Arth, Susan (1993) “Ritual child abuse: Is it reported in Anchorage?” University of Alaska, Anchorage, AE.
Ashley, Angela. (1993) “Construction of disbelief: The ritual abuse phenomenon.” Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Christopher D. (1995) “An exploratory study of self-reported survivors
of ritual abuse.” Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH.
Rebecca M. (2002) “Voices of women survivors who report childhood
ritual abuse memories: A phenomenological study of the healing process.”
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
Terri T. “Long-term effects on adult women who report sexual and ritual
abuse in their childhoods.” Wright Institute, Carbondale, IL.
Berchin, Karen J. (1999) “Art
therapy’s contribution in exorcising the demons: A case study of
dissociative identity disorder from ritual satanic cult abuse.” Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA.
Carolyn (1995) “Social work with survivors of satanic ritual abuse
with dissociative identity disorder in South Australia.” University of
South Australia, Mawson Lake SA.
Deborah Ann. (1994) “A Feminist-spiritual approach to healing from
ritual abuse.” Carleton University School of Social Work, Ottowa,
Borelli, Brenna R. (2007) “Understanding the dynamics of ritual abuse.” Alliant Inernation Univ, San Francisco, CA.
Susan Jeannine. (1992) An analysis of the mental health professionals’
response to satanic ritual abuse. School of Education. University of
Missouri-Kansas City MO.
Burnside, Cynthia. (2002) Reclaiming the soul : making meaning out of internalized oppression
Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, CA.
NOTE: : ritual abuse, occult crime, Satanism and abuse by clergy are keywords.
Caradonna, Maria. (1991) Ritual child abuse. California School of Professional Psychology, Alameda, CA.
Cole, Deborah A. 91992) The incidence of ritual abuse : a preliminary survey. Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
Snyder R. (1989) Occult crime from a law enforcement perspective.
Wichita State University. Dept. of Administration of Justice, Wicita,
Crippen, Beverly S. (1992) Ritual abuse
survivors : a profile of multigenerational characteristics. California
State University, Long Beach,CA.
Ann Arbor, MI.
Croteau, Yvette M (1993) Ritual abuse survivors’ self-reported coping techniques. Washington State University, Spokane, WA.
Donna and Marczak, Wendy. (1995) The unique phenomenon of satanic
ritual abuse and its impact on the family system. University of St.
Thomas ; College of St. Catherine, St Paul, MN.
Susan (1992) Evaluation of adult outpatient group therapy with ritual
abuse survivors. California School of Professional Psychology, Los
Angeles, CA.
Germain, Ann-Marie. (1993) Ritual
abuse, its effects and the process of recovery using self help methods
and resources and focusing on the spiritual aspect of damage and
recovery. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, CAbondale, IL.
Craig (2008) Looking through the gates of hell: a case study on
Satanism and the ritual abuse panic. University of Portsmouth, England.
Carola. (2003) Transpersonal aspects of the treatment of dissociative
identity disorder as a result of ritual abuse: A mutual descent into the
underworld. Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, CA.
Karen (2010) “The fear of the Lord” as key pastoral guidance, for a
healing ministry to survivors of generational ritual abuse. North-West
University, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
Stanley H. (2006) An examination of ritual abuse laws: An integrative
conflict model adaptation for an integrative conflict model adaptation
for a contemporary analysis of law formation. Oklahoma State University,
Tulsa, OK..
Holmes, Penny (1998) A look at
the psychological, spiritual, and legal aspects of ritual abuse:
Recommendations for counselors. Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
Anne Campbell. (1993) An exploration of satanic ritual abuse: Past and
present. University of Wales (U.C.N.W., Bangor: Education) Bangor,
Gwynedd, United Kingdom.
Juhasz, Susan.
(1994) Coping skills of ritual abuse survivors: An exploratory study: A
project based upon an independent investigation. Smith College School
for Social Work, Northampton, MA.
Kelly, Bonnie
Louise Figueroa (1993) Multiple personality disorder-satanic ritual
abuse : an issue with God? The Union Institute, Montpelier, VT.
Susan J. Responses of children and parents to sexual abuse and Satanic
ritualistic abuse in day care centers. Boston College, Boston, MA.
Kelso, Chandrika Maragani. (1996) Uniform protocols for the investigation of ritual child abuse. National University, San Diego, CA.
Joanne. (1994) The healing journey: Survivors of ritual abuse. School
of Nursing, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Lewis, Suzanne Lee. (2000) Psychotherapy and spirituality: A paradigm for healing. The Union Institute, Montpelier, VT.
NOTE: Describes the healing process of deeply depressed women including survivors of ritual abuse.
Carmelina. (1993) Clinicians challenged by the phenomenon of satanic
ritual abuse: An exploratory study: A project based upon an independent
investigation. Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, MA.
Timothy. (2006) Truly evil empires: The panic over ritual child abuse
in Australia. Macquarie University, Dept. of Anthropology, Australia.
Virginia Miller. (1992) Reported ritualistic sexual abuse in preschools
: impact on family processes. University of California, Los Angeles,
Martin, Sharon K. (1991) Working with adult survivors of ritual abuse. Spalding University, Louisville, KY.
May, Gail J. (1991) Ritual abuse descriptive study. Wayne State University,Detroit, MI.
Susan. (2003) Post-traumatic stress disorder, repressed memories, and
the creative art process. Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, OH.
Livhuwani Alfred. (2004) Caring for the abused children is the
responsibility of the nation: A practical theological investigation.
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
NOTE: Ritual abuse, South Africa, prevention,. and Limpopo Province are ket words.
Norris, Kelly J. (1993) Cults, ritualistic abuse, and false memories. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.
Edward. (1993) Satanic cults : ritual crime allegations and the false
memory syndrome. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Sylvia Jean. (2009) New Zealand counsellors talk about ritual abuse : a
discourse analysis. Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Peggy H. (1997) The experience of spirituality in the healing process
of ritual abuse survivors. The Union Institute, Montpelier, VT.
Riekje. (2003) Witchcraft and policing : South Africa Police Service
attitudes towards witchcraft and witchcraft-related crime in the
Northern province. African Studies Centre, Leiden, South Africa.
Popp, Terry. (1994) A Full Complement of Colors : a Search for Unity. The Union Institute. Montpelier, VT
A novel about Maggie Lorenbern’s connection with a Satanic cult, her
Multiple Personality Disorder, and her growing connection with the
Divine Feminine.)
Ramkissoonsingh, Ravi. (1999)
The Effects of abuse type and complainant symptomatology in a simulated
sexual abuse trial. Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
NOTE: Keywords include Satanism, rituals, false memeory syndrome, and jury decision making.)
Faith A (1994) An existential-phenomenological investigation of the
experience of self-cutting in subjects with multiple personality
disorder. California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA.
NOTE: Keywords include “ritual abuse victims.”
Shaffer, Ruth Eva (1991) Reports of childhood ritualistic abuse in adult outpatients. Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.
NOTE: Keywords include “ritual abuse victims.”
Jacqueline J. (1998) The search for truth: An evaluation of the
interview techniques used by law enforcement personnel while investing
allegations of ritual abuse. Washburn University of Topeka, Topeka, KS.
Barry H. (1989) Playing with the devil: Adolescent involvement with the
occult, black magic, witchcraft, and the satanic to manage feelings of
despair. -University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, MA.
Jane Ann. (1998) Cultural scripts, satanic ritual abuse, and multiple
identities: A study of role played enactments. State University of New
York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY.
Karen Leigh (1996) The rediscovery of evi: An analysis of the satanic
ritual abuse phenomenon. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Jolene. (1991) A descriptive study of the relationship between high
risk adolescents and Satanic/ritualistic abuse. California State
University, Long Beach, CA.
Tracey, Lisa
Helen. (1992) The investigation of ritual abuse allegations: A child
protection perspective.” Maritime School of Social Work, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, Canada.
Tucker, Virginia
A. (2009) The role of religious and spiritual transformation as
components of healing from dissociative identity disorder associated
with Satanic ritual abuse. Denver Seminary, Denver, CO. 2009.
Van Kampen, Wayne A. (1994) “The evil of ritual abuse.” Regis University, Denver, CO.
Gwendolyn June. (1998) Conceptualizing pervasive sexual abuse: A
grounded theory study. University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
NOTE: Keywords include child abuse — religious aspects and ritual abuse.
Whaley, Sara (1995) Child welfare workers’ knowledge of ritual abuse. California State University, Long Beach, CA.
Lisa M. B. (1992) Implications of ritual abuse on victim/survivors.
College of St. Catherine, University of St. Thomas, St Paul, MN.
Lonnie. (1997) A manual for the school professional: Detecting child
victims of Satanic ritual abuse. California State University,
Northridge, CA.
updated 10/2013