Adams, Jeanne. (2000) Childhood ritual abuse: A resource manual for criminal justice and social service. Now a hard book to find.
A research review of statistics, cases, investigation models, interview
suggestions and the symptomatology seen in adult and children survivors. Examines elements somewhat typical and controversial to these cases — psychogenic amnesia/memory repression, cult programming techniques, animal and human sacrifice, and cult organization.
Ammerman, R. T. (1991) Case studies in family violence. Plenum Press: NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part I. General issues — Family violence: A
clinical overview — Social and ecological issues in violence toward
children — The ecology of domestic aggression toward adult victims —
Legal issues in violence toward children — Legal issues in violence
toward adults — Medical issues with child victims of family violence —
Medical issues with adult victims of family violence — Part II.
Violence toward children — Child physical abuse — Child neglect —
Child sexual abuse — Incest — Ritual abuse — Maltreatment of
handicapped children — The child witness of family violence —
Psychological and emotional abuse of children — Part III. Violence
toward adults — Wife battering — Psychological maltreatment of spouses
— Marital rape — Elder abuse — Domestic homicide — Index.
SUMMARY: Case studies in family violence elucidates the complex and
multidisciplinary clinical issues encountered in treating family
violence through the investigation of individual case examples of the
different forms of family violence. Chapters detail cases reflecting
various forms of abuse, as well as the social, legal, and medical issues
involved in violence against both children and adults. Several recently
recognized types of maltreatment are explored, including the abuse and
neglect of handicapped children, the child witness of family violence,
and psychological, emotional, and ritual abuse. Other topics covered
include wife battering, elder maltreatment, marital rape, psychological
mistreatment of spouses, and domestic homicide. All chapters devoted to
specific forms of abuse use the same format, examining medical, social,
family, and legal issues; the assessment of psychopathology; and a
variety of treatment options.
Anon. Understanding Ritual Abuse: A Guide for Self-Empowerment for Ritual Abuse Survivors. Survivors of Incest Anonymous World Service Office, Inc, Baltimore, MD.
NOTE: According to this booklet, “ritual abuse” is “a calculated,
systematic process whereby victims may be brainwashed and programmed,
using many different techniques, to disown and distort our own sense of
self and reality.” In such abuse “triggers” and programming may have
been placed around primary biological and survival functions, including
eating, sleeping, breathing, sexuality, elimination, emotions, the five
senses, and human bonding. Victims may have been forced and manipulated
into breaking primary bonds to survive emotionally and physically. This
may have involved forced participation in the torture, murder,
dismemberment, and cannibalism of animals and humans that victims may
have known and even loved. The booklet acknowledges that choosing and
pursuing healing from such abuse is no easy task, since the behaviors
conditioned, manipulated, and used to cope under the abuse will continue
to be triggered under various circumstances. Emotional needs are so
many and so intense that relationships will be difficult and frustrating
to initiate and maintain. A variety of resources, groups, and persons
will be required to receive the healing support needed, since no one
person is likely to be capable of providing the healing love and
understanding the victim seeks. Healing is the process of discovering
what happened in the victimization and how victims survived emotionally.
This booklet discusses the identification of survival skills and
adaptive behaviors as well as the importance of self-acceptance and
self-empowerment. Also included is a brochure that outlines the stages
of reaction to trauma: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and
Anon. Lessons We Have Learned: A Survival Guide. PARC-VRAMC, 5251 Hwy. 153, #223, Hixson, TN 37343-4910.
NOTE: A compilation of advice shared by nine recovering adult,
governmental mind-control survivors, most of whom are also recovering
from ritual abuse. Contains a large resource section.
Basoglu, M, ed. (1992) Torture and its consequences: Current treatment approaches. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England and NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction M. Basoglu Part I. Torture and its
Consequences: 1. The prevention of torture and the clinical care of
survivors: a field in need of a new science R. Mollica 2. The physical
sequelae of torture G. Skylv 3. Psychosocial consequences of torture:
current knowledge and evidence F. Somnier, P. Vesti, M. Kastrup and I.
K. Genefke 4. Psychological effects of torture: an empirical study of
tortured and non-tortured non-political prisoners M. Paker, Paker and S.
Yksel 5. Psychosocial consequences for tortured refugees seeking asylum
and refugee status in Europe R. Baker 6. Long-term effects of torture
in former prisoners of war T. W. Miller 7. The Holocaust: survivors and
their children N. Solkoff Part II. Theory: 8. Psychobiological
consequences of severe trauma J. A. Saporta and B. A. Van der Kolk 9.
The role of uncontrollable and unpredictable stress in post-traumatic
stress responses in torture survivors M. Basoglu and S. Mineka Part III.
Assessment, Diagnosis, and Classification: 10. Psychopathology of
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): boundaries of the syndrome R.
McNally 11. Overview: the assessment and diagnosis of torture events and
symptoms R. F. Mollica and Y. Caspi-Yavin Part IV. Rehabilitation
Programmes for Torture Survivors: 12. Organization of care and
rehabilitation services for victims of torture and other forms of
organized violence: a review of current issues L. H. M. van Willigen 13.
Multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of torture survivors S.
Bjholm and P. Vesti 14. Sexual torture and the treatment of its
consequences I. Lunde and J. Ortmann Part V. Psychotherapy: 15.
Psychodynamic approaches in the treatment of torture survivors E. Bustos
16. Psychotherapy for torture survivors P. Vesti and M. Kastrup 17.
Current trends in the treatment of post-traumatic stress symptoms T. M.
Keane, A. M. Albano and D. D. Blake 18. Behavioural and cognitive
approach in the treatment of torture-related psychological problems M.
Basoglu Part VI. Torture in Particular Countries: Experience with
Survivors of Torture in their Home country: 19. Torture in Argentina D.
Kordon, L. Edelman, D. Lagos, E. Nicoletti, D. Kersner and M. Groshaus
20. Torture and the helping professions in South Africa T. Dowdall 21.
Torture in Pakistan M. Mehdi 22. Rehabilitation of survivors of torture
and political violence under a continuing stress situation: the
Philippine experience A. A. Parong, E. Protacio-Marcelino, S.
Estrado-Claudio, J. Pagaduan-Lopez and M. V. Cabildo Part VII. Modern
Ethics and International Law: 23. Modern ethics and international law B.
Bass, Ellen and Davis, Laura. (1988). The courage to heal: A guide for women survivors of sexual abuse, 3rd edition. Harper and Row, NY, NY.
NOTE: Resource guide for adult survivors of sexual abuse; new edition
includes some information on ritual abuse. Also available in Spanish.
Bean, Barbara and Bennett, Shari (1993) The me nobody knows: A guide for teen survivors. Lexington Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: A workbook and informational resource for teenagers who have been
sexually abused. Contains material on incest and ritual abuse.
Bitz, Margaret (1990). “The impact of ritualistic abuse for sexually abused children and their adoptive families.” in Adoption and the sexually abused child.
McNamara, Joan and McNamara, Bernard H. (eds.) Family Resources
Adoption Program, 226 North Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY, 10562.
NOTE: Provides a definition of ritual abuse, outlines range of behaviors
ritually abused children exhibit, and offers advice to adoptive
Blume, E. Sue, (1990) Secret survivors. John Wiley and Sons, Ny,NY. Also Secret survivors: Uncovering incest and its after effects in women. Ballantine Books: NY, NY.
Boyd, Andrew. (1991) Blasphemous rumours: Is satanic ritual abuse fact or fantasy? An investigation. Fount Paperbacks (HarperCollins), London.
NOTE: Available from The Reachout Trust, 24 Ormond Road, Richmond,
Surrey, TW10 6TH, England. This book is the most comprehensive on the
subject to be published in Britain, providing background to cases and
interviews with care-givers and survivors. It focuses on evidence,
rather than belief, and argues that, however unpalatable, there is far
too much evidence of the existence of satanic ritual abuse to dismiss
SRA, as many are doing, as a modern urban myth.
Boyd, Andrew. (1996) Dangerous obsessions. Marshall Pickering, London.
Braun, Bennett G. (1997) “Pharmacological guidelines
for sadistically abused patients: From routine to critical issues.” In
Fraser, George A (ed.). The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC. pp. 167-81.
NOTE: Many sadistically abused patients have multisystem problems and
disorders requiring the care of many specialists. I have found that in
too many cases of severely traumatized patients, medical problems are
not diagnosed or, if they are, are treated incorrectly. In this chapter,
I introduced some of the more common medical and psychological problems
of sadistically abused patients and the pharmacological interventions.
Briere, J. (1989). Therapy for adults molested as children: Beyond survival. Springer Publishing, NY, NY.
Briere, John, et al (ed.) (1996) The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
NOTE: Child abuse professionals contributed chapters on child
maltreatment, medical and legal issues, reporting and prevention, and
delivery of services; includes chapter on “Ritualistic Abuse of
Children” by Susan J. Kelley.
Bromley, David G. and Melton, J. Gordon. (eds.) (2002) Cults, religion, and violence. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England and NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Violence and religion in perspective David G.
Bromley and J. Gordon Melton 2. Dramatic denouements David G. Bromley 3.
Challenging misconceptions about the new religions-violence connection
J. Gordon Melton and David G. Bromley 4. Sources of volatility in
religious movements Thomas Robbins 5. Crises of charismatic legitimacy
and violent behavior in new religious movements Lorne L. Dawson 6.
Public agency involvement in government-religious movement
confrontations Stuart A. Wright 7. Watching for violence: a comparative
analysis of the roles of five types of cult-watching groups Eileen
Barker 8. Mass suicide and the Branch Davidians John R. Hall 9. Occult
masters and the temple of doom: the fiery end of the Solar Temple
Massimo Introvigne and Jean-Francois Mayer 10. Dramatic confrontations:
Aum Shinrikyo against the world Ian Reader 11. Making sense of the
Heaven’s Gate suicides Robert W. Balch and David Taylor12. Lessons from
the past, perspective for the future David G. Bromley and J. Gordon
NOTE: (from the publisher) The authors, leading
international experts on religious movements and violent behavior, focus
on the four major episodes of cult violence during the last decade: the
tragic conflagration that engulfed the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas;
the deadly sarin gas attack by the Aum Shinrikyo in Tokyo; the
murder-suicides by the Solar Temple in Switzerland and Canada; and the
collective suicide by the members of Heaven’s Gate. They explore the
dynamics leading to these dramatic episodes in North America, Europe,
and Asia, and offer insights into the general relationship between
violence and religious cults in contemporary society. The authors
conclude that these events usually involve some combination of internal
and external dynamics through which a new religious movement and society
become polarized.
Brown, Daniel P. Scheflin, Alan W. and Hammond, D. Corydon. (1998) Memory, trauma treatment, and the law. W.W. Norton, NY, NY
Brown, Dee. (1996) Satanic ritual abuse: A handbook for therapists: How to deal effectively with the multiple personalities of ritual abusesurvivors. Blue Moon Press, Denver, CO.
NOTE: A warm, encouraging introduction to the treatment of adult
survivors of ritual abuse, written for therapists beginning work in this
Brown, Sandra L. (1991) Counseling victims of violence. Am. Assoc. Counseling and Development, Alexandria, VA
NOTE:This book examines the complex issues and techniques involved in
treating survivors of traumatic experiences. The techniques described
are essentially developmental intervention strategies. Specific areas
covered in the discussion include: domestic violence, sexual trauma,
assault, robbery, child abuse, spouse abuse, murder, ritual abuse, and
recreational and group therapies.
Bryant, Doris, Kessler, Judy, and Shirar, Lynda.(1992) The family inside; Working with the multiple. W. W. Norton, NY, NY.
NOTE: About therapy with a ritual abuse survivor.
Bryant, Doris and Kessler, Judy. (1996) Beyond integration: One multiple’s journey. W. W. Norton & Co., NY, NY.
NOTE: A therapist and her ritual abuse survivor client describe the
course of therapy and describe integration and issues encountered
Burgess, Ann Wolbert (ed.) (1984). Child pornography and sex rings. Lexington Books, Lexington, MA.
Burgess, Ann Wolbert and Grant, Christine A. (1988). Children traumatized in sex rings. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 550, Arlington, VA 22201-3052
NOTE: Includes chapters on assessment, types of sex rings, response
patterns of traumatized children, interviewing victims, treatment and
legal issues
Clark, John. (2003) The healing of satanically ritually abused multiple personality disorder. Authorhouse, Bloomington, IN.
Clawar, Stanley S. (1991) Children held hostage: Dealing with programmed and brainwashed children. American Bar Association Press, Chicago, IL.
TABLE OF CONTENTS:: Brainwashing and programming: Definitional
perspectives, levels of awareness, and stages — Brainwashing techniques
— Motivational factors: Uncovering the programmer’s themes and
processes — Impact and influence factors: The effects on children and
relationships — Deprogramming factors: Forms of intervention — The
female factors: Why women programme more than men– Findings,
conclusions, surprises, and implications of the study — Appendix:
Research techniques and sample characteristics — Glossary of
programming/brainwashing terms.
NOTE: (from the introduction) This
treatise is based on years of experience counseling families in divorce
and evaluating custody litigation. It should provide guidance to the
bar, bench, and mental health professionals in ascertaining whether a
child has been intentionally brainwashed or alienated from one parent by
the other parent, and if so, it offers methods of dealing with these
Clay, Colin. (1996) More than a survivor: Memories of satanic ritual abuse and the paths which lead to healing. 1337 College Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0W6.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Warning – Forward (Karl Oberdieck, MD) –
Introduction- Where adult memories begin- Triggers – The satanic
lifestyle- Survivors’ voices – Ritual abuse – Dissociation and multiple
personality adaptation – The journey towards healing – Recommended
reading – Index.
SUMMARY: More than a survivor covers a
number of topics in clear and accessible language and is an excellent
introduction to the topic of ritual abuse. Because it covers so much
ground, from specific rituals to Nazism to different approaches to
healing, no one chapter is all-inclusive. The author, an Anglican
ecumenical pastoral counselor at the University of Saskatchewan, speaks
in a gentle, non-authoritarian voice. Readers should be prepared for
reproductions of survivor art, drawings of satanic symbols, alphabets,
and graphic prose and poetry by survivors. Canadians will be
particularly interested in the discussion of some Canadian criminal
investigations and trials and of ‘Bad Medicine,’ the perversion of
Native American practices.
Coffey, Rebecca. (1998) Unspeakable truths and happy endings: Human cruelty and the new trauma therapy. Sidran Foundation Press, Baltimore, MD.
Cook, C. (1991) Understanding ritual abuse through a study of thirty-three ritual abuse survivors from thirteen different states. Privately printed, Ritual Abuse Project, Sacramento,
Cox, Pat, Kershaw, Sheila and Trotter, Joy (eds.). (2000) Child sexual assault: Feminist perspectives. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England and Palgrave, NY, NY.
NOTE: Discusses organized abuse, child sexual assault, women abusers, and satanic abuse.
Crewdson, J. (1988) By silence betrayed. Little, Brown, Boston, MA.
NOTE: An over-view of research on child sexual abuse, with a chapter on the McMartin case.
Daniels, April and Scott, Carol. (1992) Paperdolls: Healing from sexual abuse in Mormon neighborhoods. Palingenesia Press. Available from Wasatch Book Distributors, PO Box 11776, Salt Lake City, UT 84147.
Daraul, Arkon.. (1962) A History of Secret Societies. Citadel Press, Secaucus, NJ.
Davis, Laura. (1992) Allies in healing: When the person you love as sexually abused as a child. Harper Collins, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part 1: Partner’s questions: The basics: Allies in
healing: My needs and feelings: Dealing with Crises: More about sexual
abuse: Intimacy and communication:: Sex: Family issues: Final thoughts.
Part 2: Partner’s Stories: Introduction: Jack’s Story “Recovering
together:” Marise’s Story “She works really hard and so do I:” Noah’s
story “Crisis and cult abuse:” Eric’s story “The support of others:”
Lorraine’s story “Breaking up:” Richard’s story “A year at a time:”
Scott’s story “Building trust over time:” Virginia’s story “Forging a
commitment:” Healing books and other resources: Index.
Deikman. Arthur J. (1990) Wrong way home: Uncovering the patterns of cult behavior in American society. Beacon, Boston, MA.
DeVito, Robert A. “The use of amytal interviews in
the treatment of an exceptionally complex case of multiple personality
disorder.” Kluft, Richard P and Fine, Catherine G (ed.). Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC. pp. 227-40.
NOTE: The author relates his experience with the use of
amytal-facilitated interviews in the treatment of multiple personality
disorder. Following one patient from diagnosis through integration, he
notes that in dealing with perceptions and cognitions previously hidden
in the layered alter systems (127 personality elements were documented
in this case), the patient has been experiencing a series of PTSD
symptoms, particularly flashbacks to childhood abuse experiences.
KEY WORDS Adults – Americans – Bereavement – Dissociative Identity
Disorder – Females – Hypnotherapy – Narcoanalysis – Psychiatric
Inpatients – Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy – Psychobiology – PTSD –
Ritual Abuse – Survivors
Dolan, Y. M. (1991). Resolving sexual abuse: Solution-focused therapy and Ericksonian hypnosis for adult survivors. W.W. Norton, NY, NY.
NOTE: An experienced therapist presents a number of useful techniques for working with sexual abuse survivors.
Doyle, Joan S. and Stoop, David. (1991) “Witness and
victim of multiple abuses: Collaborative treatment of 10-year-old Randy
in a residential treatment center.” In Nancy Boyd Webb (ed.) Play therapy with children in crisis: A casebook for practitioners. New York: Guilford Press, NY, NY. pp. 111-140.
NOTE: Describes the use of play therapy to treat a ten-year-old boy
diagnosed with PTSD resulting from chronic, severe abuse and torture
(ritual abuse). Treatment was performed in a secure residential
treatment facility for children.
Doyle, Joan S. and Stoop, David. (1999) “Witness and
victim of multiple abuses: Case of Randy, age 10, in a residential
treatment center, and follow-up at age 19 in prison.” In Webb, Nancy
Boyd (ed.). Play therapy with children in crisis: Individual, group, and family treatment, 2nd ed. Guilford Press, NY, NY. pp. 131-163.
NOTE: Describes the use of play therapy to treat a ten-year-old boy
diagnosed with PTSD resulting from chronic, severe abuse and torture
(ritual abuse). Treatment was performed in a secure residential
treatment facility for children. A “Follow-up: Randy, age 19” updates
the case history.
Duncan, C.W. (1994). The fractured mirror: Healing multiple personality disorder. Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, FL.
NOTE: Overview of MPD. Presents therapeutic strategie and includes chapters on cult and ritual abuse.
Elliott, Michelle (ed.) (1994) Female sexual abuse of children. Guilford Publications, NY, NY.
NOTE: Presents statistics and treatment issues, as well as accounts from survivors of female perpetrators.
Everstine, D. S. and Everstine, L. (1993). The trauma response: Treatment for emotional injury. W.W. Norton, NY, NY.
Fairholm, J. and Moore, T. (1990) Child abuse prevention program for adolescents, Part I. Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa, ON Canada
NOTE: Presents background information and a curriculum outline for use
in helping Canadian adolescents understand the nature and impacts of
child and adolescent abuse and neglect, in involving them in a dialogue
about their hurts and experiences, and in becoming able to protect
themselves and others. Adolescents describe their vulnerabilities, inner
turmoil, and insecurities. The students’ disclosures are combined with
information about the nature and impacts of adolescent maltreatment,
emotional maltreatment, physical abuse and neglect, abusive families,
and child sexual abuse. Sex offenders, ritual abuse, and the components
of effective intervention and treatment are also discussed.
Communication methods to use in prevention efforts are discussed, with
emphasis on basic techniques, public speaking, student involvement
techniques, ways to handle stage fright, cross- cultural communications,
and leadership of discussions. Figures, checklists, outlines, and
chapter reference lists.
Fewster, Gerald. ed. (1990) In the shadow of satan: The ritual abuse of children. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Canada.
NOTE: Special issue of Journal of child and youth care; includes bibliographical references.
Finney, Lynne D. (1992) Reach for the rainbow. Putnam Publishing Group, NY, NY.
Forward, Susan and Buck, Craig. (1979) Betrayal of innocence and its devastation. Penguin, NY, NY.
Fraser, George A (ed.) (1997) The dilemma of ritual abuse: cautions and guides for therapists. Am. Psych. Press, Washington, DC.
NOTE: This book is for the therapist and others interested in the
ritual abuse (RA) phenomenon. It is not an attempt to prove or disprove
the reality of ritualized abuse; rather, it is hoped to be a guide to
therapists. Clinical experience indicates that not all reports of RA are
accurate. History and the legal profession will clarify whether some
reports may be partially or wholly accurate. In the meantime, despite
the ongoing controversy, clinicians continue to have patients seeking
help for recollection they believe point to ritualized abuses earlier in
their lives. This book offers advice on approaches that should be
considered when a therapist faces a patient presenting with a history
containing elements pertaining to abuses in satanic and/or sadistic
ritualized settings.
Fraser, George A. (1997) “Visions of memories: A
patient’s visual representation of ritual abuse ceremonies.” In Fraser,
George A (ed.). The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC. pp. 183-196
NOTE: Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. The artwork
included in this chapter was done by a patient who has been in therapy
with me. She has given permission for them to be published in this book.
Except for the first three, the patient drew these pictures during
therapy to convey what she believes are her memories of ceremonies in a
satanic cult. She believes these memories were withheld by alter
personalities who were too frightened to tell but felt safe to convey
through drawings. Later, I was able to discuss the drawings with the
patient and ask her to explain what they represented. These discussions
helped the patient understand the belief system of inner personality
states who claimed they had been abused in a satanic cult in perverse
and sadistic ways. I do not know, of course, whether or not the drawings
represent true memories. If they do, this is probably the closest most
of us will ever get to see satanic ritual ceremonies. Because the
drawings portray so well what many therapists are being told, I felt
that it would be helpful to include this pictorial chapter.
Fraser, George A. “Ritual abuse: Lessons learned as a therapist.” In Fraser, George A (ed.). The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC. pp. 119-135.
NOTE: This chapter is not an argument for or against the reality of
ritual abuse (RA) but rather is a sharing of my clinical experiences and
dilemmas in working in this field. I divide this chapter into three
sections: (1) Lessons learned that have led me to be cautious in
accepting what I am told by patients, (2) Factors that lead me to accept
the possibility of RA, and (3) Changes in my approach to new patients
presenting with RA histories, resulting from the previous two factors.
Fredrickson, Rene. (1992). Repressed memories; a journey to recovery from sexual abuse. Simon and Schuster, NY, NY.
Friesen, James G. (1991) Uncovering the mystery of MPD: Its shocking origins, its surprising cure. Here’s Life Publishers, San Bernadino, CA.
NOTE: Christian orientation.
Friesen, James G. (1992) More than survivors: Conversations with multiple-personality clients. T. Nelson, Nashville TN,
NOTE: Christian orientation.
Gil, Eliana.(1988) Treatment of adult survivors. Launch Press, Walnut Creek CA.
Goodman, Gail, Aman, Christine and Hirschman, Jodi
(1987). “Child sexual and physical abuse: Children’s testimony.” In S.
J. Ceci, M. P. Toglia and D. F. Ross (eds.) Children’s eyewitness memory. Springer-Verdag, NY, NY.
NOTE: Presents research results affirming credibility of children’s
reports of sexual abuse, with reference to the Country Walk case in
Miami, Florida.
Goodwin, Jean M. (1993) Rediscovering childhood trauma: Historical casebook and clinical applications. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
Goodwin, Jean M. (1993) “Human vectors of trauma: Illustrations from the Marquis de Sade.” in Goodwin, Jean M. (ed.) Rediscovering childhood trauma: Historical casebook and clinical applications, pp. 95-111. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
NOTE: This chapter proposes the term “sadistic abuse” as a descriptor
for those extreme and severe acts of interpersonal violence (i.e., child
abuse, sadistic crime, political torture, etc), which in the 1980s came
to be described as ”ritual abuse.”
Goodwin, Jean M. and Attias, R. (1993). “Eating disorders in survivors of multimodal childhood abuse.” In Kluft, R. P. (ed.), Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder. pp. 327-342.American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC.
Goulding, R. and Schwartz,R. (1995). The mosaic mind: Empowering the tormented selves of child abuse survivors. W.W. Norton, NY, NY.
Greaves G. B. (1993). “A history of MPD.” In Kluft, R. P. (ed.), Clinical perspectives multiple personality disorder. (pp. 355-380). American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC.
Greek, Adrian and Greek, Anne. (1985) Mind abuse by cults and others Positive Action Center, P.O. Box 20997, Portland OR 97220.
Greven, Philip J. (1992). Spare the child: The religious roots of punishment and the psychological impact of physical abuse. Vintage Books, NY, NY.
Halperin, David. (1995) “Guidelines for psychiatric hospitalization of ex-cultists.”in Langone, Michael D (ed.) Recovery from cults: Help for victims of psychological and spiritual abuse, pp. 263-274. W.W.Norton, NY, NY.
NOTE: This chapter describes cases that illustrate the types of
problems encountered by psychiatric hospitals treating cultists. Three
broad categories of patients deserve examination: individuals who prior
to cult affiliation appeared to be without significant mental illness;
individuals who prior to cult affiliation evidenced significant
psychopathology; and individuals who ascribe to satanism. Cult
affiliation may significantly exacerbate the individual’s difficulties
in adaptation, whatever overt symptoms of preexisting psychopathology
are present. Thus, in considering guidelines for the inpatient treatment
of cult members, the relationship of the cult member to his or her
family, ego strength prior to affiliation, and community resources
available to the individual upon discharge need to be considered for
meaningful aftercare planning. Guidelines can be best formulated and
issues considered in the context provided by the examination of specific
cases within the three categories outlined above. [Adapted from Text,
p. 264]
Hawkins, Diane W. (2001) Supporting ritual abuse survivors. 9th ed. Restoration in Christ Ministries, Grottoes, VA.
Heller, Randall K. (1982) Deprogramming for do-it-yourselfers: A cure for the common cult. Gentle Press, P.O. Box 47, Medina, OH 44258.
Hilgard, E. R. (1977). Divided consciousness: Multiple controls in human thought and action. John Wiley and Sons, NY, NY.
Hill, Sally and Goodwin, Jean R. “Freud’s notes on a
seventeenth-century case of demonic possession: Understanding the uses
of exorcism.” in Goodwin, Jean M. (ed.) Rediscovering childhood trauma: Historical casebook and clinical applications. Am. Psych. Press, Washington DC. pp. 45-63.
NOTE: A comparison of Freud’s understanding of a seventeenth-century
case of demon possession and exorcism with a modern case of a patient
who had been involved in a satanic cult and had experienced demon
possession, and who sought out exorcism as well as psychotherapy.
Hoffman, Wendy Ann. (1995) Ascent from evil: The healing journey out of satanic abuse. Triumph Books, Chicago, IL.
Horton, Anne L., Harrison, B. Kent., and Johnson Barry L., (eds.) Confronting abuse: An LDS perspective on understanding and healing emotional, physical, sexual, psychological, and spiritual abuse. Deseret Book Co, Salt Lake City, UT.
Hudson, P.S. (1991) Ritual child abuse: Discovery, diagnosis and treatment. RandE Publishers, Saratoga, CA.
NOTE: A survey of symptoms of child survivors of extra-familial ritual
abuse and a discussion of therapy with both agitated and ‘frozen’
Hunt, John E. (1997) The cause, effect and spread of non-traditional satanism and occultism in America. Gary Stone Services, Savoy, TX.
Hunter, Edna J. (1991) “Prisoners of war: Readjustment and rehabilitation.” In Reuven Gal, A. and Mangelsdorff, David (eds.) Handbook of military psychology. pp. 741-757. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England.
NOTE: (from the chapter) (examines) common psychological residuals of
captivity, regardless of war or time in history, which persist to impact
the psychosocial adjustment of former (prisoners of war (POWs)) and
their families while they adjust to freedom and struggle for family
reintegration / changing treatment of POWs / initial reactions to being
captured / separating physical and psychological effects / families are
‘captives’ also / the concept of ‘brainwashing’ / resistance to coercive
persuasion–the concept of locus of control / commitment and codes of
conduct / finding meaning in a meaningless situation / implications for
Hunter, M. (ed.) (1995) Child survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse: Treatment innovations. Sage Pub., Thousand Oaks, CA.
NOTE: The first chapter discusses the facilitation of emotional
regulation and impulse control in children who have been sexually abused
and provides clinicians with practical treatment recommendations.
Another chapter describes the specialized treatment of adolescent
survivors of abuse within the hospital setting and provides criteria for
determining when inpatient treatment is appropriate. The final chapter
in this section deals with ritual abuse, a controversial and emotionally
charged topic. The most controversial topic within the field of sexual
abuse is whether to define sexually aggressive children as victims or
perpetrators. The definition chosen depends on the type of treatment
provided. The chapters here present a cultural background for addressing
this issue, a model for identifying sexually aggressive children, a
treatment model for working with such youngsters that allow young
offenders to assume responsibility for their emotions and behaviors
without assuming the shame of a negative label, and a treatment model
for working with the parents of these children.
Jenkins, P. (2001) Beyond tolerance: Child pornography on the Internet. NY Univ. Press, NY, NY.
Johnson, David W. and VanVonderen Jeff. (1991) The subtle power of spiritual abuse. Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, MN.
NOTE: The book focuses primarily on the abuse perpetrated in the name of Christianity by extremist Christian groups.
Kelley, Susan J, (1996) “Ritualistic abuse of
children.” In: Briere, John N; Berliner, Lucy, Bulkley, Josephine
A, Jenny, Carole, and Reid, Theresa (ed.). The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment, 1st ed; Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, pp. 90-99.
NOTE: Ritualistic abuse is currently one of the more controversial
areas in the field of child maltreatment. Much debate occurs over its
existence, prevalence, and the veracity of child victims’ and adult
survivors’ accounts. This chapter focuses on definitional issues, the
prevalence of reported cases of ritualistic abuse , and characteristics
and impact of ritualistic abuse . Current controversies surrounding
ritualistic abuse will also be explored. [Text, p. 90]
Keiser, Thomas W. and Keiser, Jacqueline L. (1987) The anatomy of illusion: Religious cults and destructive persuasion. Thomas, Springfield, IL.
Kent, Cheryl Carey. (1991) “Ritual abuse.” InAmmerman, Robert T. and Hersen, Michel, (eds.) Case studies in family violence, pp. 187-207. Plenum Press, NY, NY.
SUMMARY: Describes three brief case studies (of ritual abuse in the
area of family violence) These cases illustrate different problems that
the clinician may encounter in understanding and treating cases in which
allegations of ritual abuse are made The chosen cases represent a range
of ages (preschool age, latency-adolescent, and adult),
psychopathologies, and various systems’ responses to allegations of
ritual abuse. Discusses medical issues, legal issues, social and family
issues, assessment of psychopathology, and treatment options.
Kluft, R. P. (1986) “Personality unification in multiple personality disorder: A follow up study.” In Braun, B. G. (ed.) Treatment of multiple personality disorder, pp 29-60. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
Kluft, Richard P. (1993). Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
Kluft, Richard P. (1994) “Counter transference in the treatment of multiple personality disorder.” In Wilson, J. P., and Lindy, J. D., (eds.) Countertransference in the treatment of PTSD, pp. 122-150. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
Kluft, Richard P. ( 1997) “Overview of the treatment
of patients alleging that they have suffered ritualized or sadistic
abuse.” In Fraser, George A (ed.). The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists. 1st ed; Am. Psych. Press, Washington, DC. pp. 31-63; ISBN: 0-88048-478-0
NOTE: The patient alleging ritualistic abuse poses an enormous
clinical challenge. We can meet that challenge best by marshaling the
cumulative wisdom of psychotherapeutic practice and relevant scientific
findings and bringing them to bear with compassion and circumspection in
these unusual and trying circumstances. [Text, p. 61]
Kottman, T. (1993) Play therapy in action: A casebook for practitioners. Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction — Audrey, the bois d’arc and me: A
time of becoming — Family therapy for the family tyrant — Gentleman
Jim and his private war: Imagery interaction play therapy — The king of
rock and roll: An application of Adlerian play therapy — To show and
not tell: Cognitive-behavioral play therapy — Born on my bum: Jungian
play therapy — Child, protector, confidant: Structured group
ecosystemic play therapy — From meek to bold: A case study of Gestalt
play therapy — Where in the world is… my father? A time-limited play
therapy — Internal and external wars: Psychodynamic play therapy —
Ann: Dynamic play therapy with ritual abuse — Oh, but a heart, courage,
and a brain: An integrative approach to play therapy — As the child
plays, so grows the family tree: Family play therapy — Please hurt me
again: Post-traumatic play therapy with an abused child — It’s all in
the game: Game play therapy — Two by two: A filial therapy case study
— I brought my own toys today Play therapy with adults.
NOTE: This
book brings together in a single volume concrete applications of play
therapy by seasoned clinicians from various theoretical perspectives.
The goal is to reflect the broad spectrum of approaches that now exist
in the field. The major psychopathologies in children present the
therapist with different problems and therefore require different
approaches. This casebook offers step-by-step treatment guidelines for a
number of childhood difficulties, including internalizing,
externalizing, and post-traumatic disorders. It should be of interest to
both students and more advanced practitioners in a variety of mental
health disciplines, including social work; psychiatry; clinical,
counseling, and school psychology; expressive arts therapy; child-life
therapy; and psychiatric nursing.
Langone, Michael D. and Blood, Linda O. (1990.) Satanism and occult-related violence: What you should know. American Family Foundation, Weston, MA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Events stimulating public concern — Law enforcement
findings — Growing public awareness — Reports from helping
professionals — Historical background — Modern satanism — Folk
religions — Prevalence — Why do people get involved in satanism? —
Recruitment tactics — Effects and signs of satanic involvement —
Teenagers forming cults — How does satanic involvement affect people?
— What can families do? — Educate yourself — Communicate effectively
— Be patient and set a hierarchy of goals — Exercise authority when
appropriate — Know when to seek professional help — Suggestions for
mental health professionals — Working with deeply involved satanists —
Ritualistic abuse — Adult survivors — Legal issues — Conclusions —
References — Resource organizations.
NOTE: “This report’s
perspective is that of the mental health professional. Our goals are to
review the existing literature pertinent to satanism and to offer
suggestions to parents and helping professionals concerned about people,
especially youth, involved in satanism. This report provides a balanced
overview of the problems posed by the recent upsurge of satanism and
occult-related violence in the United States.”
Langone, Michael D and Nieburg,
Herbert A, (1992) “Treatment of satanism.” in VandeCreek, Leon,
Knapp, Samuel and Jackson, Thomas L (ed.) Innovations in clinical practice: A source book, vol. 11, pp. 187-201. Professional Resource Press, Sarasota, FL.
NOTE: What is the concern generated by satanism? Why has there been
such an increase in inquiries? What can mental health professional do to
respond to the growing concern? These questions are the focus of this
contribution. [Adapted from Text, p. 187] A briefer version of this
chapter appeared in Italian as “Aspetti psichiatrici del satanismo”Sette e Religioni 2: 50-79 (January-March 1992)
Langone, M. D. (l993) Recovery from cults: Help for victims of psychological and spiritual abuse. W.W. Norton, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Helping cult victims: Historical background —
Section I: Mind control — A little carrot and a lot of stick: A case
example — Reflections on brainwashing — Understanding mind control:
Exotic and mundane mental manipulations — Section II: Leaving cults — A
personal account: Eastern meditation group — A personal account:
Bible-based group — Post-cult problems: An exit counselor’s perspective
— Exit counseling: A practical overview — The importance of
information in preparing for exit counseling: A case study — Section
III: Facilitating recovery — Post-cult recovery: Assessment and
rehabilitation — Guidelines for therapists — Guidelines for clergy —
Guidelines for psychiatric hospitalization of ex-cultists — Guidelines
for support groups — Guidelines for families — Guidelines for
ex-members — Section IV: Special issues — Children and cults —
Ritualistic abuse of children in day-care centers — Teen satanism —
Legal considerations: Regaining independence and initiative — Index.
SUMMARY: (from the jacket) This book is a comprehensive guide to all
aspects of the cult experience. It draws on the clinical expertise of
treatment professionals and the personal experiences of those formerly
involved in high-intensity mind-control groups. The book examines the
history of the cult phenomenon, the nature of mind control, the
psychological literature on post-cult distress, why people leave cults,
exit counseling and deprogramming, and how to facilitate recovery. (It)
makes a strong case for the extreme damage that cults can do to members
physically, as well as psychologically and spiritually. There are
specific guidelines for different types of counseling: psychotherapy,
pastoral counseling, psychiatric hospitalization, and suggestions for
support groups, families and ex-members themselves.
Levine, Howard B., ed. (1990) Adult analysis and childhood sexual abuse. The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ.
Lifton, Robert Jay. (1989, 1961) Thought reform and the psychology of totalism: A study of “brainwashing” in China. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC.
Mangen, Richard. (1992) “Psychological testing and ritual abuse.” In Sakheim, David K. and Devine, Susan (eds.) Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse,. pp. 147-173. Lexington Books/Macmillan, NY, NY.
SUMMARY: There is a lack of literature in the area of psychological
testing of cult abuse victims. The purpose of this chapter is to begin
to fill this gap and to address some of the issues involved in
conceptualizing and undertaking psychological testing with victims of
satanic cult abuse. Given that satanic cult abuse involves extensive
psychological trauma leading to a variety of dissociative
disorders–including MPD (multiple personality disorder), the small but
growing body of literature relating to psychological test results of MPD
and several other articles of significance, which is reviewed.
Marmer, Stephen S. (1997) “A credulous skeptic’s approach to cults and multiple personality disorder.”in Fraser, George A (ed.) The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists, 1st ed. pp. 3-16. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
NOTE: The author reports five anecdotes of patients who demonstrated at
least four ways in which reports of satanic ritual cult abuse were
dynamically important metaphors.
Matthew, Laurie. (2001) Who dares wins! Young Women’s Centre Ltd, Scotland. See
NOTE: Intended as a basic information resource. Covers issues such as:
feminism and ritual abuse, supporting survivors of ritual abuse,
children and ritual abuse and a survivor’s perspective.
Matthew, Laurie. Where angels fear. Sequel to Who dares wins! Young Women’s Centre Ltd, Scotland. See
Mayer, Robert. (1988) Through divided minds: Probing the mysteries of multiple personalities: A doctor’s story. Doubleday: NY, NY.
Mayer, Robert. (1988) Through divided minds: Probing the mysteries of multiple personalities: A doctor’s story. Doubleday, NY, NY.
Mayer, R. S. (1991) Satan’s children: Case studies in multiple personality. G.P. Putnam, NY, NY. Also Avon Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: An analyst describes his treatment of several ritual abuse
survivors. The material is graphic and the author maintains a skeptical
outlook throughout the book.
McCann, I. Lisa and Colletti, Joseph John. (1994)“The
dance of empathy: A hermeneutic formulation of countertransference,
empathy, and understanding in the treatment of individuals who have
experienced early childhood trauma.” in Wilson, John P. and Lindy, Jacob
D. (eds.) Countertransference in the treatment of PTSD. pp. 87-121. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
NOTE: The first section of this chapter will explore and explain the
importance of managing countertransference reactions with patients who
report early childhood trauma. Next, we will present a hermeneutic
formulation of the relationship between countertransference, empathy,
and understanding in treating individuals who have experienced early
childhood trauma and abuse. This formulation is embedded within a
psychoanalytic perspective. Finally, clinical examples will be presented
to clarify and explicate the hermeneutic formulation of the dance of
empathy. [Text, p. 89]
Key Words: Adults – Child Abuse – Countertransference – Emotional Abuse – Incest – Ritual Abuse – Survivors
McKenna, Annie. Paperclip Dolls. Now out of print, but sometimes copies become available on Amazon or similar. Summary (archived)
NOTE: Annie McKenna’s story about healing from being placed into a government program known to her as Project Monarch at birth by her father, who was military intelligence. The book is her personal account as relayed through her journaling, supportive research, and other writings of exactly how her memories revealed themselves, their impact
on her life, and how she was able to understand and gain control of her
multiplicity. Written under a pseudonym. Her blog Grace Uncensored contains more about her healing journey.
Mead, J., and Balch, G. (1987) Child abuse and the church. HDL Publishing Co., Costa Mesa, CA.
Meerloo, Joost A. M. (1956) The rape of the mind: The psychology of thought control, menticide, and brainwashing. World Publishing Company, Tulsa, OK.
NOTE: This book attempts to depict the transformation of the free human
mind into an automatically responding machine; a transformation which
can be bought about by some of the cultural undercurrents in our present
day society as well as by deliberate experiments in the service of a
political ideology.
Michelson, Larry K. (1996) Handbook of dissociation: Theoretical, empirical, and clinical perspectives. Plenum Press, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part I, Foundations, entails historical,
epidemiological, etiological, normative, and cross-cultural dimensions
of dissociative phenomena, providing an empirical foundation for the
remaining chapters. Part II, Developmental Perspectives, represents a
newly emerging area that focuses on developmental aspects of
dissociative processes, including the potential role of incest and
attachment in the development of dissociative processes, as well as a
description of dissociative disorders in childhood and adolescence. Part
III, Theoretical Models, encompasses contemporary conceptual and
research dimensions from a variety of perspectives. These contributions
include psychobiological, information-processing models of dissociation,
and the relation of dissociation to hypnotic phenomena, moving beyond
earlier theoretical frameworks for elucidating the etiopathogenesis of
dissociation. Part IV, entitled Assessment, comprises 3 interrelated
chapters devoted to the diagnosis, psychological, and
psychophysiological assessment of clients with dissociative disorders.
Part V, Diagnostic Classifications, offers clinicians and researchers an
overview of current nosology, differential diagnoses, as well as
conceptual and clinical implications of the varied dissociative
disorders. In Part VI, Therapeutic Interventions, eight chapters are
presented that provide a wealth of information for clinicians treating
clients with dissociative disorders, PTSD, and survivors of sexual abuse
and/or assault. These chapters reflect leading clinical perspectives in
the amelioration of dissociative disorders and related sequelae of
abuse. In Part VII, the final section, Special Topics, 2 chapters
address ritual abuse and ethical-legal issues in dissociative disorders
that should be considered as important readings for clinicians working
with dissociative disorder clients. [Text, pp. xii – xiii]
Miller, Alison. (2112) Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac Books, London, England.
OF CONTENTS: Preface: E. Sue Blume – Foreword: Valerie Sinason –
Introcution – A therapist’s first experience with ritual abuse and mind
control (with thanks to “Lorraine”, “Teresa”, “Tony”, and “Jennifer”) –
Ritual abuse and mind control: the definition evolves – The basics of
therapy – Markers of mind control and ritual abuse – “Ritual” abuse:
religious and creed-based abuses, with contributions by: Old Lady: “The
special child’s spiritual training” Adriana Green: “The strangers’
house” – Military, political, and commercial uses of mind control, with
contributions by: Trish Fotheringham: “Mind control as I experienced
it” Jeannie Riseman: “A 1940s system of programming” – A reversed
Kabbalah trainer speaks, contributed by Stella Katz – The programming:
indoctrination, lies, and tricks – Understanding and working with
alters’ jobs and hierarchies, with a contribution by: LisaBri: “When
therapists make mistakes” – Dealing with programming: alternative
strategies, with contributions by: Jeannie Riseman: “Programming: taking
the wind out of its sails” Robin Morgan: “Dismantling my inner
structures” – “Stabilization” takes on a new meaning – “Maybe I made
it up,” with contributions by: LisaBri: “Honesty and denial” Carol
Rutz: “Validating my mind control memories” – Boundaries and bonds: the
therapeutic relationship, with contributions by: Stella Katz: “For
Miranda” LisaBri: “A survivor in therapy” – Treating programmed
pedophilia (with thanks to “Jennifer”) – The unimaginable – Working
with the traumatic memories – Successful resolution: co-consciousness
or integration, with contributions by: Jen Callow: Part 1: “To integrate
or not to integrate” Jen Callow: Part 2: “Building inner community”
Stella Katz: “Reclaiming me” – Ritual abuse and mind control
treatment: greater than the sum of its parts – Appendices: 1. Resources
(books and websites) 2: Satanic calendar
NOTE: Review from
Goodreads “Although Dr. Miller’s book was written as a manual for
therapists who are helping ritual abuse and mind control survivors to
heal effectively, I/we (survivor(s) of ritual abuse/torture, mind
control, rape/torture and incest) have also read the book and find it to
be an invaluable resource. Before reading the manual, we sought our
therapist’s advice about which chapters to read and also checked
regularly with our insiders before reading the book further. Dr. Miller
truly appreciates her clients’ (and their insiders’) need to be heard in
a respectful way so that the therapist may be able to understand and
work with the client’s system in a manner that is most beneficial for
the client’s healing. Hence, Dr. Miller not only shares her knowledge,
insight, wisdom, experience and expertise that she has gained from
listening/working with survivors, but she has sought out some survivors
to share pertinent information about their specific systems, ritual
abuse and mind control experiences and their advice for therapists.
Consequently, Dr. Miller and these survivors, through their words,
encouraged me/my insiders to do what was forbidden, to think for
ourselves, and begin to really understand how the perpetrators used
lies, tricks, theatrics and/or torture to try and control us so that we
may become as evil/sick as them or become self-destructive via their
programming tactics. The perpetrators did not and will not succeed
though because now we know that we are not alone. Furthermore, this book
disempowers the perpetrators and exposes them for who they really are.
Dr. Miller’s book is not only helping us to heal well, it is empowering
us to help other survivors heal and thrive as worthy human beings.”
Preview in Google Books
Morgan, R. (1989) The demon lover: On the sexuality of terrorism. W.W. Norton, NY, NY.
Moriarty, Anthony. (1992) The psychology of adolescent satanism: A guide for parents, counselors, clergy, and teachers. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood, Westport, CT.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The problem — Personality types of adolescents
involved in satanism — The psychopathic delinquent — The angry misfit
— The pseudo-intellectual — The suicidal impulsive — Risk factors
associated with satanism — Cultural factors — Physical factors
— Psychological factors — Social factors — The satanic Bible —
Satanism as a source of power — The Satan-God duality — Rites of
passage — Parent styles: The beginning — Communicating effectively —
Satanism and suicide
SUMMARY: This book addresses the problems of
adolescent Satanism from a psychological viewpoint. It includes the
developmental dynamics that underlie four different types of young
people who become involved in Satanism and provides an analysis of risk
factors. The author critically evaluates the philosophy of satanism
through a review of The satanic Bible, and further appraises the causes
of satanism by examining the roles of power, ritual, and dualistic
thinking in young people’s lives. In addition, Moriarty evaluates how
communication patterns and parenting styles impact on a young person’s
vulnerability to become involved in satanism. This is also the first
book to describe the relationship between satanism and suicide. Finally,
it closes with ten practical suggestions for parents and others that
will lead to effective prevention. This volume is intended for a wide
audience, including parents, teachers, clergy, counselors, and other
mental health professionals, and is a valuable resource for law
enforcement personnel.
Morris David B. (1991) The culture of pain. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Napier, Nancy J. Getting through the day: Strategies for adults hurt as children. Sidran Foundation Press, Baltimore, MD.
NOTE: In straightforward language, the author discusses the continuum
of dissociation and explains the difference between ordinary mood shifts
and trauma-induced dissociation. Chapters are devoted to the
therapeutic value of dissociation, triggers, mindfulness, “inner child”
parts, shame, your “future” self, and your relationships with family,
friends, and therapist.
Noblitt, J. R. and Perskin, Pamela. (1995) Cult and ritual abuse: Its history, anthropology, and recent discovery in contemporary America. Praeger Publishing, Westport, CT.
Noblitt, Randall, and Perskin, Pamela. (1995) Cult and ritual abuse: Its history, anthropology, and recent discovery in contemporary America. Praeger Publishing, Westport, CT.
SUMMARY: This book reviews both the published and unpublished accounts
of ritual abuse and the commentaries on this subject and also describes
one therapist’s personal experience in evaluating and treating
individuals who claim to have been ritually abused. In examining the
historical and anthropological background of such practices, accounts of
religions, cults, and fraternal organizations were found to have used
traumatic rituals to create altered states of consciousness. Apparently,
such mental states have sometimes been viewed as sacred, i.e., as the
magical catalyst for profound visions or possession by gods. In other
cases, these techniques have allegedly been used to establish
psychological control, which has existed largely in secrecy, essentially
unknown in the mental health professions. Based on patient accounts,
however, these traumatic acts of mind control occur in modern, civilized
societies, including contemporary America. The stories told by patients
include descriptions of abuse in sadistic ceremonies, some of which are
allegedly associated with satanic, luciferian, and other ideologies
alien to mainstream values. The psychiatric symptoms displayed by these
individuals are similar to those described as “possessed” in various
other cultures. The authors conclude that the diagnosis of multiple
personality disorder, or as it has been renamed, dissociative identity
disorder, is a Western version of what has been known historically and
anthropologically as possession. The authors discuss the controversy
over the validity of ritual abuse claims by the patients of mental
health professionals and the willingness of some therapists to believe
these claims. The controversy is fed by the politics of psychotherapy, a
generally unsympathetic and sometimes hostile media bias, and a growing
contingent of individuals who argue that current allegations of child
abuse are overstated. Appendixes contain a proposed diagnosis for cult
and ritual trauma disorder and a profile of the Society for the
Investigation, Treatment, and Prevention of Ritual and Cult Abuse.
O’Hagan, K. (1993) Emotional and psychological abuse of children. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Court out — Knowing or feeling — Definitions of
emotional and psychological abuse — Emotional development–emotional
abuse — Psychological development–psychological abuse — Global,
cultural and historical contexts — Emotional and psychological abuse
within the modern child care system — Organized ritual abuse — Case
histories — Parents — Single teenage mothers: The social, economic,
and cultural constructs — Parents with mental health problems —
Parents of children failing to thrive — Observation, communication and
assessment — The emotional and psychological abuse of Michelle —
Implications for management and training.
NOTE: This book aims to
enable practitioners to articulate precisely what is meant by the terms
’emotional’ and ‘psychological’ abuse; to be able to identify it, and to
formulate effective strategies for dealing with it. The author
identifies certain categories of parent and parental circumstances which
are conducive to the emotional and psychological abuse of children. He
makes clear however, that parents are not the only care-givers who abuse
children in this way. He explores such abuse within a historical,
global and cultural context, and examines recent inquiry reports which
have exposed the emotional and psychological abuse of children within
the child care and child protection systems. Numerous case histories are
provided, and one is explored in detail within the context of new child
care legislation.
Oksana, Chrystine. (1994) Safe passage to healing: A guide for survivors of ritual abuse. Harper Perennial, NY. NY.
NOTE: In the format of The Courage to Heal.
This book helps demystifies ritual abuse cults and methods and offers
groundbreaking healing strategies. Standard guide for anyone treating
survivors of ritual abuse. Highly recommended.
Olsen, Sarah E. Becoming one: A story of triumph over MPD. Trilogy Books, 50 S Delacey Ave, #201, Pasadena, CA 91105.
Palermo, George B. and Del Re, Michele C. (1999) Satanism: Psychiatric and legal views. C.C. Thomas, Springfield, IL.
Patterson, Earl S. (1987) Satanism: The group and the loss of self. Fatick Press, Meriden, CT.
Prendergast, William E The merry-go-round of sexual abuse: Identifying and treating survivors. Haworth Press, NY, NY. 1993
NOTE: Topics treated in this book include distinguishing
characteristics of survivors of rape, incest, and ritual abuse, how
survivors deal with sexual trauma, “imprinting” as a result of early
seduction/molestation, behavioral effects of sexual trauma, and various
aspects of survivor treatment. Each chapter has vignettes from the
author’s experiences of working with survivors since 1961.
Putnam, F. W. (1986). “Treatment of multiple personality: State of the art.” In Braun, B. G. (ed.) Treatment of multiple personality disorder, pp 175-198. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
Putnam, Frank W. (1989) Diagnosis and treatment of multiple personality disorder. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
Reed, Robert D. and Kaus, Danek S. (1992) Ritual child abuse: How and where to find facts and get help. R&E Publishers, Saratoga, CA.
Reid, Greg (1995). Orphans in the storm: Male survivors of sexual and ritual abuse. Youthfire Publications, El Paso, TX and The American Focus on Satanic Crime Vol. 27. American Focus Publishers, Edison, NJ.
NOTE: Part One contains facts helpful to professionals and Part Two
addresses personal issues molested boys, teens and men face on the road
to healing
Reviere, Susan L. (1997) Memory and childhood trauma: A clinician’s guide to the literature. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
Reynolds, M. (1991) The reality: The truths about satanic/ritualistic abuse and multiple personality disorder. Privately printed, P.O. Box 68l83, Portland OR 97268.
NOTE: An excellent introduction to the recognition of satanic abuse,
with a glossary, lists of phobias and holidays, etc., and a first-person
account of several rituals.
Richards, Roberta and Rachel 2. (1993) The devil next door. Sunflower Ink, Carmel, CA.
NOTE: Case studies of ritual abuse victims and multiple personalities.
Rivera, Margo. (1996) More alike than different: Treating severely dissociative trauma survivors. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada.
Rogers, Alexandra (1994). For survival’s sake workbook. The Rogers Co., P.O. Box 1102, Lewiston, NY 14092.
NOTE: Therapy workbook for survivors of ritualistic, religious and organizational abuse, with segments for multiples.
Rose, Emilie P. (1996) Reaching for the light: A guide for ritual abuse survivors and their therapists. Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, OH.
TABLE OF CONTENTS:: Foreword (Renee Frederickson): Preface:
Introduction: Prelude: Davida Angelica roared: The basics: What is
ritual abuse?: Building networks: Interlude I: Michelle’s story: Kid
management: Interlude II: Adam’s story: Reprogramming: overcoming Mind
control: Loss and grief: Interlude III: Living the questions: Facing
Evil: Interlude IV: Baby angels: reclaiming ritual as an agent of
healing: Interlude V: from a child survivor of ritual abuse: Healing our
spiritual selves: Interlude VI: Love in real: Long-term healing: For
therapists and helpers: Postlude: Courageous hope: Definitions: Guided
imagery for creating a safe place: Notes: The survivor’s glossary of
medical terms.
Ross, Colin A. (1989) Multiple personality disorder: Diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment. John Wiley, NY, NY.
NOTE: Places MPD in the spectrum of dissociative disorders. The
material on treatment is respectful and contains many useful ideas.
Ross, Colin A. (1995) Satanic ritual abuse: Principles of treatment. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada and Buffalo, NY.
NOTE: Describes a treatment method for satanic ritual abuse survivors
with multiple personality disorder (MPD) in which the interventions can
be used regardless of what percentage of the memories are real. Provides
guidelines for how to recognize and treat such cases. Contemporary
satanic ritual abuse in a context of Judaeo-Christian culture and is
rooted in themes of dissociation, dualism, and projection.
Ross, Colin A. (1997) Dissociative identity disorder: Diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment of multiple personality, 2nd ed. Wiley, NY, NY.
Ross, Colin A. (2000) A. Bluebird: deliberate creation of multiple personality by psychiatrists. Manitou Communications, Richardson, TX.
SUMMARY: BLUEBIRD was a CIA mind control program that ran from 1951 to
1953. Using the medical school library, out-of-print books, and requests
filed through the Freedom of Information Act, Ross documents that the
CIA and military intelligence agencies have been creating multiple
personality experimentally, and using these subjects in courier and
infiltration operations. Includes material on remote transmitters and
drug experiments on children, A complete listing of MKULTRA Subprojects,
correspondence between Estabrooks and J. Edgar Hoover, and other
documents is included in the Appendices. Afterword by Margaret Singer.
Rossman, B.B. and Rosenberg, Mindy S. (eds.) (1998) Multiple victimization of children: Conceptual, developmental, research, and treatment issues. Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, Binghamton, NY.
Rothschild, Babette. (2000) The body remembers: The psychophysiology of trauma and trauma treatment. W.W.Norton, NY, NY.
Rothschild, Babette. (2003) The body remembers casebook: Unifying methods and models in the treatment of trauma and PTSD. W.W.Norton, NY, NY.
NOTE: Advocates tailoring therapy to individual cases and demonstrates
the use of psychodynamic, cognitive, EMDR, SIBAM and other therapies in
trauma treatment.
Ryder, D. (1992) Breaking the circle of ritual satanic abuse: Recognizing and recovering from the hidden trauma. CompCare Publishers, Minneapolis, MN.
NOTE A book on healing from ritual satanic abuse that combines current
therapeutic approaches to post trauma states with the 12-step philosophy
of Survivors of Incest Anonymous.
Sachs, Roberta G. (1986). “The adjunctive role of support systems in the treatment of multiple personality disorder.” In Braun, B. G. (ed.), Treatment of multiple personality disorder, pp 175-198. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
Sachs, Roberta G. (1993) “Use of sand trays in the
beginning treatment of a patient with dissociative disorder.” In Kluft,
Richard P and Fine, Catherine G (ed.). Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder Am. Psyc. Press, Washington DC, pp. 301-310.
NOTE: Investigators and clinicians working with normal subjects and
dissociative disorder patients have been exploring a variety of
techniques for bringing previously inaccessible memories back to
conscious awareness. The purpose of my discussion here is to illustrate
the clinical use of sand trays for uncovering dissociated material.
First, I offer a brief historical review of the sand tray techniques.
Second, I illustrate the use of sand trays with materials from the
treatment of a patient with dissociative disorder, supplemented by the
patient’s retrospective verbal reports about her state of mind during
the time of her experiences with the sand tray technique. [Text, p. 302]
KEY WORDS: Adults – Case Report – Dissociative Identity Disorder –
European Americans – Females – Play Therapy – Ritual Abuse – Survivors
Sachs, Roberta G. and Peterson, Judith (1994). Processing memories retrieved by trauma victims and survivors: A primer for therapists. Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute, 1310 Clinic Drive, Tyler, TX 75701.
St. Clair, Moriah S.(1998) Abused beyond words: The healing journey of reclaiming our inner power and peace by speaking the unspeakable truth. Pathways United Publications, Corte Madera, CA.
Sakheim, David and Devine, Susan (eds.) (1992) Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse. Lexington Books, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The history of satanic religions, satanic beliefs
and practices: Alternative hypotheses regarding claims of satanic cult
activity: A critical analysis: Child forensic evaluation and claims of
ritual abuse or satanic activity: A law-enforcement perspective on
allegations of ritual abuse: Psychological testing: The experience of
five families: constructivist self-development theory: A theoretical
model of psychological adaptation to severe trauma: Diagnosis and
treatment of ritually abused children: Recognition and treatment of
survivors reporting ritual abuse: Bound by the boundaries: Therapy
issues in work with individuals exposed to severe trauma.
This book is a balanced presentation of the phenomena of patients
reporting Satanic Ritual Abuse as can be seen by the chapter titles
listed above. The descriptions of satanic symbols and rituals are
purposely vague and general so there won’t be accusations of planting
memories or contamination. Furthermore, therapists are cautioned about
the use of leading questions. The book is intended as a guide for
therapists who encounter clients reporting ritual abuse. It also
provides an interesting historical account and evolution of satanism,
and compares ritual abuse to other forms of documented mind control.
Sakheim, David K. (1996) “Clinical aspects of sadistic ritual abuse.” in Michelson, Larry K. and Ray, William J. (ed.) Handbook of dissociation: Theoretical, empirical, and clinical perspectives. pp. 569-594. Plenum, NY, NY.
NOTE: In this chapter, Sakheim begins by defining ritual abuse and
discussing modifiers such as “satanism” that have been applied to its
description. Calling for more research, he begins by describing reports
from a variety of sources related to ritual abuse . He then moves to a
metacognition level and examines 4 of the ways in which people have
related to these reports. By utilizing 4 approaches previously suggested
by Greaves, general reactions can be characterized as coming from (1)
Nihilists, (2) Apologists, (3) Heuristics, and (4) Methodologists.
Unfortunately, Sakheim points out, there are no Methodologists since
there are so few hard data at this time. However, the mere description
of ritual abuse brings forth many complex and difficult questions for
treating such abuse victims. This chapter emphasizes that these occur on
both the level of the patient, whose information one must process in
therapy, and on the level of the therapist, who must consider his or her
own personal reactions to hearing stories of ritual abuse.
[Introduction, p. 567]
Saliba, John A. 1987 Psychiatry and the cults: An annotated bibliography. Garland Publishing, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Sources for the study of psychiatry and the cults —
Psychiatry and the cults in historical perspective — Religion,
psychology, and psychiatry — General studies on cults and sects —
Studies on particular cults and sects — Psychiatry and the cults in
cross-cultural perspective — Theoretical studies on, and specific
examples of, folk psychiatry — Studies on shamanism and related
phenomena — Current psychological and psychiatric studies on the new
cults — Meditation and yoga — Pentecostal and charismatic groups —
Studies on, and related to, the brainwashing versus conversion
SUMMARY: (from the preface) Apart from Chapter One,
which lists the sources used in compiling this bibliography, three major
chapters covering the historical, cross-cultural, and contemporary
dimensions, comprise the bulk of cited works. Chapter Two annotates
those works on the cults and related topics before 1973, when the
current controversy arose. Chapter Three deals with cults or new
religious movements in non-Western societies. Chapter Four deals with
contemporary writings and takes into account those essays and books
published since 1973.
Salter, A. C. (1988) Treating child sex offenders and victims: A practical guide. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA.
Samways, Louise. (1994) Dangerous persuaders: An expose of personal and cults, and how they operate in Australia. Penguin Books, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia.
Sandberg, D., Lynn, S. J. and Green, J. P. (1994).”Sexual abuse and re-victimization: Mastery, dysfunctional learning and dissociation.” In Lynn, S. J. and Rhue, J. W. (eds.), Dissociation: Clinical and theoretical perspectives, pp. 242-267. The Guilford Press, NY, NY.
Sanders, T. L. (1991) Male survivors: 12-step recovery program for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA.
NOTE: Spiritually oriented workbook for male survivors.
Sanford, D. (1990) Don’t make me go back, Mommy: A child’s book about satanic ritual abuse. Multnomah Press, Portland, OR.
NOTE: Children’s book written for five to eight year olds. A little
girl discloses about ritual abuse in day care and is believed and helped
by her parents and therapist. Popular with adults with inner children.
Sanford, Linda T. (1990) Strong at the broken places: Overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse. Random House and Avon, NY, NY.
Schwartz, Harvey L. (2000) Dialogues with
forgotten voices: Relational perspectives on child abuse trauma and the
treatment of severe dissociative disorders. Basic Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: A complex and technical treatment of the dynamics of victims of
extreme childhood abuse, perpetrators, and helping professionals.
Contains many references to ritual abuse throughout the book.
Scott, Sara. (2001) Politics and experience of ritual abuse: Beyond disbelief. Open University, Buckingham, England and Philadelphia, PA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Child sexual abuse – the shaping of a
social problem – Unreliable witnesses – memories and moral panic – The
nature of the beast – pornography, prostitution and everyday life – The
flesh and the word – beliefs and believing in ritual abuse – The Gender
of horror – Making death meaningful – Composing the self – Conclusion –
Appendix – Bibliography
NOTE: A sociological study of and case
studies British ritual abuse survivors, supplemented with data from
American survivors. Focuses on why ritual abuse has aroused such
controversy. Feminist view point.
Scully, D. (1990) Understanding sexual violence: A study of convicted rapists. Unwin Hyman, London, England.
Sinason, V. (1994) Treating survivors of satanic abuse. Routledge, London, England and NY, NY.
NOTE: Thirty-four chapters by different authors covering a wide variety
of subjects. Consistently respectful and humane, excellent
Smith, Margaret. (1993) Ritual abuse: What it is, why it happens, how to help. HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, CA
NOTE: A general introduction to RA and healing, written by a
survivor/multiple, with a chapter on getting out if you are currently
Smith, Margaret. (1993) It’s love and unity I want: A healing guide for ritual abuse survivors and the people who support them. Privately printed: Reaching Out, 1296 E. Gibson Road, #128, Woodland CA 95776.
Snowden, Kathy K. Satanic cult ritual abuse. Richmond Psychotherapy Associates, Richmond.
Speigel, D (1986). “Dissociation, double binds and post traumatic stress in multiple personality disorder.” In Braun, B. G. (ed.), Treatment of multiple personality disorder, pp.61-78. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC.
Stoller, R.J. (1975) Perversion: The erotic form of hatred. Pantheon Books, NY, NY and (1986) American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
Stover, E. and Nightingale, E. (1985) The breaking of bodies and minds: Torture, psychiatric abuse, and the health professions. Freeman and Co., NY, NY
Sullivan, Kathleen. Lessons we have jearned: A survival guide. PARC-VRAMC, 5251 Hwy. 153, #223, Hixson, TN 37343-4910.
NOTE: This book is a compilation of advice shared by nine recovering
adult governmental mind-control survivors, most of whom are also
recovering from ritual abuse. Contains a resource section.
Suedfeld, P. (1990) Psychology and torture. Hemisphere, NY. NY.
Swartz, R. (1995). Internal family systems therapy. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
Taylor, Brice. Revivification: A gentle, alternative memory retrieval process for trauma survivors. Available from Brice Taylor Trust, P.O. Box 655, Landrum, SC 29356.
Terr, L. (1994). Unchained memories: True stories of traumatic memories, lost and found. Basic Books, NY, NY.
Thomas, T. (1989). Men surviving incest: A male survivor shares the process of recovery. Launch Press, Walnut Creek, CA.
NOTE: Addresses isolation, stigmatization, fear, and conflict as experienced by male survivors. Based on a 12-step model.
Tobias and Lalich (1994). Captive hearts, captive minds: Freedom and recovery from cults and abusive relationships. Hunter House, Alameda, CA.
Torem M. S. (1986) “Eating disorders in patients with MPD.” In Kluft, R. P. (ed.), Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder, pp. 343-353. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC.
Van der Hart, Onno, Boon, Suzette, and Jansen, Olga
Heijtmajer. (1997) “Ritual abuse in European countries: A clinician’s
perspective.” In Fraser, George A (ed.). The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists. 1st ed; Washington: Am. Psych. Press, pp. 137-163. ISBN: 0-88048-478-0
NOTE: In this chapter, we present an overview of relevant material
pertaining to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) cases involving children in
both Great Britain and the Netherlands, diagnostic issues regarding SRA
in children and adult DID patients in the Netherlands, treatment issues,
and issues related to the credibility of SRA accounts. [Text, p. 139]
van der Kolk, Bessel A. (1987). Psychological trauma. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC.
van der Kolk, Bessel A. (1994) The body keeps the score: Memory and the evolving psychobiology of posttraumatic stress. Harvard Medical School Press, Cambridge, MA.
van der Kolk, Bessel A., McFarlane, Alexander and Weisaeth, Lars, eds. (1997) Traumatic stress: The effects of overwhelming experience on mind, body, and society. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
Waites, Elizabeth A. (1993) “Ritualization and abuse.” In Trauma and survival: Post-traumatic and dissociative disorders in women. pp. 202-210. W.W. Norton, NY, NY.
NOTE: This chapter provides a background for understanding ritual abuse: its origins, appeal, effects and treatment.
Waites, Elizabeth A. (1993) Trauma and survival: Post-traumatic and dissociative disorders in women. W.W. Norton, NY, NY.
Walsh, Barent W. and Rosen, Paul M. (1988) Self-mutilation: theory, research, and treatment. The Guilford Press, NY, NY.
NOTE: A study of self-mutilation in various populations that stresses that self-mutilation is not a suicide equivalent.
Waterman, Jill, Kelly, Robert J. Oliveri, Mary Kay, abd McCord, Jane.Behind the playground walls: Sexual abuse in preschools. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
NOTE: (from the jacket) Representing over six years of research with
children reporting nonritualistic and ritualistic sexual abuse in
preschool settings, this book examines the effects of reported
molestation on young children and their families. Based on data gathered
from the children, parents, and therapists in a comparison study, the
book covers the effects on children’s behavior, fears, PTSD symptoms,
sexuality, achievement, school performance, and self-concept. The ways
in which the children and their families coped with reports of abuse and
the factors associated with positive short- and long-term outcome are
detailed. Part I of the book outlines the scope of the problem. Cases
from two communities — alleged ritualistic abuse in several preschools
in Manhattan Beach, California, and nonritualistic abuse in a preschool
day care setting in Reno, Nevada — are described and compared with a
control group of nonabused children from southern California. The
background literature is reviewed, as are the methods, procedures, and
limitations of the study. Chapters in Part II offer perspectives on what
happened to the children and the patterns of disclosure in therapy.
Part III concentrates on the aftermath of such cases, with separate
chapters on the children’s overall levels of distress and cognitive,
emotional, interpersonal, sexual, and school-related effects. The impact
of sexual abuse on the children’s parents, families, and therapists is
discussed in Part IV. Factors that were associated with positive outcome
for the children, both in the short term and at follow-up 5 years after
initial disclosure, are then covered in Part V. Part VI presents
community and research perspectives on the findings by well-known child
abuse experts, and concludes with the authors’ recommendations for
Watson P. (1978) War on the mind: The military uses and abuses of psychology. (1980) Penguin, NY, NY, (1978) Basic Books, NY, NY, (1978) Hutchinson, London, England, and (1981) Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England.
Whitfield, Charles L. (1995) Memory and abuse: Remembering and healing the effects of trauma. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL.
NOTE: The “false memory” debate is covered in detail, with extensive
documentation regarding FMSF. Dr. Whitfield presents extensive
well-documented information on traumatic memory by researchers over the
past 100 years.
Williams, M. B. (1994). “Establishing safety in survivors of severe sexual abuse.” In Williams, M. B., and Sommer, J. F. (eds.), Handbook of post-traumatic therapy, pp. 162-178. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT.
Williams, Mary Beth and Soili Poijula (2002) The PTSD Workbook: Simple, Effective Techniques for Overcoming Traumatic Stress Symptoms. New Harbinger Publications, Oakland, CA.
Wilson, J. P. and Raphael, B. (eds.) (1993). International handbook of traumatic stress syndromes. Plenum Press, NY, NY.
Wilson, J. P., and Lindy, J. D. (ed.) (1994). Countertransference in the treatment of PTSD. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
Wilson, J. P., (1994). “The need for an integrative theory of post-traumatic stress disorder.” In Williams, M. B., and Sommer, J. F. (eds.) Handbook of post traumatic therapy, pp. 3-18. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT.
Woodsum, Gayle M. (1998) The ultimate challenge: A revolutionary, sane and sensible response to ritualistic and cult-related abuse. Action Resources International, Laramie, WY.
Young, Walter C. (1992) “Recognition and treatment
of survivors reporting ritual abuse.” pp. 249-278. In Sakheim, David K.
and Devine, Susan, (eds.) Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse. Lexington Books/Macmillan, NY, NY.
NOTE: Addresses ritual abuse from the standpoint of those patients who
report ongoing abuse since early childhood at the hands of satanic
cults, not only in formalized ceremonies but also on a day-to-day basis
within the family. Outlines the presentation and recognition of patients
who report ritual abuse and examines the complex treatment issues
involved in their rehabilitation.
Young, Walter C. and Young, Linda J. (1997)
“Recognition and special treatment issues in patients reporting
childhood sadistic ritual abuse.” In Fraser, George A (ed.). The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists. 1st ed; Washington: Am. Psych. Press, pp. 65-103. ISBN: 0-88048-478-0
NOTE: The purpose of this chapter is to review reports of the Sadistic
Ritual Abuse (SRA) phenomenon, to discuss credibility of the accounts,
and to describe current issues in its treatment, including preparation
for treatment, general treatment issues, management of cultic or satanic
alters, pharmacological treatment, and controversy over historical
accuracy. Controversial trends in the etiology and treatment of SRA
cases are also discussed. It should be kept in mind that the
controversy surrounding SRA continues to heighten. Actual clinical
interpretations may be considerably different if scientific data should
support patients’ accounts or, from an opposing viewpoint, if a socially
contagious, media-influenced syndrome is shown to run its course among
dissociative, suggestible individuals. [Text, p. 68]