The International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation.
The Pottergate Centre for Dissociation and Trauma. Information and help in the UK.
DID Research.
Astraea’s Web. Resources: (perspectives on multiplicity, not mainstream)
Many Voices. Information and resources for people dissociation.
Books: Biography and Autobiography
(See Selected Books: Psychology and Therapy, below)
Bain, Donald. (1976) The control of Candy Jones. Playboy Press, Chicago, IL.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword by Herbert Speigel, M.D.: Introduction:
Part 1: The marriage: The wedding night: The next day: A conscious
recollection of childhood: The first tape: Conover’s Girl: The setup:
The triangle emerges: The office in Oakland: The “hatching” of Arlene:
The early assignments: Oakland – The programming continues: Taught to
hate: Viewing each other: The attack. Part 2: The missions: The return
to Taiwan: The subject on display: Attempting to quit: The present,
Appendix 1: The hypnotic induction profile. Appendix 2: Report to the
President by the Commission on CIA activities within the United States.
NOTE: This is the first published account of the CIA’s use of a multiple to conduct secret missions.
Beckylane. (1995) Where the rivers join: A personal account of healing from ritual abuse. Press Gang, Vancouver, Canada.
Bryant, Doris, and Kessler, Judy. (1996) Beyond integration: One multiple’s journey. W.W. Norton: NY, NY.
Burke, Susie. (2010) Wholeness: My healing journey from ritual abuse. Authorhouse, Bloomington, IN.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Early Years – Uprooted – Dr Francisco Paoli –
Memories – Help My Children – Body Memories – Eye to Eye with Francisco –
Little Suzie – Living It – Is There Life Before Life? – Hard to
Believe – Gladiators Past and Present – Roller Coaster – Golden Hands –
Spiritual Eyes – Dressed for War – Zelda – Hell – The Brass Ring –
Acknowledgements – Afterword NOTE: From the Publisher: “As a psychology
doctoral student, Suzie Burke (pen name) studied how the mind can
repress and wall off traumatic events for defensive purposes. … Her
journey to wholeness was filled with incidents of re-living events which
included body memories of physiological shock, choking and vomiting.”
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Casey, Joan Frances, and Wilson, Lynn. (1991) The flock: The autobiography of a multiple personality. A.A. Knopf: NY. NY.
Castle, Kit, and Bechtel, Stefan. (1989) Katherine, it’s time: An incredible journey into the world of a multiple personality. Harper Row: NY, NY.
Chase, Truddi. (1987) When rabbit howls. E. P. Dutton: NY, NY.
NOTE: Truddi’s account of ritualized abuse by her stepfather, the formation of her alters (The Troops) to cope with the pain, and her healing through therapy. The popularity of this book is shown by the 229 reviews on Google Books. A New York Times bestseller.
Cox, Cynthia M. (2010) The I in Me. AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN.
NOTE: The author, born in 1976 in West Virginia, recounts her childhood
of ritual abuse, the lifting of the amnesia and denial, and her
healing process. She writes clearly and explains psychological terms in
a way that is understandable to those who are not familiar with the
after effects of severe childhood trauma.
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Daymore, Rosie. (2001) Blessed: Reclaiming my life from the hidden horror of ritual abuse. Life Path Pub. House, Indianapolis, IN.
Feldman, Gail. C. (1993) Lessons in evil, lessons from the light: A true story of satanic abuse and spiritual healing. Crown Publishers, NY, NY.
NOTE: A therapist’s account, with many quotations from the survivor,
of healing by an Afro-American survivor of satanic ritual abuse.
Jadelinn. (1997) Spirit alive, A woman’s healing from cult ritual abuse. Women’s Press, Toronto, Canada.
NOTE: From the publisher: “A clear and moving record of one woman’s healing from cult and ritual abuse, Spirit Alive shares the process of healing through understanding of integration, demystifies the meaning of classical Multiple Personality Disorder, and counteracts mainstream sensationalizing of cult and ritual abuse. Releasing the pain and fear locked inside for years and learning to trust her ability to heal, Jadelinn remembers, copes, accepts, denies, rages, learns, feels, challenges, mourns. She reaches beyond survival, beyond a crowded internal passion of many voices. Through courage, honesty, and trust, she finds joy and compassion, and she declares her spirit alive. Spirit Alive is a much needed resource for survivors of cult and ritual abuse, for their children, relations, and friends, for therapists and other social workers, and for general readers.”
Johnson, Anne A. and Jacobson, Matt. (2008) Hell minus one: My story of deliverance from satanic ritual abuse and my journey to freedom. Transcript Bulletin, Tooele, UT.
NOTE: From Google Books “Hell Minus One is different from other
previously published memoirs by victims of satanic ritual abuse. Instead
of distressing, heart-breaking accounts without collaborative or
corroborative evidence, Anne’s parents confessed their atrocities – both
in writing and verbally – to clergymen, and to detectives from the
Utah Attorney General’s Office. Anne’s suppressed memories, which
erupted when she was in her mid-30s, were fully substantiated by her
mother and stepfather…. The steps Anne took to heal and forgive, and
to commit herself to a new life of love and purpose, are inspirational
and legendary. Her commitment to own and define her own life inspires
readers to see their own challenges in a new light.”
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Keyes, Daniel. The minds of Billy Milligan. Random House: NY, NY. 1981.
Note: The story of a man with multiple personalities who was acquitted
of rape due to the diagnosis, and the ensuing conflict between the
criminal justice and mental health systems.
Lighthouse, Caroline (2010) Coming present: Living with multiple personality disorder/ dissociative identity disorder and how my faith helped heal me.
NOTE: From the publisher: “Caroline was the victim of repeated
childhood sexual abuse and suffered from Multiple Personality
Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder from the age of three. She
cultivated a life of secrecy to avoid explaining her loss of time, body
memories, and post-traumatic stress symptoms, fearful that
psychiatrists would lock her up and throw away the key. As an adult,
Caroline finally found a Christian therapist and began her healing
journey, applying an adapted Attachment-Repair technique, giving glory
to God, and becoming integrated. Most of her story is recorded in her
journals. Caroline is a first time author, a California native, married
with three children. She has a passion to help multiples to seek
Christian counseling and become integrated.”
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Lorena, Jeanne Marie and Levy, Paula, Eds. (1998) Breaking ritual silence: An anthology of ritual abuse survivors’ stories. Trout and Sons, Gardnerville, NV.
NOTE: Available from
Richardson, Anna (1997) Double vision: A travelogue of recovery from ritual abuse. Trilogy Books, Pasadena, CA.
NOTE: A first-person account of remembering and healing from severe trauma in a cult setting. From the publisher: “Double Vision is the story of a woman remembering the torture she suffered during childhood at the hands of an organized, secretive network of adults, and about her struggle not to become one of the abusers; it is about organized cruelty and the necessity of naming evil. And it is also about loving another woman, building a house and a garden, and the moments of connection that enabled her to endure. Interweaving current observations with excerpts from journals she kept during the three years when the forgotten incidents of ritual abuse were surfacing, the author explores the nature of remembering, the thawing of experiences the psyche had kept in deep freeze, and the processes by which experience is transformed into memory.”
Spencer, Judith. (1989) Suffer the child. Pocket Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: A readable account of satanic abuse that resulted in Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiplicity).
Spencer, Judith. (1997) Satan’s high priest: A true story. Pocket Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: Biography of a small-town high priest, his family, and his loss
of power within and outside of the cult. Good descriptions of the
psychological processes of each family member.
Preview in Google books.
Stanfield, Lawrence W. (2005) Rachel. Trafford Pub., Victoria, BC, Canada.
NOTE: Rachel Is the name of an eight year old alter of a thirty-two
year old client of Dr. Stanfield. The book is an account of her escape
from her cult family and her journey into psychological health. Finally,
Rachel, the book, is designed as a training manual and teaching-text
for ministers, parents, professionals, teachers, and counselors.
Christian viewpoint.
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Thomas, Anna F. (2009) Fire and water: A safe journey through multiple personality disorder. Robert D. Reed POB 1992, Bandon, OR 97411.
NOTE: “A true account of discovery, validation, and healing from sexual
and ritual abuse. Anna Thomas writes her therapeutic memoir with deep
insight from a Christian perspective about the emotional, physical,
spiritual, and psychological aspects of coping with multiple personality
and the reality of ritual abuse. This book reads like a mystery novel
with clues coming along a little at a time in an effort to solve the
whole puzzle.”
Walker, Herschel, Brozek, Gary, Mungadze, Jerry, and Maxfield, Charlene. (2008) Breaking free: My life with dissociative identity disorder. Touchstone (Simon and Schuster), NY, NY.
NOTE: Herschel Walker, Heisman Trophy winner, was a running back for
twelve years in the NFL. He entered therapy for self-destructive
behaviors and discovered he had Dissociative Identity Disorder. The book
focuses on healing, rather than the source of his dissociation.
Books: Self-help, Therapy and Psychology
Adams, Ann. (1994) The silver boat. Behavioral Science Center: Cincinnati, OH.
NOTE: An introduction to DID told through a fairy tale about healing.
Suitable for young children and child parts. There is also a coloring
Alderman, Tracey and Marshall, Karen (1998). Amongst Ourselves: An Insider’s Guide to Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
NOTE: Jointly written by someone with DID and her partner, who is also a therapist, this book includes a variety of examples of different types of experience and experiences of partners of people with DID. Uses the DSM-IV DID criteria. Available on Kindle, eBook and google play. Paperback is out of print but copies can often be found at used book sellers including Amazon.
A. T. W. (2005). Got parts? An insider’s guide to managing life successfully with dissocative identity disorder. Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, MI.
NOTE: In this short book A.T.W. offers methods, techniques, and exercises that helped her deal with her DID, including how to do system mapping. Also available as an unabridged audiobook. Available on Audible.
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Bliss, Eugene L. (1986) Multiple personality, allied disorders, and hypnosis. Oxford University Press: NY. NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The History of Hypnosis -Contemporary Hypnosis
Further Developments and Spontaneous Self-hypnosis – A Theory of
Hypnosis – The Syndrome of Multiple Personality – Psychiatric Syndromes
and Symptoms – Therapy – Implications – The Patient Speaks – References
NOTE: The author views multiple personality disorder as a form of
self-hypnosis. He describes in detail his use of hypnosis in the
treatment of multiple personality disorder.
Braun, Bennett G., Ed. (1986) The treatment of multiple personality disorder. American Psychiatric Press: Washington, D.C.
NOTE: A helpful list of terminology can be previvewed in Google books. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Issues in the Psychoanalysis of Multiple Personality Disorder – Personality Unification in Multiple Personality Disorder: A Follow-up Study – Dissociation Double Binds and Posttraumatic Stress
in Multiple Personality Disorder – Treating Children Who Have Multiple
l Personality Disorder -The Dilemma of Drug Therapy for Multiple
Personality Disorder – Psychoanalysis and Multiple Personality Disorder – Group Therapy in Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder – The
Adjunctive Role of Social Support Systems in the Treatment of Multiple
Personality Disorder – The Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder:
State of the Art
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Boon, Suzette, Steele, Kathy, and van der Hart, Onno (2011). Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation. Unabridged audiobook. Available on audible. NOTE: Aimed at people with Dissociative Identity Disorder or Partial DID/similar forms of Other Specified Dissociative Disorder. This is an extremely well-known book and the paperback version has been translated into numerous languages. From the publisher: A patient-oriented manual for complex trauma survivors. This training manual for patients who have a trauma-related dissociative disorder includes short educational pieces, homework sheets, and exercises that address ways in which dissociation interferes with essential emotional and life skills, and support inner communication and collaboration with dissociative parts of the personality. Topics include understanding dissociation and PTSD, using inner reflection, emotion regulation, coping with dissociative problems related to triggers and traumatic memories, resolving sleep problems related to dissociation, coping with relational difficulties, and help with many other difficulties with daily life. The manual can be used in individual therapy or structured groups.
Bryant, Doris, Kessler, Judy, and Shirar, Lynda. (1992) The family inside: Working with the multiple. W.W. Norton: NY, NY.
Calof, David L. and Leloo, Mary. (1993) Multiplicity, personality and dissociation: Understanding incest, abuse and MPD. Parkside Pub: Park Ridge, IL.
Chu, James A., Ed. (1998) Rebuilding shattered lives: The responsible treatment of complex post-traumatic and dissociative disorders. John Wiley and Sons, NY. NY.
NOTE: Through numerous vignettes and case examples, Chu illustrates
common clinical dilemmas encountered when dealing with survivors of
severe abuse as well as the most effective techniques for resolving
them. Preview in Google Books
Cohen, Barry M., Giller, Esther, and W., Lynn. (Eds.) (l991) Multiple personality disorder from the inside out. Sidran Press: Baltimore, MD.
Note: Quotations from questionnaires filled out by l32 different
multiples describing what they wish therapists and family members knew
about the condition. Includes a glossary and resource list.
Cohen, Barry M. and Cox, Carol Thayer. (1995) Telling without talking: Art as a window into the world of multiple personality. W.W. Norton: NY, NY.
Crabtree, Adam. (1985) Multiple man: Explorations in possession and multiple personality. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, NY.
Note: A humane and humanistic British psychiatrist elucidates his
treatment approaches to multiplicity, possession, and people being used
as channels by spirits. He uses sound family therapy techniques and
treats all entities with dignity, not challenging their felt identity.
Duncan, C.W. (1994). The fractured mirror: healing multiple personality disorder. Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL
NOTE: Overview on MPD presents therapeutic strategies; includes chapter on cult and ritual abuse.
Friesen, James G. (1991) Uncovering the mystery of MPD: Its shocking origins, its surprising cure. Here’s Life Publishers: San Bernadino, CA.
Friesen, James G. (1997) More than survivors: Conversations with multiple personality clients. T. Nelson: Nashville, TN.
Fisher, Janina (2017). Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors. Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation. NOTE: Aimed at therapists, but also popular with people living with Dissociative Identity Disorder and Partial DID/OSDD, and Complex PTSD. Author Janina Fisher has extensive experience training therapists working with complex trauma and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Unabridged audiobook. Available on Audible. From the publisher: Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors integrates a neurobiologically informed understanding of trauma, dissociation, and attachment with a practical approach to treatment, all communicated in straightforward language accessible to both client and therapist. Listeners will be exposed to a model that emphasizes “resolution” – a transformation in the relationship to one’s self, replacing shame, self-loathing, and assumptions of guilt with compassionate acceptance. Its unique interventions have been adapted from a number of cutting-edge therapeutic approaches, including Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, mindfulness-based therapies, and clinical hypnosis. Listeners will finish the chapters of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors with a solid grasp of therapeutic approaches to traumatic attachment, working with undiagnosed dissociative symptoms and disorders, integrating “right brain-to-right brain” treatment methods, and much more. Most of all, they will come away with tools for helping clients create an internal sense of safety and compassionate connection to even their most dis-owned selves.
Gil, Eliana. (1990) United we stand: A book for people with multiple personalities. Launch Press, Rockville, MD.
Gil, Eliana. (1988) Treatment of Adult Survivors. Launch Press, Rockville, MD.
Goettman, Carole, Greaves, George B., and Coons., Philip M. (1994) Multiple personality and dissociation, 1791-1992: A complete biography (second edition). Sidran Press: Lutherville, MD.
Goulding, Regina A. and Schwartz, Richard C. (1995) The mosaic mind: Empowering the tormented selves of child abuse survivors. W.W. Norton: NY, NY.
NOTE: An early book that stresses the existence of an undamaged Core
Self. Which can be asked to heal and lead the other personalities.
Haddock, Deborah Bray. (2001) Dissociative identity disorder sourcebook. McGraw Hill, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Creative Coping or Dysfunction? You Be the Judge –
The Diagnosing the Disorder – Treatment Philosophies and Approaches –
Stages of Therapy and What to Expect – When Seeing a Therapist Is Not
Enough – Self-Help and Coping Strategies – Survival Tips for
Significant Others (and Therapists, too)- Epilogue – Resources
NOTE: A good orientation to DID for survivors and families.
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Hilgard, Ernest Ropiequet. (1987) Divided consciousness: Multiple controls in human thought and action. John Wiley: NY, NY.
Note: A technical book on the theory of dissociation, amnesia, hypnosis, and multiplicity.
Hocking, Sandra J. Hocking, Phoenix J. and Ross, Colin A. (1992) Living with your selves: A survival manual for people with multiple personalities. Launch Press, Rockville, MD.
Hocking, Sandra J. and Hocking, Phoenix J. (1994) Someone I know has multiple personalities: A book for significant others, friends, family, and caring professionals. Launch Press: Rockville, MD. NOTE: Out of print.
Kluft, Richard P. (Ed.) (1985) Childhood antecedents of multiple personality. American Psychiatric Press: Washington, D.C.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Credibility Problems in Multiple Personality
Disorder Patients and Abused Children – The Effect of Child Abuse on the
Psyche – The Development of Multiple Personality Disorder Predisposing
Precipitating and Perpetuating Factors – Dissociation as a Response to
Extreme Trauma – The Relationship Among Dissociation Hypnosis and
Child Abuse in the Development of Multiple Personality Disorder – The
Transgenerational Incidence of Dissociation and Multiple Personality
Disorder A Preliminary Report – Children of Parents with Multiple
Personality Disorder – Childhood Multiple Personality Disorder
Predictors Clinical Findings and Treatment Results – The Natural History
of Multiple Personality Disorder – Discussion: A Clinicians
Perspective NOTE: Ten articles on varied subjects, including
developmental theories of trauma and dissociation, credibility,
hypnosis, MPD in the elderly, and children with parents who are
multiples. Little emphasis on the kind or magnitude of childhood trauma
that causes MPD.
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Kluft, Richard P. and Fine, Catherine (Eds.) (1993) Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder. American Psychiatric Press: Washington, D. C.
NOTE: From the publisher: “The first section is a memorial to Cornelia
B. Wilbur, M.D., a pioneer in MPD treatment. It is full of personal
accounts from people who knew her well. The second section deals with
general issues in the treatment of MPD. It discusses basic principles in
conducting the psychotherapy of MPD, posttraumatic and dissociative
phenomena in transference and countertransference, and treatment of MPD
as a posttraumatic condition. The third section goes on to give case
studies that illustrate the application of techniques, approaches, and
insights that are considered important in the treatment of MPD patients
but are difficult to learn because they have not been documented in
detail in the literature. Methods discussed include the use of Amytal
interviews, play therapy, ego-state therapy, and the use of sand trays.
The last section of the book discusses some of the contemporary
concerns in the field (including consultation in the public psychiatric
sector and the incidence of eating disorders in MPD patients), and on
the recent history of the study of MPD.”
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Krakauer, Sarah Y. (2001) Treating dissociative identity disorder: The power of the collective heart. Brunner Routledge, Philadelphia, PA. and Hove, England.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Nature and Early History of Hypnosis –
Traumatology and the Treatment of Dissociative – Eliminate the Chaff or
Reject Hypnosis En Bloc? – Assessment of Dissociative Identity Disorder
– Evaluation of Safety Concerns – Where to Go – Visualized Structures
Utilized in the Meditative State – The Nature of the Therapeutic
Relationship – Discussion – Case Illustrations – Discussion – Decreasing
Anxiety to Remove Obstacles – Sharing Memories – Maintaining an
Internal Boundary – Increased Capacity to Handle Environmental Stress –
Current Status of the Collective Heart – Forming a Relationship with
the Personality System – Seeking Guidance from the Inner Wisdom –
Discussion – Scotts Progress with Utilizing Systemic Cooperation –
Stepping Out of the Narrative – Conclusions – References
Adapted from the publisher: A three-phase model for treating
dissociative identity disorder. The Collective Heart model is consistent
with the current standards of care, which emphasize caution and
restraint. It has several unique features: it highlights the retrieval
of personal authority rather than the retrieval of traumatic memories,
identifies the fundamental inner unity underlying the fragmented
personality system, and introduces techniques that facilitate
communication between personalities and between each personality’s
conscious mind and the
collective heart. Six chapters of case studies. Preview in Google Books
Mayer, Robert. (1988) Through divided minds: Probing the mysteries of multiple personalities: A doctor’s story. Doubleday: NY, NY.
Note: A therapist tells of his education about multiplicity and his
experience with various patients. The author is skeptical about the
existence of severe abuse and comes from the medical model.
North, Carol. S., Ryall, J., M., Ricci, D., A., and Wetzel, R. D. (1993). Multiple personalities, multiple disorders; psychiatric classification and media influence. Oxford University Press: NY, NY.
NOTE: From the publisher: “This timely work examines MPD from an
empirical viewpoint, describing the research that has been done on the
disorder, as well as providing in-depth analysis of how MPD has
developed over the years in relation to the media. The book identifies
the earliest origins of MPD in published literature and traces the
course of its development as a concept to the present. Existing data on
MPD are presented in a detailed review of the current state of
knowledge of the disorder including clinical description, delineation
from other disorders, family history studies, follow-up studies, and
laboratory documentation. The authors also point out specific areas of
research that is needed before psychiatry can consider MPD an
adequately validated diagnosis. This critical approach is designed to
provide direction to researchers in the pursuit of a better
understanding of MPD and to provide clinicians with a valuable guide.”
Phillips, Maggie, and Frederick, Claire. (1995). Healing the divided self: Clinical and Ericksonian hypnotherapy for post-traumatic and dissociative conditions. W. W. Norton, NY, NY.
Putnam, Frank W. (1989) Diagnosis and treatment of multiple personality disorder. Guilford Press: NY, NY.
Putnam, Frank W. (1997) Dissociation in children and adolescents: a developmental perspective. Guilford Press: NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – The Nature and Effects of Childhood
Trauma – Influential Factors and Common Themes in Maltreatment Outcomes –
Introduction to Dissociation – Pathological Dissociation – Trauma
Dissociation and Memory – Toward a Model of Pathological Dissociation –
The Discrete Behavioral States Model – Clinical Phenomenology and
Diagnosis – Philosophy and Principles of Treatment – Individual Therapy –
Dissociative Families and Out of Home Placements -Psychopharmacology –
Dissociative Experiences Scalell DESll – Child Dissociative Checklist
CDC Version 3 0 – References
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Ross, Colin A. (2018). Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Techniques and Strategies for Stabilization. Manitou Communications. Unabridged Audiobook – 3 hrs and 43 mins. Available on Audible. NOTE: From the publisher: Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder is designed to be practical and useful. It is made particularly for the therapist new to dissociative identity disorder (DID) who needs brief, to-the-point guidance on how to begin working with someone with DID. The audiobook includes many therapist-client dialogues that illustrate the techniques and strategies Dr. Ross has learned over the years.
Ross, Colin A. (1994, 2000) The Osiris complex: Case studies in multiple personality disorder. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, Buffalo, NY and London, England.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part One: Case Studies of Multiple Personality Disorder: The Case of Jenny Z – An Abused Agoraphobic Housewife – The Woman Who Didn’t Come Back – A Case of Polyfragmented MPD – A Psychic Healer – A Woman with Unusual Spells – A Woman in a Man’s Body – Talking with a Dead Grandmother – Electroshock Treatments – Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Schizophrenia – A Little Girl Inside – A Foster Child – Anne Sexton – Part Two Case Studies Related to Multiple Personality Disorder: A Man Who Wandered – A Bump on the Head – A Chemical Dependency Problem – A Woman Who Decided Not to Remember – Request for a Sex Change – The Evil One – Checking with the Expert – Flash and the Destroyer – Something Out of The Exorcist – Indecent Exposure – Voyage to Didyma – The Stranger Within – Obsessions and Compulsions
NOTE: 19 of the 26 case studies in this book are patients with MPD. The others are OSDD-1 (fomerly DDNOS), which Ross finds harder to treat. One case he believes was fabricated.
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Ross, Colin A. (1995) Satanic ritual abuse: Principles of treatment. University of Toronto Press: Toronto and Buffalo, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Secret Societies throughout History — The Psychology and History of Satan – The Malleus Maleficarum and the Catholic Inquisition – Non-Satanic Cult Activity in North America – Five Levels of Satanism – Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorder – Alternative Hypotheses of Ritual Abuse – How to Recognize Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors – General Principles of Survivor Therapy – Treatment Techniques for Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors – Extremes of Skepticism and Denial – Future Directions – Afterword by Elizabeth F Loftus PhD
NOTE: From the publisher: “Although Dr Ross has found no evidence of a widespread Satanic network he is open to the possibility that a certain percentage of his patients’ memories may be entirely or partially historically accurate. In treatment, he recommends that the therapist adopt an attitude hovering between disbelief and credulous entrapment. Dr Ross has encountered memories of SRA primarily among people who suffer from multiple personality disorder, and the principles of treatment he outlines here focus on such individuals. Treatment is described in terms of both general principles and specific techniques, with case examples. Ross’s recommendation that the same interventions be used regardless of the percentage of memories that are historically accurate bridges the gap between those who adopt a “believer” stance and those who take a false-memory stance.”
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Ross, Colin A. (1997) Dissociative identity disorder: Diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment of multiple personality. John Wiley, NY, NY.
Note: This book has been revised, the first edition was titled Multiple Personality Disorder: Diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment. The material on treatment is respectful and contains many useful ideas.
Sachs, Adah (Ed.) (2008). Forensic aspects of dissociative identity disorder. Karnac Books, London, England.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Satanist ritual and the problem of credibility – Unsolved; investigating allegations of ritual abuse – The Extreme Abuse Surveys: preliminary findings regarding dissociative identity disorder – The protectors of the secrets – Am I safe yet? – Dissociative identity disorder and criminal responsibility – When murder moves aside – When the imaginary becomes real: reflections of a bemused psychoanalyst – Some clinical implications of believing or not believing the patient
NOTE: The chapters in this book are written by a general practioner, a police office, a lawyer, psychotherapists and counselors and a person with DID who has reported murders she committed to the police. It focuses on ethical and legal dilemmas in prosecuting ritual crimes.
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Saks, Elyn R. and Behnke, Stephen H. (1997) Jekyll on trial: Multiple personality disorder and criminal law. NY Univ. Press, NY, NY and London, England.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: What We Know about Multiple Personality Disorder —
Is Multiple Personality Disorder Real?- Alter Personalities- One Crime,
One Body, Many Personalities-A Rule for Non-responsibility- Before
Trial and After — Criminal Responsibility and Other Dissociative
Disorders – Conclusion
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Schwartz, Harvey L. (2000) Dialogues with forgotten Voices: Relational perspectives on child abuse trauma and treatment of dissociative disorders. Basic Books, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Part One: The Landscapes of
Dissociative Survival, Child Abuse Trauma, and Social Complicity —
Necessary Illusions: the Multiple Dilemmas of Dissociative Survival –
Unfathomable Realities, Discredited Testimony: Child Abuse, Victims, and
Perpetrators – Child Abuse and Cultural Ambivalence: Complicity,
Incredulity, and Denial – Part Two: Restoration of the Traumatized,
Dissociative Self – Major Trends in Relational Psychoanalytic Thought:
Implications for Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation – From Inclusion
to Integration: Basic Concepts in Psychotherapy with Severely
Dissociative Trauma Survivors – From Domination to Recognition: the
Restoration of Intersubjectivity and Paradoxical Awareness – The
Destruction and Restoration of Fantasy and Aggression – The Destruction
and Restoration of Attachment and Critical Thinking – Part Three:
Survival, Transformation, and Transcendence – Surviving Dissociation,
Surviving Destruction: Transcending Secondary Traumatization and
Reclaiming Faith – The Descent for the Sake of the Ascent: Revelation,
Witnessing, and Reparation – Notes – References
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Schofield, Lindsay (2021). Our House: Making Sense of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Routledge, New York, NY. ISBN 100047335X, 9781000473353. Note: A short book with illustrations. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Who is this book for? – My life is like a house an overview – Our House – A way of getting through not a definition of self – When DID is severe – Symptoms and what not to do – DID its very real – for individuals – for professionals – Additional sources. Preview in Google books.
Silberg, Joyanna L. (1996). The dissociative child: Diagnosis, treatment, and management. Sidran Press, Lutherville, MD.
Sinason, Valerie (Ed.) (2002) Attachment, trauma and multiplicity: Working with dissociative identity disorder. Routledge, Hove, England and NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Mapping the territory: childhood aetiology, attachment research, attachment patterns, abuse, dissociation, Dissociative Identity Disorder and culture – Attachment focus: mainly theory – Attachment focus: Mainly practice – Other frames of reference: linguistic, diagnostic, forensic and historic issues – Information for people with DID and professionals working with them – Index
NOTE: Looks at dissociation from different perspectives and relates it attachment theory. Includes writing by well-known British psychotherapists, psychiatrists as well as clients and their family members. There is also a chapter on police work by Colin Driscoll.
Waites, Elizabeth. (1993) Trauma and survival (post-traumatic and dissociative disorders in women). W.W. Norton: NY, NY.