Ammerman, R. T. (1991) Case studies in family violence. Plenum Press: New York.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part I. General issues — Family violence: A clinical overview — Social and ecological issues in violence toward children — The ecology of domestic aggression toward adult victims — Legal issues in violence toward children — Legal issues in violence toward adults — Medical issues with child victims of family violence — Medical issues with adult victims of family violence — Part II. Violence toward children — Child physical abuse — Child neglect — Child sexual abuse — Incest — Ritual abuse — Maltreatment of handicapped children — The child witness of family violence — Psychological and emotional abuse of children — Part III. Violence toward adults — Wife battering — Psychological maltreatment of spouses — Marital rape — Elder abuse — Domestic homicide — Index.
SUMMARY: Case studies in family violence elucidates the complex and multidisciplinary clinical issues encountered in treating family violence through the investigation of individual case examples of the different forms of family violence. Chapters detail cases reflecting various forms of abuse, as well as the social, legal, and medical issues involved in violence against both children and adults. Several recently recognized types of maltreatment are explored, including the abuse and neglect of handicapped children, the child witness of family violence, and psychological, emotional, and ritual abuse. Other topics covered include wife battering, elder maltreatment, marital rape, psychological mistreatment of spouses, and domestic homicide. All chapters devoted to specific forms of abuse use the same format, examining medical, social, family, and legal issues; the assessment of psychopathology; and a variety of treatment options.
Burgess, Ann Wolbert and Grant, Christine A. (1988). Children traumatized in sex rings. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 550, Arlington, VA 22201-3052
NOTE: Includes chapters on assessment, types of sex rings, response patterns of traumatized children, interviewing victims, treatment and legal issues.
Dubois, William Edward Lee. (1992) Occult crime: Detection, investigation, and verification. San Miguel Press: Las Vegas, NM.
Goodman, Gail, Aman, Christine and Hirschman, Jodi (1987). “Child sexual and physical abuse: Children’s testimony.” In Children’s eyewitness memory. S.J. Ceci, M.P. Toglia and D.F. Ross (Eds.). Springer-Verdag: NY, NY.
NOTE: Presents research results affirming credibility of children’s reports of sexual abuse, with reference to the Country Walk case in Miami, Florida.
Gunderson, Ted L. (1992) Corruption: The satanic cult drug network and missing children. Vol. I & II. Available from Ted L. Gunderson & Associates, 2210 Wilshire Blvd., #422, Santa Monica, CA 90403.
NOTE: Articles from a wide variety of sources, including police reports, memos. newspapers, survivor reports. Focuses on drug running, possible government involvement, and cover-ups.
Holmes, R. M. (1989) Profiling violent crimes: An investigative tool. Sage: Newbury Park, CA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Psychological profiling: An introduction — Profiling in fantasy and fact — Criminal theories and psychological profiling — The rationale for psychological profiling — The analysis of the crime scene — Profiling serial murders — Profiling satanic and cult-related murders — Psychological profiling and rape — The victim in psychological profiling — Profiling and the future — References — Index — About the author.
SUMMARY:(from the preface) When you want to know about violent crime, why not go to the violent offenders? I talked and corresponded with violent personal offenders, rapists, and murderers. I asked them questions about their crimes, motivations, and crime scenes. I combined the knowledge I gained from those in prison and on death row with theoretical knowledge and my practical experience. This book is a product of that endeavor and provides the basic elements of profiling. It is not a cook book. In other words, it will not turn anyone into a profiler. What it will do is acquaint readers with the general principles of profiling, as well as what is needed to develop a sociopsychological profile. I believe that experience, a thorough knowledge of the social and behavioral sciences (as well as criminology), and a knowledge of police investigative techniques will serve as a firm base for profiling.
Richardson, James T. and Bromley, David G., Eds. (1983) The Brainwashing/deprogramming controversy: Sociological, psychological, legal, and historical perspectives. E. Mellen Press: NY, NY.