Ritual Abuse: Primary and Secondary Source Books

Andres, R. and Lane, J. R. (1988) Cults and consequences: The definitive handbook. Commission on Cults and Missionaries, Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles, 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Anon. (1980) The Mind control papers. Editors of Freedom, Los Angeles, CA.
NOTE: This appears to be a collection of declassified CIA documents.

Appel, W. (1983) Cults in America: Programmed for Paradise. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, NY.
NOTE: Recruitment methods, indoctrination, brainwashing, and exit counseling from above-board modern American cults.

Bainbridge, William. (1978) Satan’s Power: A deviant psychotherapy cult.  Univ. of CA Press, Berkeley, CA.
NOTE: On the Process (called “the Power” by Bainbridge.) The Process, an English group, incorporated in the US in January 1968. This book contains chapters describing Charles Manson’s link to the Process.

Barton, B. (1990) The secret life of a satanist: The authorized biography of Anton LaVey. Feral House, Los Angeles, CA.

Barton, B. (1990) The church of satan: A history of the world’s most notorious religion. Hell’s Kitchen Productions, NY. NY
NOTE: Approved by the Church of satan.of Anton LaVey. Feral House: Los Angeles, CA.

Baskin, Wade. (1971) Dictionary of satanism. Philosophical Library, NY, NY.
NOTE: A dictionary of magic and satanic terms.

Blood, Linda Osborne. (1994) The new satanists. Warner, NY, NY.
NOTE: Contains information about the history of Satanism, details of documented ritual abuse cases, and information about current Satanic groups and organizations. Also documents the arrest and investigation of Lt. Col. Aquino for his alleged rape and occult ritual abuse of children who attended the Army day-care center in Presidio, CA. There are descriptions of similar investigations into alleged ritual abuse at other military day-care centers.

Burnett-Rae, Alan. (1971) Aleister Crowley: a memoir of 666. edited by Victor Hall; with four poems by Aleister Crowley. Vision Press, London, England.

Cameron, Ewen. (1968) Psychotherapy in action. Grune and Stratton, Gillmor, NY, NY.

Cavendish, R. (l967) The black arts. Wideview/Perigree, NY, NY.
NOTE: A readable and complete scholarly history of numerology, the Cabala, alchemy, and satanism, with a clear explanation of satanic theology.

Cerullo, Morris. (1973) The back side of satan. Creation House, Carol Stream, IL.
NOTE: Satanism and witchcraft in the United States.

Cervantes, Fernando. (1994) The devil in the New World: The impact of diabolism in New Spain. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, CT.
NOTE: History of satanism in Mexico.

Cohn, N. (1993) Europe’s inner demons: The demonization of Christians in medieval Christendom. Pimlico, London, England.

Cooper, John Charles. (1990) The black mask: Satanism in America today. F.H. Revell, Old Tappan, NJ.

(Note: Crowley was a prolific writer, with approximately sixty books to his credit. We have listed only those with sections that seem most apt to have served as source material for abusive rituals.)

Crowley, Aleister. (1969) The confessions of Aleister Crowley: An autohagiography. Cape, London. Also (1970) Hill and Wang, NY, NY and (1979) Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, England and Boston, MA.

Crowley, Aleister. (1973) Book 4: Magick. Edited, annotated, and introduced by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant. Routledge and K. Paul, London, England.

Crowley, Aleister. (1973) Magick without tears. Edited by Israel Regardie. Llewellyn, St. Paul, MN. Edited with annotations by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant. Duckworth, London, England. Also (1982) Falcon Press, Phoenix, AZ and (1983) Magick without tears: unexpurgated, commented (being the Oriflamme, volume VI, no. 3-4). Duckworth, London, England and Society Ordo Templi Orientis International, Nashville, TN.

Crowley, Aleister. (1973) The book of the law (technically called Liber al vel legis sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI) An Ixii sol in Aries March 21, 1973 e.v. Thelema Pub., Oceanside, CA.

Crowley, Aleister. (1974) Magical and philosophical commentaries on “The book of the law” Edited and annotated by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant. 93 Publishing, Montreal, Canada and S. Weiser, York Beach, ME.

Crowley, Aleister. (1974) The works of Aleister Crowley. Gordon Press, NY, NY.

Crowley, Aleister. (1975) The law is for all: An extended commentary on “The book of the law.”  Edited, with an introduction, by Israel Regardie. Llewellyn, St. Paul, MN. Also (1983) Falcon Press, Phoenix, AZ.

Crowley, Aleister. (1976) Magick in theory and practice. Dove, NY, NY.

Crowley, Aleister. (1983) The holy books of Thelema. S. Weiser, York Beach, ME,.

Daraul, Arkon.. (1962) A History of Secret Societies. Citadel Press, Secaucus, NJ.

Delgado, José Manuel Rodríguez, (1962) Pharmacological analysis of central nervous action. Pergamon, Oxford, UK.

Delgado, José Manuel Rodríguez, (1965) Evolution of physical control of the brain. American Museum of Natural History, NY, NY.

Delgado, J.M.R. (1966) Emotions. Self-Selection Psychology Textbook. W.C. Brown., Dubuque, IA.

Delgado, Jose Manuel Rodriguez. (1969) Physical control of the mind: Toward a psychocivilized society. Harper and Row, NY, NY.

Delgado, J.M.R., Obrador, S., & Martin-Rodriquez, J.G. (1973) “Two-way radio communication with the brain in psychosurgical patients” In Laitinen, L.V. and Livingston (ed.), Surgical approaches in psychiatry Medical and Technical Publishing. Lancaster, England,

Delgado, J.M.R. (1977) “Therapeutic programmed stimulation of the brain in man.” In Sweet, W., Obrador, S., and Martin-Rodriguez, J.G. (eds.), Neurosurgical treatment in psychiatry, pain, and epilepsy. Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, MD, pp.615-637.

Estabrooks, George (1943 and 1957) Hypnotism. Dutton, NY, NY.
NOTE: Estabrooks was a consultant and researcher for the OSS and later the CIA, based at Colgate University. The 1943 edition has accounts of personal experiments and anecdotes of effects of hypnosis. Mentions work done with the War Department, including the possibility of creating programmed couriers and assassins. See especially the chapters on hypnosis in warfare and crime.

Estabrooks, George H. and Gross, Nancy E. (1961) The future of the human mind. Dutton, NY, NY.
NOTE: Contains material on parapsychology and  extrasensory perception.

French, Joel. (1991) The secret diary of a satan worshipper New Leaf Press, Green Forest, AZ.
NOTE: Christian autobiography

Galanter, Marc. (1989) Cults: Faith, healing and coercion. Oxford Univ. NY, NY.

Galanter, Marc (Ed.) (1989) Cults and new religious movements. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
NOTE: Examination of the spectrum of religious movements. Does not include Satanism.

Grant, Kenneth, (1973) Aleister Crowley and the hidden god. Muller, London, England.

Hassan, S. (1989) Combatting cult mind control. Park Street Press, Rochester, VT.
NOTE: An analysis of above-board cult induction, brainwashing, and exit counseling techniques.

Johnston, J. (1989) The edge of evil: The rise of satanism in North America. Word Publishing, Dallas, TX.

Katchen, Martin H. (1992) “Satanic beliefs and practices.” In Sakheim, David K. and Devine, Susan (eds.)  Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse. pp. 21-43. Lexington Books/Macmillan, NY, NY.
NOTE: (from the introduction) Provides some insight into the significance that these groups (i.e., satanic groups) attribute to rituals, symbols, objects, numbers, and dates.

King, Francis. (1977) The magical world of Aleister Crowley. Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, NY. NY. Also (1977) Weidenfeld and Nicolson: London. England.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. (1969) The satanic Bible. Avon, NY, NY.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. (1971) The compleat witch; Or, what to do when virtue fails. Dodd, Mead, NY, NY.

LaVey, Anton Szandor, (1972) The satanic rituals. Avon, NY, NY.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. (1992) The devil’s notebook. Feral House, Portland, OR.

LaVey, Anton Szandor. (1998) Satan speaks! Feral House, Venice, CA.

Lewis, James R. (2001) Satanism today: An encyclopedia of religion, folklore, and popular culture. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.  

Lilly, J.C. (1960) “Injury and excitation of brain by electrical current.” In Ramey, E.R.and .O’Doherty, D.S (eds) Electrical studies of the unanesthetized brain,. Hoeber, NY, NY pp.96-105

Lockwood, Craig. (1993) Other alters: Roots and realities of cultic and satanic ritual abuse and multiple personality disorder Compcare Publications, Minneapolis, MN.

Lodge, Thomas, (1558?-1625) (1969) Wits miserie and the worlds madnesse. In the series: “The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile,” no. 198. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam: Da Capo Press, NY, NY.
NOTE: Original title page reads: “VVils miserie, and the VVorlds madnesse: discouering the deuils incarnat of this age. London, Printed by Adam Islip, and are to be sold by Cutbert Burby, at his shop by the Roiall-Exchange, 1596. S.T.C. no. 16677.”

Los Angeles County Commission for Women. Ritual abuse: Definitions, glossary, the use of mind control. Available from: Ritual Abuse Task Force, 383 Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
NOTE: Small, concise booklet, often cited.

Manson, Charles, and Emmons, Nuel. (1986) Manson in his own words. Grove Press, NY, NY.

Masello, Robert. (1996) Raising hell: A concise history of the black arts — and those who dared to practice them. Berkley Pub. Group, NY, NY.

Masters, Anthony, (1978) The devil’s dominion: The complete story of hell and satanism in the modern world. Putnam, NY, NY.

Medway, Gareth J. (2001)Lure of the sinister: The unnatural history of satanism.NY Univ. Press, NY, NY.

Melton, J. Gordon. (ed) (1988 and 1994) The encyclopedia of American religions, religious creeds: A compilation of more than 450 creeds, confessions, statements of faith, and summaries of doctrine of religious and spiritual groups in the United States and Canada. Gale Research Co., Detroit, MI. See also Melton, J. G. (1992) Encyclopedic handbook of cults in America. Garland, NY, NY and London, England

Melton, J. Gordon. (ed.) (1990)Rosicrucianism in America. Garland, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The grand secret, or, Physical love in health and disease / Paschal B. Randolph — The book of the triplicate order / Paschal B. Randolph — The master key of love and the psychology of human behaviour / Harry O. Saxon — Rosicrucian symbology / KHEI — Regeneration / F.B. Dowd — Rosikrucianism / Sergius Rosenkruz.

Michelet, Jules, (1992) Satanism and witchcraft: The classic study of medieval superstition. Translated from the French by Allinson, A.R. Carol Pub., NY, NY.
NOTE: History of witchcraft and satanism in Europe to 1500.

Minnery, Tom (ed) (1986) Pornography: A human tragedy: With excerpts from the surgeon general’s report and attorney general’s commission. Tyndale  House, Wheaton, IL

Nevius, John Livingston. (1968) Demon possession, 8th ed. Pref. by Merrill F. Unger.Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI.
NOTE: First edition published in 1895 under title: Demon possession and allied themes. F. H. Revell, Chicago, IL.

Newton, M. (1993) Raising hell: An encyclopedia of devil worship and satanic crime. Avon Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: Short, accurate entries on a variety of subjects. Extensive bibliography, but entries are not referenced.

Newton, Toyne, Walker, Charles, and Brown, Alan. (1987) The demonic connection: An investigation into satanism in England and the international black magic conspiracy. Poole, NY, NY, also Blandford Press, NY, NY,

Newton, Toyne.(2002) The dark worship.Vega, London, England.
NOTE: (From the publisher’s description) A historian of the occult sheds new light on the influence of groups such as the Gnostics, Sufis, Assassins, Druids, Templars, and other secret societies whose members have included British and French royalty and leaders in modern American governments. Little-known groups such as the Black Sorcerers, Friends of Hekate, and Zoroastrian Priesthood receive their notorious due, with photos of worship sites, ritual objects, and hidden documents.

Noblitt, Randall, and Perskin, Pamela. (1995) Cult and ritual abuse: Its history, anthropology, and recent discovery in contemporary America. Praeger Publishing, Westport. CT.

Nugent, C. (1983) Masks of satan:the demonic in history. Sheed and Ward, London, England.

Parfitt, Will, and Drylie, A. (1976) A Crowley cross-index. ZRO, Bath, England.

Parkin, David, ed.. (1985) The anthropology of evil. Oxfordshire, Oxford, England and Blackwell, NY, NY. 

Penfield, Wilder and Kristiansen, K. (1951) Epileptic seizure patterns. Thomas, Springfield, IL.

Penfield, Wilder and Jasper Herbert. (1954) Epilepsy and the functional anatomy of the human brain. Little, Brown, Boston, MA.

Penfield, Wilder and Rasmussen, T. (1957) The cerebral cortex of man: A clinical study of localization of function. Macmillan, NY, NY.

Penfield, Wilder. (1958) The excitable eortex in eonscious man. Liverpool Univ. Press, Liverpool, England.

Penfield, Wilder and Roberts, L. (1959) Speech and brain mechanisms. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.

Penfield, Wilder. (1975) The mystery of the mind. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.

Penfield, Wilder. (1977) No man alone: A neurosurgeon’s life. Little, Brown, Boston, MA.

Peterson, Alan H. (ed.) (2004) Signs and Symbols of Satan. American Focus Publishers, Edison, NJ.

Raschke, C. A. (1990) Painted black: From drug killings to heavy metal: The alarming true story of how satanism is terrorizing our communities. Harper/Row, San Francisco, CA.
NOTE: A history of above-board satanism in America.

Ranelagh, John (1986) The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA. Touchstone Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: A history of the CIA from its beginning to the Reagan era.

Regardie, Israel. (1968) Roll away the stone; An introduction to Aleister Crowley’s essays on the psychology of hashish. Llewellyn, St. Paul, MN.

Regardie, Israel. (1970) The eye in the triangle; An interpretation of Aleister Crowley. Llewellyn, St. Paul, MN. Also (1982) Falcon Press, Phoenix, AZ.

Regardie, Israel, and Stephensen, P.R. (1983) The legend of Aleister Crowley. Falcon Press, Phoenix, AZ.

Robbins, R.H. (1959). The encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology. Bonanza Books, NY, NY.

Roberts, Susan, (1978) The magician of the Golden Dawn: The story of Aleister Crowley. Contemporary Books, Chicago, IL.

Russell, Jeffrey Burton. 1977) The devil: Perceptions of evil from antiquity to primitive Christianity. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY.

Sargant, William. (1973) The mind possessed; A physiology of possession, mysticism, and faith healing Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA.

Sargant, William Walters, Slater, Eliot and Kelly, (1973) Demons. An Introduction to Physical Methods of Treatment in Psychiatry. Jason Aronson Inc; [5th ed.] edition (June 1, XXX

Sargant, William Walters. (1967) The unquiet mind: the autobiography of a physician in psychological medicine. Heinemann, London, England and Little, Brown, Boston, MA.

Sargant, William Walters. (1957) Battle for the mind; A physiology of conversion and brain-washing. Heinemann, London, England, (1975) Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. and (1997) Malor Books, Cambridge, MA.

Sargant, William Walters. (1946) An introduction to somatic methods of treatment in psychiatry. The Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA.

Sargant, William Walters and Slater, Eliot.(1972) An introduction to physical methods of treatment in psychiatry.Science House, NY, NY.

Seth, Ronald. (1977) In the name of the devil: Great Scottish witchcraft cases. Harrolds Publishers, London, England.

Somerset, Anne. (2003) The affair of the poisons: Murder, infanticide and satanism at the court of Louis XIV. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, England and (2004) St. Martin’s Press, NY, NY.

Stephensen, Percy Reginald, (1970) The legend of Aleister Crowley; being a study of the documentary evidence relating to a campaign of personal vilification unparalleled in literary history. With an introduction. by Israel Regardie. Llewellyn, Saint Paul, MN

Summers, Montague, ed. The supernatural omnibus: Being a collection of stories of apparitions, witchcraft, werewolves, diabolism, necromancy, satanism, divination, sorcery, goetry, voodoo, possession, occult, doom and destiny. Causeway Books, NY, NY.

Symonds, John. (1951) The Great Beast: The life and magick of Aleister Crowley. Rider and Co. and (1971) Macdonald and Co, London, England.         

Tierney, Patrick (1989) The highest alter: The story of human sacrifice. Viking Press, NY, NY.

Waite, Arthur Edward and Gilbert, R. A. (2003)Devil-worship in France, with Diana Vaughan and the question of modern Palladism. Weiser Books, Boston, MA
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Satanism in the nineteenth century — The mask of masonry — The first witnesses of Lucifer — Ex ore leonis — The discovery M. Ricoux — Art sacerdotal — The devil and the doctor — Dealings with Diana — How Lucifer is unmasked — The vendetta of Signor Margiotta — Female freemasonry — The passing of Doctor Bataille — Diana unveiled — The radix of modern diabolism — Diana Vaughan and the question of modern Palladism — The conspiracy in outline — The railleries of Dr. Bataille — The Margiotta embroilment — The Trent Congress and Diana Vaughan — The secret doctrine of Albert Pike — Women and freemasonry — Who is Diana Vaughan? — Some consequences of the conspiracy.

Wilson, Colin. (1973) The occult. Vintage Books, NY, NY.

Zacharias, Gerhard P. (1980) The satanic cult. Translated from the German Satanskult und Schwarze Messe by Christine Trollope. Allen and Unwin, Boston, MA and London, England.