Writing regular journal entries remains a popular way for survivors of abuse work through their thoughts or feelings while healing. A number of books and websites offer ideas about how to journal, including self-help exercises.
The International Association for Journal Writing. Thirty of the best known journal experts offer real solutions and practical guidance. Articles, classes, telechats.
Adams, Kathleen. (1998) The way of the journal: A journal therapy workbook for healing. Sidran, Brooklandville, MD.
NOTE: From the publisher: “Adams’ ten-step “quick and easy” method was created to provide sexual abuse survivors and dissociative clients with ways to maximize structure, balance, and permission while minimizing overstimulation and overwhelming feeling…. Adams begins the workbook with exercises for short, contained journal entries and proceeds to
demonstrate looser, open-ended journal writing techniques. All of these exercises can be completed in less than 30 minutes a day over a two-week period, giving the writer a concrete sense of progress and accomplishment. Each section is followed by “So, how was it?,” an
evaluation of the specific journal technique used, assisting clients
and, if desired, their therapists in identifying which techniques will
work best for them in on-going journal therapy.
Bouton, Eldonna. (2000) Journaling from the heart: A Writing workshop in three parts. Whole Hearts Pub, San Luis Obispo, CA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Reconnecting to the Lost Self – Choosing the Tools –
Your Sanctuary – A Time to Write – Who Am I? The Shadow Knows – Popping
the Question – Answering Machine – What’s Bugging You? Revisiting the
Shadow – Tearing Down the Walls – If Only – Operating Instructions – The
Best Things in Life – Mystery Date – Miracles – Shameless – Lost and
Found – Mission Accomplished – My Body My Self – Daily Inventory –
Assessment – Ending Up – Paper Dreams – Don’t Look Now – Making it Real –
Excuses Excuses – What if? Steps – Fear of Failure – Money – Rain on
the Parade – Simply Divine – Champions – I Think I Can – I Told you So –
Bill of Rights – Oh Baby – Choices – Unfinished Business – Best Wishes –
Helping Hands – Check Up – The Last Trimester – Just Rewards – Why?
Inner Wisdom – The Big Event – Announcing – Waking the Muse – Who is
This Writer? Journal Letter – Behind You – Upside Down – Fly on the Wall
– Conversations – Musical Pens – Behind the Door – Your Epitaph – Feast
your Eyes on This – Tiny Windows – Picture This – If these Walls Could
Talk – Reunion – Dream Maker – Knock Knock – The Book of Life – The
Second Book of Life – If I Were King – Microcosmos – Baby Talk – These
Shoes Were Made for Walking – Shadow Box – No Holding Back – The Writer
Speaks – Bibliography
NOTE: From the publisher: “Journaling from the Heart offers
75 exercises to bring you closer to yourself, to your dreams, and to
your muse. Based upon the author’s popular online workshops and
face-to-face seminars, this book allows you to complete the workshops
independently, or form your own journaling circle.”
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Cepero, Helen (2008) Journaling as a spiritual practice: Encountering God through attentive writing. InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove. IL.
Journaling Practice – BEGINNING AGAIN: Staying in My True Calling –
Honoring My Own Story – NAMING THE LANDSCAPE: Mining Below the Surface –
Reflecting on the Past – REORIENTING IN THE PRESENT: Where Am I Now?
LOOKING FORWARD: Where Does This Lead? TALKING BACK: Dialogue Journaling
– EMBRACING THE CROSS: Finding My Way Through Suffering – DISCOVERING
LIFE: Writing for Healing – SEEING THE HOLY IN THE ORDINARY: Noticing
God in the Everyday – FACING RESISTANCE: Finding the Pathway Home –
Listening Guidelines for a Journaling Group
NOTE: From the
publisher: “Whether you are a longtime journal keeper or someone who has
never kept a journal at all, this book will help you go below the
surface of your life with God. It is not about the art of writing, but
about how journaling can form us spiritually. Every chapter combines
descriptive text, illustrations from journals and the author’s own
experience with journaling practices integrated along the way to help
you bring your own life and world into sharper focus. God wants to
surprise you with the beauty of your own life, growing and alive, filled
with movement, light and shadow.”
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Cohen, Barry M., Barnes, Mary-Michola and Rankin, Anita B. Managing traumatic stress through art: Drawing from the center. Sidran, Brooklandville, MD.
NOTE: From the publisher: “The book’s first section, Developing Basic
Tools For Managing Stress, is devoted to establishing a safe framework
for trauma resolution. The second section, Acknowledging and Regulating
Your Emotions, helps the trauma survivor to make sense of overwhelming
emotional experiences. The final section, Being and Functioning in the
World, focuses on self and relational development, leading into the
future…Twenty-six projects in this book encourage creative growth and
help to establish a sense of personal safety, while exploring and
honoring feelings of anger, fear, shame, and sadness.”
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Darley, Suzanne, Heath, Wende and Darley, Mark. The
expressive arts activity book: a resource for professionals. Jessica
Kingsley, London, England and Philadelphia, PA.
NOTE: From the
publisher: “This resource book presents a collection of accessible,
tried and tested art therapy activities ranging from individual card
making, painting to music, meditation and body mapping to group
activities such as collage book assembling, mural painting and round
robin drawing. It is scattered with real-life anecdotes that bring the
techniques to life. The Expressive Arts Activity Book provides
guidelines and new ideas for seasoned practitioners working in health
and mental health settings, as well as new practitioners, trainees or
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Goldberg, Natalie. (2005) Writing down the bones: Freeing the writer within. Shambala Pub, Boston, MA.
With insight, humor, and practicality, Natalie Goldberg inspires
writers and would-be writers to take the leap into writing skillfully
and creatively. She offers suggestions, encouragement, and solid advice
on many aspects of the writer’s craft: on writing from “first thoughts”
(keep your hand moving, don’t cross out, just get it on paper), on
listening (writing is ninety percent listening; the deeper you listen,
the better you write), on using verbs (verbs provide the energy of the
sentence), on overcoming doubts (doubt is torture; don’t listen to
it)-even on choosing a restaurant in which to write. Goldberg sees
writing as a practice that helps writers comprehend the value of their
Grason, Sandy. (2005) Journalution: Journaling to awaken your inner voice, heal your life, and manifest your dreams. New World Library, Novato, CA.
NOTE: From the publisher: “With chapters including “Completing Your
Incompletions,” “Masterminding Your Destiny,” and “Communicating with a
Higher Power,” the book balances basic instruction in the art of
journaling with intimate entries from the author and her workshop
participants. Activities, such as timed and stream-of-consciousness
writing exercises and keeping a dream log, follow each chapter.”
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Jacobson-Levy, Mindy and Foy-Tornay, Maureen. (2011) Finding your voice through creativity: The art and journaling workbook for disordered eating. Gurze Books, Carlsbad, CA. Also in large print format through
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Let’s Be Selfish For A Minute – Opening Your Heart –
Emotional Armor – Finding Your Voice – Are You Hungry? – Panning For
Gold – Trying On A Different Hat – Barriers To Healing – Problem Solving
– Permission To Love Yourself – Creating A New Path
NOTE: From the
publisher: “Readers are encouraged to draw, write, and create directly
in the book. These images, symbols, and journal entries then become a
”personal signature” that can be accessed and explored to resolve any
obstacles to emotional well-being. Included are fifty-eight expressive
art projects and corresponding written exercises, which lead readers
through specific stages of self-discovery related to disordered eating
patterns, body image issues, relationships, life skills, emotions, self
love, and personal transformation.”
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Juzwin, D. K. R. Daily journaling for self-injury recovery: A therapists’ guide for clients. AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN.
NOTE: The title is confusing. This is a workbook for people who self-injure, not a book for therapists.
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Koenig, Karen R. (2011) The food and feelings workbook: A full course meal on emotional health. Gurze Books, Carlsbad, CA. Also in large print format from
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Function of Feelings – Fear of Feelings –
Feelings, Not Food – The Seven Most Difficult Feelings for Disordered
Eaters – Guilt – Shame – Helplessness – Anxiety – Disappointment –
Confusion – Loneliness – Freeing Your Feelings – Triggers to Intense
Feelings and Disordered Eating – Feeling Your Way to Happiness, Health,
and a Natural Body Weight?NOTE: From the publisher: “Each chapter has
two sets of exercises: experiential exercises that relate to emotions
and eating, and questionnaires that provoke thinking about and
understanding feelings and their purpose. Supplemental pages help
readers identify emotions and chart emotional development. The final
part of the workbook focuses on strategies for disconnecting feeling
from food, discovering emotional triggers, and using one’s feelings to
get what one wants out of life.”
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Sokol, Dawn DeVries. (2010) Doodle diary: Art journaling for girls. Gibbs Smith, Layton, UT.
NOTE: From the publisher: “Doodle Diary is an interactive guide to
doodling that teaches girls how to combine images with words and art
journaling techniques. In the tradition of Keri Smith (Wreck This
Journal, This Is Not a Book), Dawn DeVries Sokol has created a fun, easy
artist’s journal to get kids started with the basics.”
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Thompson, Kate. (2010) Therapeutic journal writing: An introduction for professionals. Jessica Kingsley, London, England and Philadelphia, PA.
NOTE: From the publisher: “The book includes advice on working with
individuals, facilitating a therapeutic writing group, proposed clinical
applications, practical techniques, useful journal prompts, exercises
and case vignettes.”
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