Eberle, P. (1986) The politics of child abuse. Lyle Stuart, Inc.: Secaucus, NJ.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Child abuse goes public — McMartin — The defense
doctor: Lee Coleman, M.D. — The prosecution doctor: Roland Summit,
M.D. — V.O.C.A.L.: Victims of child abuse laws — Jordan,
Minnesota: Children never lie… — Bakersfield baby snatchers:
Where are the bodies? — Montessori: We need more victims — Ruby:
Only one is still alive — Sacramento snuff: More satanic rituals
— Michele — Bingley — In conclusion — Bibliography and references
— Appendix A: The Federal Child Abuse Act — Appendix B: Notice of
motion to disqualify the District Attorney.
politics of child abuse is an eye-opening account of the stories
behind the headlines. It examines many of today’s major child abuse
trials, interviewing both prosecutors and the defendants to create a
full picture of the pressures and injustices on both sides.
Leading psychologists in the area of child abuse explain their
theories which have become key factors in the establishment of new
legislation and innovations in courtroom procedures regarding the
acceptable testimony of children. How are government grants
influencing the way that child protection agencies function? Are
children being manipulated to insure that the court system gets its
quota of convictions? These and many other important questions are
explored in The Politics of Child Abuse, a book that shows how the
politicizing of the child abuse issue is a potential threat to
every family in America.
(You might wish to mention here that the Eberles used to publish a littel zine called “Finger”. *shivers.*)
Greaves, George B. “Alternative hypotheses regarding claims of satanic cult activity: A critical analysis.” pp. 45-72. Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse. (Sakheim, David K. and Devine, Susan, Eds.) (1992) Lexington Books/Macmillan, Inc.: NY, NY. br SUMMARY: At present the most common area for discussion about satanic cults is the reality of their existence; opinions vary from total acceptance to total disbelief. This chapter presents overview of the issues involved in this debate, a useful typology of the positions taken by experts in the fields, and a helpful integration of these seemingly divergent perspectives. Topics include: conceptual confusion in SCS (satanic cult survivor) reports; SCS productions as clinical data; the principle heuristic hypotheses; the nihilistic hypotheses; the apologist hypotheses.
Guilliatt, Richard. (1966) Talk of the devil: Repressed memory & the ritual abuse witch-hunt. Text Pub. Co: Melbourne, Australia.
Hechler, David. (1988). The battle and the backlash: The child sexual abuse war. Lexington Books: Lexington, MA and Toronto.
NOTE: Explores the evolution of backlash organizations , with reference to many well-known cases of child sexual abuse.
Hedges, Lawrence E. (1994) Remembering,
repeating, and working through childhood trauma : the
psychodynamics of recovered memories, multiple personality, ritual
abuse, incest, molest, and abduction. J. Aronson, Northvale, NJ.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part I: Taking recovered memories seriously —
Varieties of remembering and forgetting — Transference and
resistance memories — The fear of breakdown, emptiness, and death
— Part II: Multiple personality reconsidered — Background and
history of multiplicity — Understanding and working with multiples
— Part III: The dual relationship in psychotherapy — The problem
of duality — In praise of the dual relationship — Duality as
essential to psychological cure — Part IV: Psychotic anxieties and
the organizing experience — The organizing transference —
Working through the organizing transference — The development of a
transference psychosis: Sandy — Countertransference to the
organizing experience — Therapists at risk.
SUMMARY: This book
discusses what is vital to understand the psychodynamic roots of
remembered (childhood) abuse. Drawing on a century of psychoanalytic
study of memory and the way it operates in therapy, Hedges clarifies
the misunderstandings and misinformation that currently exist in
the media and popular press regarding memory and the nature of the
psychotherapeutic process. Hedges reviews the many ways in which
our memories play tricks on us. He shows how the therapist who in
uninformed about the power of transference is likely to collude with
the patient’s resistance to transference remembering and thus help the
person externalize blame for the experienced trauma onto persons
outside the therapeutic relationship and in the distant past.
Hicks, R. D. (1991) In pursuit of satan: The police and the occult. Prometheus Books.
La Fontaine, Jean Sybil. (1997) Speak of the devil: Allegations of satanic abuse in Britain. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge and NY, NY.
Lanning, Kenneth V. “A law-enforcement perspective on allegations of ritual abuse.” pp. 109-146. In Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse. (Sakheim, David K. and Devine, Susan, Eds.) (1992) Lexington Books/Macmillan: NY, NY.
SUMMARY: Presents a law-enforcement perspective on allegations of
ritual abuse of children by satanic cults. Historical overview
(stranger danger, intrafamilial child sexual abuse, the
acquaintance molester, satanism: a new form of “stranger danger”);
child sex rings; multiple child sex rings (characteristics of
multidimensional child sex rings); why are victims alleging things
that do not seem to be true?; do children lie about sexual abuse
and exploitation?; investigating multidimensional child sex rings.
Myers, John E.B. (1994). The backlash: Child protection under fire. Sage Publications,:Thousand Oaks, CA.
SUMMARY: Provides a sampling of perspectives that include county CPS
administration, state-level CPS administration, Victims of Child
Abuse Laws (VOCAL), the experience of backlash in Europe, and a
survey of backlash literature.
Nathan, Debbie and Snedeker, Micheal. (1995) Satan’s silence: Ritual abuse and the making of a modern American witch hunt. Basic Books: NY, NY.
Ofshe, R. (1994) Making monsters: False memories, psychotherapy, and sexual hysteria. Charles Scribner/Macmillan: NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The myths of memory — Effort after meaning
–Symptoms of pseudoscience — Creation of the abuse narrative —
Investment in belief — Life with father — Hypnosis and the
creation of pseudomemories — Two cases of hypnotic story creation
— Reason and darkness: The strange stories of satanic abuse —
Multiple personality disorder: The creation of a sickness —
Therapy of a High Priestess — The murder, the witness, and the
psychiatrist — Deaths in the family — Conclusion: The etiology of
recovered memory therapy — Appendix: Three papers
Through case histories, persuasive arguments and extensive
documentation, (the authors) attack what they see as a devastating
trend in psychotherapy, where therapists–under the guise of
helping their patients–lead them to erroneously believe they have
unlocked long-buried memories of events about which they have lost
all knowledge. The problem, say the authors, is that memories
retrieved, using the techniques of this therapy, are false: the events
never took place. Yet time and again, over-zealous therapists have
induced vulnerable patients to believe they have been victims of
years-long brutalization and sexual abuse, often by members of
their own families, and/or suffer from multiple personality
disorders. (from the preface) (The authors’) goal is to prove
beyond doubt that devastating mistakes are being made within certain
therapy settings. By relying on the published works of recovered
memory clinicians for the bulk of (the) evidence, (they) intend to
show that these mistakes are not being made by aberrant clinicians
but by a substantial group of therapists who have created a
movement replete with scholarly and how-to books, conferences for
clinicians, journals, newsletters, and a raft of prominent experts. This
work is intended as an expose of a pseudoscientific enterprise
that is damaging the lives of people in need.
Pendergrast, M. (1995) Victims of memory: Incest accusations and shattered lives. Upper Access: Hinesburg, VT.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Victims of memory: An overview — Daughters lost —
How to become a survivor — The memory maze — How to believe the
unbelievable — Multiple personalities and satanic cults — The
therapists — The survivors — The accused — The retractors — And
a little child shall lead them (and be led) — A brief history:
The witch craze, reflex arcs, and Freud’s legacy — Why now? —
Survivorship as religion: Martyrs, true believers, and gurus —
Conclusions and recommendations — Epilogue: A letter to Stacey and
Christina — Endnotes — Bibliography — Index.
Misinformation from therapists or books can provide a powerful formula
for changing a person’s entire belief system. That is what Victims
of Memory is about–how perfectly normal people… could come to
believe in such horrible delusions (such as being victims of
incest), and how responsible therapists and critics can bring an
end to this madness. As an investigative journalist and scholar,
(the author) has delved into the complicated social, cultural, and
individual factors that lie behind the accusations. Victims of Memory
explores a seemingly inexplicable phenomenon, one that will engage
psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists and other scholars.
Richardson, James T. and Bromley, David G., Eds. (1983) The Brainwashing/deprogramming controversy: Sociological, psychological, legal, and historical perspectives. E. Mellen Press: NY, NY.
Richardson, J. T. Best, J. & Bromley, D. G. Eds. (1991) The satanism scare: Social institutions and social change. Aldine de Gruyter: NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part I. Introduction — Satanism as a social problem
— Part II. Anthropological and historical perspectives on
satanism — The demonology of satanism: An anthropological view —
The historical satan — Satanism: The new cult scare — Part III.
The satanic threat to children — Satanism and child molestation:
Constructing the ritual abuse scare — Endangered children and
antisatanist rhetoric — Satanic cults, satanic play: Is Dungeons &
Dragons a breeding ground for the Devil? — Part IV. Psychiatry and
occult survivors — Occult survivors: The making of a myth —
Satanism and psychotherapy: A rumor in search of an inquisition —
Part V. Satanism and the law — The police model of satanism crime
— Law enforcement and the satanic crime connection: A survey of
cult cops — Satanism in the courts: From murder to heavy metal —
Part VI. Rumors and news about satanism — The dynamics of rumor–Panics
about satanic cults — Accusations of satanism and racial tensions
in the Matamoros cult murders — Devil worship in western Montana:
A case study in rumor construction — Cauldrons bubble, satan’s
trouble, but witches are okay: Media constructions of satanism and
witchcraft — Part VII. The satanists — Legend-trips and satanism:
Adolescents’ ostensive traditions as cult activity — Social
construction from within: Satan’s process
SUMMARY: Although there is
growing concern over satanism as a threat to American life, the
topic has received surprisingly little serious attention. Recognizing
this, the editors of this volume have selected papers from a wide
variety of disciplines, broadly covering contemporary aspects of
satanism from the vantage point of studies in folklore, cults,
religion, deviance, rock music, rumor, and the mass media.
Ryder, Daniel (1994). Cover-up of the century: Satanic ritual crime and conspiracy. Ryder Publishing: 225 CrossRoads, Blvd., #415, Carmel, CA 93923.
NOTE: A revised and expanded version of is now available. The book
shows the reality of satanic ritual abuse, cult networking, exposes
on a worldwide satanic cult, and information on clandestine
government mind control experimentation. Cites cases where satanic
ritual abuse victims’ bodies have been found, ritual abuse
convictions have been successful, and exposes official cover-ups.
Victor, J. S. (1993) The creation of a contemporary legend. Open Court.
NOTE: Satanism is seen as similar to past counter-subversion scares,
occurring in response to widespread social, economic, and religious
Victor, J. S. (1993) Satanic panic. Open Court.
Wright, L. (1994) Remembering satan: Knopf.
NOTE: A case of recovered memory and the shattering of an American family.