All Twelve-Step program websites offer information on the addiction or problem, literature, and how to find meetings.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Al-Anon and Alateen
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Dual Diagnosis: Integrated treatment of addiction and mental health disorders.
Gamblers Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Overeater’s Anonymous (for all kinds of eating disorders)
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book. 1976 edition. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, NY, NY. 1976.
From the publisher: “Alcoholics Anonymous — the Big Book — has served
as a lifeline to millions worldwide. First published in 1939,
Alcoholics Anonymous sets forth cornerstone concepts of recovery from
alcoholism and tells the stories of men and women who have overcome the
disease. With publication of the second edition in 1955, the third
edition in 1976, and now the fourth edition in 2001, the essential
recovery text has remained unchanged while personal stories have been
added to reflect the growing and diverse fellowship. The long-awaited
fourth edition features 24 new personal stories of recovery.”
Carr, Alan. (1985) Allen Carr’s easy way to stop smoking. Arcturus Publishing, London, England.
From the publisher: “This classic guide to the world’s most successful
stop smoking method is all you need to give up smoking. You can even
smoke while you read. There are no scare tactics, you will not gain
weight and stopping will not feel like deprivation. If you want to kick
the habit then go for it. Allen Carr has helped millions of people
become happy non-smokers. His unique method removes your psychological
dependence on cigarettes and literally sets you free.”
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Carruth, Bruce, Ed. (2011) Psychological trauma and addiction treatment. Routledge, NY, NY.
OF CONTENTS (PARTIAL): Psychological Trauma and Addiction Treatment –
Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Psychological Trauma and Comorbid
Substance Use Disorders – Psychodynamic Psychotherapies and the
Treatment of Co-Occurring Psychological Trauma and Addiction –
Attachment Trauma and Addiction – Affect Centered Therapy for Substance
Abuse of Traumatic Origin – EMDR in the Treatment of Addiction –
Psychoneurobiology of Co-Occurring Trauma and Addictions – Managing
Trauma Reactions in Intensive Addiction Treatment Environments – Trauma
and 12 Step Recovery – Enhancing Hope and Resilience Through a
Spiritually Sensitive Focus in the Treatment of Trauma and Addiction –
Eight Essential Processes – Forgiveness Therapy in Psychological Trauma
and Chemical Abuse Treatment – Treatment Issues – Counselor Self-Care in
Work with Traumatized Addicted People
NOTE: First published in Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment, (2)2 2006.
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Emmelkamp Paul M. G. and Vedel, Ellen. (2006) Evidence-based treatments for alcohol and drug abuse: A practitioner’s guide to theory, methods, and practice. Routledge, NY, NY.
OF CONTENTS: Description Of Substance Abuse And Dependence – Clinical
Interventions – Research Basis of Treatments – Clinical Cases –
Complicating Factors – Maintenance and Follow-up Strategies
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Etherington, Kim. (2007) Trauma, drug misuse and transforming identities: A life story approach. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Philadelphia, PA.
From the publisher: “Looking at the life stories of ex-drug misusers in
their own words, this book offers insights into the nature of addiction
and how it can be tackled. It examines the links between early
childhood experiences and drug misuse and also shows pathways to
recovery and transformation. Kim Etherington highlights the therapeutic
value of listening to drug misusers’ life stories and the importance of
understanding how social environments and the wider cultural influences
shape people’s lives. She encourages people working with drug misusers
to challenge pathologising notions of ‘spoiled identity’, which assume
that identity is fixed. By taking a step back and separating the person
from the problem, it is possible to help them explore their relationship
with drugs in ways that encourage a stronger sense of agency and power
to change. With compelling first-hand narratives and practical
strategies to encourage drug misusers’ ability to recover, this is
essential reading for professionals working with drug users as well as
people misusing drugs themselves.”
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Evans, Katie and Sullivan, J. Michael. (1995) Treating addicted survivors of trauma. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
From the publisher: ” Providing the tools professionals need to help
this population, this book systematically integrates mental health
paradigms with disease models of addiction and combines
psychotherapeutic techniques with 12-step recovery practices. The result
is an easy-to-replicate model for the effective assessment and
treatment of this often difficult-to-treat population.”
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Hunter, Mic and Anon. (1990) Hope and recovery: A Twelve Step guide for healing from compulsive sexual behavior. Hazelden, Center City, MN.
OF CONTENTS: Selected chapters: The Twelve Steps – Personal Stories:
Ken, Mark, Liam, Alvin, Jean, Jim, Ruth, Joe, Rick, Jerome, Barbara,
Charles, Allen, Jenny, Frank, Ryan, Jamie, Phil, Margret – A Personal
Message – Questions to Consider – The Twelve Traditions of AA – Meeting
Suggestions – Business – Check In – Preamble – The Serenity Prayer
From the publisher: “Hope and Recovery guides and supports the
life-transforming move from self-defeating and destructive sexual
behavior to healthy, affirming sexuality. This widely acclaimed
contribution to addiction literature applies the Twelve Step Program of
Alcoholics Anonymous to the complex problem of sex addiction.”
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Hunter, Mic and Anon. (1990) Hope and recovery: The workbook. Hazelden, Center City, MN.
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Marich, Jamie. (2012) Trauma and the twelve steps: A complete guide for enhancing recovery. Cornersburg Media. Warren, OH.
From the publisher: “Trauma and the Twelve Steps takes the posture that
there is nothing wrong with using 12-step recovery principles in
treatment or in continuing care with individuals who are affected by
trauma-related issues. However, this book also explains how rigid
application of 12-step principles can do more harm than good for a
traumatized person, and that learning some simple accommodations based
on the latest knowledge of traumatic stress can enhance the 12-step
recovery experiences for trauma survivors. Written for professionals,
sponsors, and those in a position to reach out and help recovering
addicts, the user-friendly language in this book will teach you how to
unify the traditional knowledge of 12-step recovery with the latest
findings on healing trauma.”
Najavits, Lisa M. (2002) Seeking safety: A treatment manual for PTSD and substance abuse. Guilford Publications, NY, NY.
From the publisher: “… the most urgent clinical need is to establish
safety to work toward discontinuing substance use, letting go of
dangerous relationships, and gaining control over such extreme symptoms
as dissociation and self-harm. The manual is divided into 25 topics,
each of which forms the basis for one or more sessions. Covering a range
of cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal issues, topics include
highly practical tools and techniques to engage patients in treatment;
teach “safe coping skills” that apply to both disorders; and restore
ideals that have been lost, including respect, care, protection, and
healing. Structured yet flexible, sessions can be conducted in any order
and in a range of settings. The volume is designed for maximum ease of
use with a large format, lay-flat binding, and helpful reproducible
therapist sheets and handouts.”
Tian, Dayton. (2002) Trauma and addiction: Ending the cycle of pain through emotional literacy. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL.
From the publisher: “Therapists treating patients for whom no other
avenue of therapy has proved effective will find that this book offers
practical, lasting solutions. Case studies and examples of this
behavioral phenomenon will illustrate the connection, helping readers
understand its dynamics, recognize their own situations and realize that
they are not alone in experiencing this syndrome. The author deftly
combines the longstanding trauma theories of Van der Kolk, Herman,
Bowlby, Krystal and others with her own experiential methods using
psychodrama, sociometry and group therapy in the treatment of addiction
and posttraumatic stress disorder.”
Verster, Joris C., Brady, Kathleen, Galanter, Marc and Conrod, Patricia, Eds. (2012) Drug abuse and addiction in medical illness: Causes, consequences and treatment. Springer-Science, NY, NY.
From the publisher: “Offering state-of-the-art information for all
those working with drug abusing or addicted patients, or for those
interested in this topic from other research perspectives, the volume is
a first of its kind book — rich, comprehensive, yet focused,
addressing the needs of the very active theoretical, basic, and clinical
research in the field. Comprised of 46 chapters organized in four
sections and developed by the leading international experts, Drug Abuse
and Addiction in Medical Illness covers virtually every core, as well as
contemporary, topic on addiction, from the established theories to the
most modern research and development in the field.”
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Wekerle, Christine and Wall, Anne-Marie, Eds. (2002) Violence and addiction equation: Theoretical and clinicalissues in substance abuse and relationship violence. Routledge, NY, NY.
From the publisher: “The Violence and Addiction Equation is an
empirically based book that bridges the relationship between violence
and substance addiction with a focus on the overlap of issues. It is a
groundbreaking collection of contributions by prominent clinicians in
the field, and the timely chapters include clinical commentary that
identifies and elaborates on points of transfer from theory to clinical
practice.” 16 chapters.
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updated 11/2024