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  • Fiction about Ritual Abuse and Mind Control
    It is not uncommon for survivors, witnesses, and/or researchers to publish under the fiction category due to personal safety issues. … Read More >Fiction about Ritual Abuse and Mind Control
  • Poetry by Ritual Abuse Survivors
    Twenty five survivors share poems they’ve written. … Read More >Poetry by Ritual Abuse Survivors
  • Scott
    Shadows aren’t Real Dark Shadows in the corner You try to run and You try to hide But you always seem to find Dark Shadows in the corner Staring at you with their evil eyes. You ask yourself why are They always following me Silently with stealth “It’s a disease They are just representations Of … Read MoreScott
  • Shannon
    the memory (©1998 age 17) it froze inside my mind turned my tears to burning ice turned her head as i screamed and she cried and i’ve seen what she was willing to hide as much as my soul could keep here comes her new beginning i sing myself to sleep a ribbon of doubt … Read MoreShannon
  • Poetry by Sherlok
    Inside My Skull (May ’95) my teeth are sharp and my mouth tastes of blood and sour heat. inside my skull a pounding howling pain paces just behind my eyes. i wait for something to become more clear than this growing need to die. i wait for someone to open this lying door so that … Read MorePoetry by Sherlok
  • Sid
    Gummy Bears When we be kids, we like em little bears, We get a big bag of them and then we shares, We mush em in our fingers and mouth a lot, And them little bear tummies are like a squishy pot. We look at all the colors and we eat em one by one. … Read MoreSid
  • Poetry by Silence
    Shapes circles, triangles and sqaures all the same their shapes they all though different have the same a vicious circle neverending chain you cannot escape for no opening you find for in their shapes forever you are confined Tears oh how sadness engulfs me my infinite cryinside are tears of sorrow forever i breathe a … Read MorePoetry by Silence
  • Sonia
    Double Vision (August, 1994) Pregnant too young by a careless lover Pregnant too young by a ritual of rape Surrounded by laughter and friends Encircled by warlocks chanting low Carefully settled on a massage table Bound spread-eagled within a pentagram Her pregnancy supported with pillows Her pregnancy a low vulnerable mound The masseur’s skilled hands … Read MoreSonia
  • Sonya
    Untitled Piecing together the intricate fragments of my “whole”, I’m reminded of the “glue of faith” securing the essence of my soul.
  • Sortee
    It Ubiquitous invasive it What is It? It is hard and cold Slab night terror Soft voices Silenced Laughter Old eyes at 8 Cold eyes at 14 Fiery Eyes at 20 Innocence stolen Fear Taught Girls ladies naught move and move and move again wake to sleep and face to win. I will never sane … Read MoreSortee