidays or place more or less emphasis on different days. Dates with significance to individual groups, such as leaders’ birthdays, may also be celebrated. Full and new moons are significant in some cults, particularly if they fall on any of the main holidays or on the survivor’s birthday. Those groups that utilize numerology mark dates whose numbers add up to “power numbers” or dates with repeating numbers, such as February 20, 2020.


1/1 New Year’s Day
1/7 St Winebald’s Day
1/10 Full moon
1/10-11 Penumbral lunar eclipse. The moon will turn a shade darker during the maximum phase, visible in Australia, Europe, and Africa. Most penumbral lunar eclipses cannot be easily distinguished from a usual full moon. See https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2020-january-10
1/13 Satanic New Year
1/17 Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
1/20 St. Agnes’ Eve
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/24 New moon

2/2 Candlemas/Imbolc/Satanic Revels
2/8 Full moon
2/14 Valentine’s Day
2/12 Lincoln’s Birthday
2/17 Presidents’ Day/Washington’s birthday
2/23 New moon
2/25 Shrove Tuesday/ Mardi Gras
2/25 Walpurgis Day
2/26 Ash Wednesday

3/1 St. Eichstadt’s Day
3/9 Full moon
3/13 Friday the Thirteenth
3/17 Spring Equinox
3/17 St. Patrick’s Day
3/24 Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
3/24 New moon

4/1 April Fool’s Day
4/5 Palm Sunday
4/7 Full moon
4/8 Day of the Masters
4/9 Maundy Thursday (commemoration of the Last Super)
4/10 Good Friday
4/11 Holy Saturday
4/12 Easter Sunday
4/22 New moon
4/26 Grand Climax/De Meur
4/30 Walpurgisnacht/May Eve

5/1 Beltane
5/7 Full moon
5/10 Mothers’ Day
5/12 Armed Forces Day
5/22 New moon
5/25 Memorial Day
5/31 Pentacost

6/5 Full moon
6/5-6 Penumbral lunar eclipse. The moon will turn a shade darker during the maximum phase, visible in Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa. Most penumbral lunar eclipses cannot be easily distinguished from a usual full moon. See https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2020-june-5
6/19 Summer solstice
6/20 Corpus Christi/Feast of the Body of Christ
6/20 New moon
6/21 Fathers’ Day
6/21 Annular solar eclipse. Visible from parts of Africa (including the Central African Republic, Congo, and Ethiopia,) south of Pakistan, northern India; and China. Partial eclipse is visible in south/east Europe, much of Asia, the north of Australia, and much of Africa, Pacific, Indian Ocean. See https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2020-june-21
6/23 Midsummer’s Eve
6/24 St John’s Day

7/4 Independence Day
7/4 Full moon
7/4-5 Penumbral lunar eclipse. The moon will turn a shade darker during the maximum phase, visible in North and South America, and Africa. Most penumbral lunar eclipses cannot be easily distinguished from a usual full moon. See https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2020-july-5
7/20 New moon
7/25 St. James’ Day/Festival of the Horned God

8/1 Lammas/Lughnasadh
8/3 Full moon
8/15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8/18 New moon
8/24 St. Bartholomew’s Day

9/1 Full moon
9/5 – 9/7 Feast of the Beast/Marriage of the Beast
9/7 Labor Day (United States)
9/22 Fall Equinox
9/17 New moon
9/29 Michaelmas/Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels

10/1 Full moon
10/12 Columbus Day
10/13 Backward Halloween
10/16 New moon
10/31 Full moon (Blue Moon)
10/31 Halloween/start of Celtic New Year/start of the dark half of the year

11/1 All Saints’ Day
11/2 All Souls’ Day
11/11 Veterans’ Day
11/13 Friday the thirteenth
11/14 New moon
11/26 Thanksgiving Day (United States)
11/30 Full moon
11/30 St Andrew’s Day

Sundays of advent: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24
12/14 New moon
12/14 Total solar eclipse. Totality visible in Chile and parts of Argentina. Partial eclipse visible in southern South America and south-east Africa. See https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2020-december-14
12/21 Winter solstice/Yule/St. Thomas’ Day
12/24 Christmas Eve
12/5 Christmas Day
12/29 Full moon
12/31 New Year’s Eve