Child Victims & Child Protection


MedLinePlus. Hundreds of links to websites on child sexual abuse.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) A coalition of U.S. treatment centers. Articles on many topics, trainings, finding help.

PANdora’s Box. Information and resources on all facets of child abuse.

Parenting a child who has been sexually abused.

Books for children

Federico, Julie K.  (2009) Some parts are not for sharing. Tate Publishing, Mustang, OK.
NOTE: Pre-school and first grade.
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Freeman, Lory and Deach, Carol. (1982) It’s my body. Parenting Press, Seattle, WA.
NOTE: Pre-school.
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Girard, Linda Walvoord. (1984) My body is private. Albert Whitman and Co, Morton Grove, IL.
NOTE: Third and fourth grades.
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Hindman, Jan. (1997) A very touching book: For little people and for big people.
NOTE: Kindergarten and first grade.
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Spelman, Cornelia Maude and Weidner, Teri. (1997) Your body belongs to you. Albert Whitman and Co, Morton Grove, IL.
NOTE: Kindergarten and first grade.
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Sanford, Doris. (1990) Don’t make me go back, Mommy: A child’s book about Satanic ritual abuse. Multnomah Press, Portland, OR.
NOTE: Children’s book. A little girl discloses about ritual abuse in day care, and is believed and helped by her parents and therapist. Popular with adults with inner children. Not for children who are being abused at home.

Starishevsky, Jill (2009) My body belongs to me. Safety Star Media, NY, NY.
NOTE: Kindergarten and first grade. For children who have been sexually abused.


Anon, Ed. (By Building a Europe for and with Children Program) (2010) Protecting children from sexual violence: A comprehensive approach. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, Germany
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword – Overview of the nature and extent of child sexual abuse in Europe – The United Nations legislative framework for the protection of children from sexual violence – Sexual violence against children: The European legislative framework sand outline of Council of Europe conventions and European Union policy – Children’s participation in policy and practice to prevent child sexual abuse: Developing empowering interventions – Towards a child-friendly justice and support for child victims of sexual abuse  – Against all odds: Communicating about sexual violence – Sexual abuse of children with disabilities – Preventing and signaling sexual violence against children: Policies and standards for child care in Europe – Child helplines as awareness-raising, referral and reporting mechanisms on sexual violence against children – Training professionals: An essential strategy for eradicating child sexual abuse – The responsibility and coordination of professionals in tackling child sexual abuse -Teaching children to protect themselves from sexual abuse – Sexuality education and the prevention of sexual violence – Gathering data on sexual violence against children – Preventing sexual violence against children through citizenship and human rights education – Recovery services for child victims of sexual violence and their families: What can be offered? Child and adolescent sexual abusers For a rehabilitative approach driven by scientific evidence – Children and young people exhibiting sexually harmful behavior – The Internet dimension of sexual violence against children- Awareness raising to combat online sexual violence – Engaging the travel and tourism sector in protecting children from sexual exploitation – Stop sex traf?cking of children and young people: A unique EPCAT and Body Shop campaign – Selected Council of Europe conventions and adopted texts
NOTE: From the publisher: “(This book) is divided into five parts, presenting a European overview and covering the existing legal frameworks; abuse prevention and reporting; rehabilitation and social reintegration of victims; sexual violence on the Internet; and public and private partnerships against abuse. It also sheds light on the little-known problem of children who are sexually abusing other children…. This publication also highlights new concepts, facts and recommendations. Foremost is the significant lack of data on the prevalence and nature of sexual violence in Europe, underscoring the need for co-ordinated pan-European research and information gathering, which are vital to effective policy making and programme design. It also sounds the alarm for urgent co-ordinated action in various fields to drastically improve child protection through awareness raising; targeted and specialised training, intervention and therapy programmes; sex education in schools; responsible family attitudes; and justice systems with tighter abuse laws and which take account of children’s special needs as reliable witnesses…The hope is that this publication will inspire judges, The police, educators, governments, the media and legislatures to join the campaign and expose, demythify and take concerted action to combat sexual violence against children, a phenomenon that affects as many as 20% of children in Europe.”
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Arnaldo, Carlos A., Ed. (2010) Child abuse on the Internet: Ending the silence. UNESCO, Paris, France and Berghahn Books, Brooklyn, NY and Oxford, England.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: A global overview of child abuse and neglect: Sri Lanka, Philippines, Kenya, Brazil, Albania – The vita role of NGOs – Paedolphilia: A psychiatric and psychoanalytic point of view – Paedolphilia: The work of associations and the role of the media – Child pornography on the Internet – Research, information and sensitizing the public – Paedophiles networking on the Internet – Child predators on the Web – Freedom of speech, information, and the protection of privacy – Freedom of information on the Internet – Legal issues and problems in protecting children against pornography – Legal and juridical aspects: extraterritorial law and extradition – International cooperation in law enforcement – Casa Alianzas legal work in Central America – Children and law: the case of Hong Kong – The technical response: blocking, filtering, and rating the Internet – The Internet industry and illegal content – self-regulation by the Internet industry – A research and civic initiative in Belgium – A journalist’s view of the problem in Asia – The NGO response: ECPAT Internationals strategy – Declaration and plan of action – The World Citizen Movement to Protect Innocence in Danger – Epilogue: The child is a person – The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – List of sites for the protection of children
NOTE: From the publisher: “This volume records the response of … various sectors and shows how individuals and organizations can cooperate effectively. It describes the major work being carried out in some African countries, in Albania, Brazil, Guatemala, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka, and shows the efforts being made to share information and build networks. A reference section provides the site locations of organizations that have made significant advances in protecting children online. In addition, this book offers an action plan to encourage cooperation with others in the same fields in a coherent and coordinated manner.”
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Bitz, Margaret (1990). “The impact of ritualistic abuse for sexually abused children and their adoptive families.” in Adoption and the sexually abused child. McNamara, Joan and McNamara, Bernard H. (eds.) Family Resources Adoption Program, 226 North Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY, 10562.
NOTE: Provides a definition of ritual abuse, outlines range of behaviors ritually abused children exhibit, and offers advice to adoptive parents.

Bottoms, Bette L., Najdowski, Cynthia J. and Goodman, Gail S.  (2009) Children as victims, witnesses, and offenders: Psychological science and the law. Guilford Press, NY, NY
NOTE: From the publisher: “Grounded in the latest clinical and developmental knowledge, this book brings together leading authorities to examine the critical issues that arise when children and adolescents become involved in the justice system. Chapters explore young people’s capacities, competencies, and special vulnerabilities as victims, witnesses, and defendants. Key topics include the reliability of children’s abuse disclosures, eyewitness testimony, interviews, and confessions; the evolving role of the expert witness; the psychological impact of trauma and of legal involvement; factors that shape jurors’ perceptions of children; and what works in rehabilitating juvenile offenders. Policies and practices that are not supported by science are identified, and approaches to improving them are discussed.”
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Briere, John, et al (ed.) (1996) The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
NOTE: Child abuse professionals contributed chapters on child maltreatment, medical and legal issues, reporting and prevention, and delivery of services; includes chapter on “Ritualistic Abuse of Children.”
Cattanach, Ann. (2003) Introduction to Play Therapy. Brunner-Routledge, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The meaning of childhood – Definitions of play therapy – Models of play therapy – Training and professional issues for play therapists – Settings for play therapy – Helping children through difficult life events and with chronic conditions – Play therapy and therapeutic play – Research in play therapy
NOTE: From the publisher: A’ variety of models of working with play are explored, and an evaluation of the meaning of childhood is discussed in clear language, illustrated with clinical examples. This book will help adults who communicate with children in any role, be they parents, teachers or therapists.’
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Clawar, Stanley S. and Rivlin, Brynne V. (1991) Children held hostage: Dealing with programmed and brainwashed children. Section of Family Law, American Bar Association, Chicago, IL.
Committee on Child Abuse Prevention (1991). Ritualistic child abuse in California.  Government report.  (Available from State of California, Health and Welfare Agency, Department of Social Services, State Social Services Advisory Board, 744 “P” Street, M.S. 17-01, Sacramento, CA 95814).
NOTE: From the publisher “This is the first book to provide objective methods for establishing that a child has been brainwashed by one parent against another. It is based on a ten-year study of 700 cases in the authors’ counseling and evaluative work with children of divorced couples.”
Conte, Jon R., Ed.  (2002) Critical issues in child sexual abuse: Historical, legal, and psychological perspectives. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – An Interview with Roland Summit  – Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuse in the United States –
When Paradigms Collide: Roland Summit and the Rediscovery of Child Sexual Abuse – Scientific Support for Expert Testimony on Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation – Memory and Dimensions of Trauma: Terror May Be “All Too Well” Remembered and Betrayal Buried – Not Necessarily Politically Correct Reflections and Thoughts on Approaches to the Treatment of Traumatic Material in Dissociative Identity Disorder
NOTE: From the publisher: ““ Chapters focus on sexual offenders, children’s memory, adult memory for trauma, children as victims, treatment challenges of traumatized victims, victims in court, and treatment of dissociate identity clients.”
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Corby, Brian. (1998) Managing child sexual abuse cases. Jessica Kingsley, London, England and Philadelphia, PA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS:  History and ideas – Developing a response to child sexual abuse – Aims and methodology – Setting the scene – The cases – Investigating child sexual abuse – Protecting children and helping families: The child protection conference – Ongoing work with families – Two years on from the initial conference – Social work practice and child sexual abuse – Managing child sexual abuse: Policy issues
NOTE: From the publisher: “Written for professionals, Managing Child Sexual Abuse Cases examines the complex nature of such cases, and explores the problems encountered by local authority social workers who are required to intervene in families to protect children. Using material from forty case studies, Brian Corby analyzes the context in which child sexual abuse is managed, and the intervention practices of social workers (and other professionals) within this context.”
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Crewdson, John. (1988) By silence betrayed. Little, Brown, Boston, MA.
NOTE: An over-view of research on child sexual abuse, with a chapter on the McMartin case.

Crowley, Patricia. (1990) Not my child. Doubleday, NY, NY.
NOTE: A mother’s account of discovering her daughter’s ritual abuse in the Wee Care Nursery in New Jersey and the struggle to prosecute.

Cunningham, Louisa (ed.) Satanism and false mystical trends. (First edition in Turkish: (2003) Satanism girdabi ve sahte metafizik akimlar. Isik Yayinlari, Istanbul, Turkey.) The Light, Rutherford, NJ.
NOTE: About adolescent interest in Satanism in the Islamic community.

Davidson, Julia O’Connell. (2005) Children in the global sex trade. Polity Press, Cambridge, England and Malden, MA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Beyond Contract? Prostitutes Children and Slaves – On Child Prostitutes as Objects, Victims and Subjects – Child Migration and Trafficking – Paedophilia, Pornography and Prostitution – Children in Mainstream Prostitution – Child Sex Tourism – Beyond Binaries?
NOTE: From the publisher: “Julia O’Connell Davidson draws attention to the multitude of ways in which children become implicated in the sex trade, and the devastating global political and economic inequalities that underpin their involvement. She sensitively unpicks the relationship between different aspects of the sexual exploitation of children, including trafficking, prostitution and pornography, at the same time challenging popular conceptions of childhood and sexuality.”
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de Young, Mary. (2004) The day care ritual abuse moral panic. McFarland, Jefferson, NC.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface – The Devil Goes to Day Care -Signs and Symptoms of Ritual Abuse – Enter the Child-Savers – Contrasts and Comparisons Between Symptom Lists – Betwixt and Between – Sample of 22 American Day Care Ritual Abuse Cases – Demonizing Defiant Folk Devils – Morality Plays – Legal Dispositions of 19 Untried Providers – Predictions of Testimonial Abilities vs Actual Performance of Child Witnesses on Cross-Examination in State v Akiki   – Open Court v Shielded Testimony of Children in the Criminal Trials of 26 Providers – Verdicts and Sentences in Day Care Ritual Abuse Trials – Appeal Decisions in Day Care Ritual Abuse Trials – The Devil Goes Abroad – Sample of European and Australasian Ritual Abuse Cases – Examples of Public Inquiries into International Ritual Abuse Cases – When All Is Said and Done – Brief Summary of Three Ritual Abuse Laws
NOTE: From the publisher: “In the United States during the early 1980s, hundreds of day care providers were accused of sexually abusing their young charges in Satanic rituals that included blood drinking, cannibalism, and human sacrifice. The panic surrounding the ritual abuse of children has spread quickly to Canada, Europe, and Australasia, and its rapid dispersion has been unimpeded by international investigations that found no evidence to corroborate the allegations and warned that a moral panic was thrusting them into professional public attention… The book ends with a discussion of moral panic theory and how it needs to be changed for a complex, multi-mediated postmodern culture, and what lessons can be learned from the scare.”
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Doyle, Joan S. and Stoop, David. (1999) “Witness and victim of multiple abuses: Case of Randy, age 10, in a residential treatment center, and follow-up at age 19 in prison.” In Webb, Nancy Boyd (ed.).  Play therapy with children in crisis: Individual, group, and family treatment, 2nd ed. Guilford Press, NY, NY.  pp. 131-163.
NOTE:   Describes the use of play therapy to treat a ten-year-old boy diagnosed with PTSD resulting from chronic, severe abuse and torture (ritual abuse). Treatment was performed in a secure residential treatment facility for children. “Follow-up: Randy, age 19” updates the case history.
Fewster, Gerald. Ed. (1990) In the shadow of Satan: The ritual abuse of children. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Canada.
NOTE: Special issue of Journal of child and youth care; includes bibliographical references.

Finkelhor, David, Meyer-Williams, Linda and Burns, Nanci (1988). Nursery crimes: Sexual abuse in day care. Sage Press, Newbury Park, CA?NOTE: Presents results of study of sexual abuse in over 200 day care centers in the United States.

Finkelhor, David et al. (1986, 1990) A sourcebook on child sexual abuse. Sage, Newbury Park, CA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Prevalence – High Risk Children – Abusers: A Review of the Research – Abusers: Special Topics – Initial and Long-term Effects: A Review of the Research – Initial and Long-term Effects: A Conceptual Framework – Designing New Studies – Prevention: A Review of Programs and Research – References
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Geffner, Robert, Crumpton-Franey, Kristina, and Geffner, Teri, Eds. (2004) Identifying and treating youth who sexually offend: Current approaches, techniques, and research. Hayworth Press, Binghampton, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Assessment and Treatment: Youth who Sexually Offend: Theoretical Issues: Characteristics of Youth who Sexually Offend: Testing an Etiological Model for Male Juvenile Sexual Offending against Females:  Assessing Sexually Abusive Youth: Differentiating Youth who Sexually Abuse: Risk Assessment of Sexually Abusive Youth: Emerging Strategies for Risk Assessment of Sexually Abusive Youth: Interviewing Strategies with Sexually Abusive Youth:  Treatment of Juveniles Who Sexually Offend: Working with Parents to Reduce Juvenile Sex Offender Recidivism: : Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Adolescents Who Sexually Offend and Their Families: An Integrated Experiential Approach to Treating Young People Who Sexually Abuse:   Multi-Family Group Therapy for Sexually Abusive Youth:  Current Practices in Residential Treatment for Adolescent Sexual Offenders: Recidivism and Resilience in Juvenile Sexual Offenders: Treatment Effectiveness for Male Adolescent Sexual Offenders: An Investigation of Successfully Treated  Adolescent Sex Offenders: Index
NOTE: Among other topics, this book covers subtypes of offenders, risk assessment methods, clinical interviewing, including families in treatment, multi-family group therapy, and residential treatment.
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Giarretto, Henry. (1982) Integrated Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse: A Treatment and Training Manual.   Science Behavior Books, Palo Alto, CA.
NOTE: From the publisher: “How to develop a comprehensive, community-based program preventing incest and treating victims, their families, and their perpetrators.”:

Gil, Eliana Ed. (2006) Helping abused and traumatized children: Integrating directive and nondirective approaches. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: From Sensitivity to Competence in Working across Cultures – Diversity and Universality – Suggestions and Research on Multicultural Play Therapy –
The Impact of Culture on Art Therapy with Children – Play Therapy with Major Cultural Groups – Play Therapy in the African American Village – Therapeutic Play with Hispanic Clients – Musings on Working with Native American Children in Play Therapy – Play Therapy with Asian Children – Appendix; Multicultural Play Therapy Resources
NOTE: From the publisher:  “Children who have been traumatized by sexual abuse or other maltreatment may deal with their painful feelings and memories in many different ways. How can a therapist build strong relationships with these vulnerable young clients? What is the best way to target trauma-related symptomatology when a child is unable or unwilling to “talk about it”? This book presents an integrative treatment model that combines play and other expressive therapies with elements of cognitive-behavioral and family therapy.”
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Goodyear-Brown, Paris, Ed. (2011) Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse: Identification, Assessment, and Treatment. J. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
NOTE: From the publisher: “ Offering a snapshot of the state of the field as it stands today, Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse explores a variety of issues related to child sexual abuse, from identification, assessment, and treatment methods to models for implementation and prevention, including: The impact of sexual abuse on the developing brain; The potential implications of early sexual victimization; Navigating the complexities of multidisciplinary teams; Forensic interviewing and clinical assessment; Treatment options for children who have traumagenic symptoms as a response to their sexual victimization; Treating children with sexual behavior problems and adolescents who engage in illegal sexual behavior; Secondary trauma and vicarious traumatization; “Cultural considerations and prevention efforts.
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Greven, Philip J. (1992). Spare the child: The religious roots of punishment and the psychological impact of physical abuse. Vintage Books, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART I: The Problem – PART II: Experiences – Moral Suasion and Nonviolence – Before Conscious Memory Begins – Consequences – Anxiety and Fear – Anger and Hate – Empathy and Apathy – Melancholy and Depression – Obsessiveness and Rigidity – Protect and Destroy – Dissociation – Memories of Pain and Punishments – Disciplined to Death – PART III: Rationales – RELIGIOUS RATIONALES: Eternal Punishment – Breaking Wills – Methodologies of Punishment – The Last Resort – SECULAR RATIONALES: Judicial Justifications – Behaviorist Arguments – PART IV: Paranoia – Sadomasochism – Domestic Violence  – Aggression and Delinquency –  Authoritarianism – The Apocalyptic Impulse – PART V: Choices NOTE: From the publisher:
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Hayden, Torey. L. (1991) Ghost girl. Avon Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: A special education teacher recognizes ritual abuse in one of her students.
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Hollingsworth, Jan. (1986). Unspeakable acts. Congden and Weed, Chicago. IL.
NOTE: Documents the successful prosecution of Frank and Iliana Fuster, convicted of sexually abusing children in their Miami, Florida babysitting service.

Hudson, Pamela S. (1991) Ritual child abuse: discovery, diagnosis and treatment. R&E Publishers, Saratoga, CA.?NOTE: A survey of symptoms of child survivors of extra-familial ritual abuse and a discussion of therapy with both agitated and ‘frozen’ children.

Hunter, Mic. (ed.) (1995) Child survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse: Treatment innovations. Sage Pub., Thousand Oaks, CA.
NOTE: The first chapter discusses the facilitation of emotional regulation and impulse control in children who have been sexually abused and provides clinicians with practical treatment recommendations. Another chapter describes the specialized treatment of adolescent survivors of abuse within the hospital setting and provides criteria for determining when inpatient treatment is appropriate. The final chapter in this section deals with ritual abuse, a controversial and emotionally charged topic. The most controversial topic within the field of sexual abuse is whether to define sexually aggressive children as victims or perpetrators. The definition chosen depends on the type of treatment provided. The chapters here present a cultural background for addressing this issue, a model for identifying sexually aggressive children, a treatment model for working with such youngsters that allow young offenders to assume responsibility for their emotions and behaviors without assuming the shame of a negative label, and a treatment model for working with the parents of these children.

James, Beverly Ed. (2008) Handbook for treatment of attachment-trauma problems in children.  The Free Press, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Human Attachments and Trauma – The Alarm-Numbing Response – Attachment vs Trauma Bonds – Assessment of Attachment in Traumatized Children – Relationship-Based Treatment Categories – Treatment Essentials – Recovering Self Shattered by Attachment Trauma -Wisdom from Those Who Have Been There – Lost Children – Dynamic Play Therapy – Developmental Play Therapy – Playback Theatre – A Residential Care Attachment Model – Adoption and Attachment – Treatment Process – A Brief Treatise on Coercive Holding – Comprehensive Case Descriptions – Maladaptive Attachment Relationships – Saying Goodbye to Lost Relationships – Connecting in New Attachment- Relationships – What If
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Kagan, Richard. (2004) Rebuilding attachments with traumatized children: Healing from losses, violence, abuse and neglect. Haward Press, Binghamton, NY.

Kelley, Susan J, (1996)  ”Ritualistic abuse of children.”  In: Briere, John N; Berliner, Lucy,   Bulkley, Josephine A, Jenny, Carole, and  Reid, Theresa (ed.).  The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment, 1st ed; Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, pp. 90-99.  ?NOTE: Ritualistic abuse is currently one of the more controversial areas in the field of child maltreatment. Much debate occurs over its existence, prevalence, and the veracity of child victims’ and adult survivors’ accounts. This chapter focuses on definitional issues, the prevalence of reported cases of ritualistic abuse, and characteristics and impact of ritualistic abuse. Current controversies surrounding ritualistic abuse will also be explored. [Text, p. 90]
Kelly,  Francis D., Ed. (1999) The psychological assessment of abused and traumatized children. Lawrence Erlbaum Assts., Mahwah, NJ, London, England
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction: Young Children and The Experience of Trauma and Abuse : The Representational World of The Young Child: The Role of the Four Psychologies: The Psychological Representation of Abuse and Trauma: “Object Representation Assessment Of Children: Tat and Rorschach Research in Relation to the Abused And Traumatized Child”: Object Representation Scales : Old Wine in New Bottles – The Borderline Child Revisited: Contemporary Perspectives on Diagnosis and Assessment – 6: Three Faces of Abuse and Trauma: The Sequelae of Physical, Sexual, and Complex, Chronic Experiences of Maltreatment: The Abused and Traumatized Child: Changes in Object Relations and Impact of Therapeutic and Mutative Experiences and Ego Functions – The Influence : Object Representations of Abusive and Maltreating Parents: A Tale of Two Women – Concluding Remarks – References
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Kendrick, Martyn (1988) Anatomy of a nightmare: The failure of society in dealing with child abuse. Macmillan and Gage, Toronto, Canada.
NOTE: Account of a major ritual child abuse investigation in Canada.

Kottman, T. (1993) Play therapy in action: A casebook for practitioners. Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction — Audrey, the bois d’arc and me: A time of becoming — Family therapy for the family tyrant — Gentleman Jim and his private war: Imagery interaction play therapy — The king of rock and roll: An application of Adlerian play therapy — To show and not tell: Cognitive-behavioral play therapy — Born on my bum: Jungian play therapy — Child, protector, confidant: Structured group ecosystemic play therapy — From meek to bold: A case study of Gestalt play therapy — Where in the world is… my father? A time-limited play therapy — Internal and external wars: Psychodynamic play therapy — Ann: Dynamic play therapy with ritual abuse — Oh, but a heart, courage, and a brain: An integrative approach to play therapy — As the child plays, so grows the family tree: Family play therapy — Please hurt me again: Post-traumatic play therapy with an abused child — It’s all in the game: Game play therapy — Two by two: A filial therapy case study — I brought my own toys today — Play therapy with adults.?
NOTE: From the publisher: This book brings together in a single volume concrete applications of play therapy by seasoned clinicians from various theoretical perspectives. The goal is to reflect the broad spectrum of approaches that now exist in the field. The major psychopathologies in children present the therapist with different problems and therefore require different approaches. This casebook offers step-by-step treatment guidelines for a number of childhood difficulties, including internalizing, externalizing, and post-traumatic disorders. It should be of interest to both students and more advanced practitioners in a variety of mental health disciplines, including social work; psychiatry; clinical, counseling, and school psychology; expressive arts therapy; child-life therapy; and psychiatric nursing.
Kraizer, Sherryll. (1996) The safe child book: A commonsense approach to protecting children and teaching children to protect themselves. Fireside Books, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction The Basics – Safety Without Fear – Prevention Begins Early – The What If Game – Understanding Sexual Abuse – Preventing Sexual Abuse – Identifying Strangers – Preventing Abuse and Abduction by Strangers – Staying Alone – Dealing with Bullies – Choosing Child Care – When Children Are Sexually Abused – Being a Responsible Adult – Safety in Schools – The Safe Child Program
NOTE: From the publisher: “The Safe Child Book gives parents effective and nonthreatening techniques for teaching children how to protect themselves without making them afraid…. provides a comprehensive educational program covering a wide range of topics that concern parents today, including sexual abuse, abduction, leaving children alone, surfing the Internet, school safety, and choosing a day-care center or baby-sitter.”
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Krill, William E., McKinnon, Marjorie and Volkman, Marian K.   (2009. 2011) Gentling: A practical guide to treating PTSD in abused children. Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, MI.
NOTE: From the publisher: “ With this book, you will: Learn child-specific signs of PTSD in abused children; Learn how to manage the often intense reactivity seen in stress episodes; Gain the practical, gentle, and effective treatment tools that really help these children; Use the Child Stress Profile (CSP) to guide treatment and measure outcomes; Deploy handy ‘Quick Teach Sheets’ that can be copied and handed to foster parents, teachers, and social workers.”
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Manshell, Lisa (1990). Nap time: The true story of sexual abuse at a suburban day-care center. William Morrow, NY, NY.
NOTE: Investigative reporter’s account of Margaret Kelly Michaels’ trial in Maplewood, New Jersey.

Marron, Kevin. (1988) Ritual abuse: Canada’s most infamous trial on child abuse. McClelland-Bantam (Seal), Toronto, ONT., Canada.
NOTE: Analysis of a case in Hamilton, Ontario. Two children accused their parents of ritual abuse; the parents were tried and convicted.

Ney, Tara, Ed.  (1995) True and false allegations of child sexual abuse: Assessment and case management. Brunner-Mazel, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Nature of Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse – Assessing Young Children’s Sexual Behaviors in the Context of Child Sexual Abuse Evaluations  – Children’s Comprehension of Truths, Lies, and False Beliefs – Clinical Implications of Research – Assessment and Management of Abuse Allegations with Very Young Children  – Assessment of Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused – Assessing the Truth in Children’s Statements -Psychotherapy and the Recovery of Repressed Memories – An Introduction to the Cognitive Interview Technique – Evaluating Allegations of Sexual Abuse in the Context of Divorce, Custody, and Access Disputes – The Role of the Medical Evaluation – Assessment of Sexual Preferences in Cases of Alleged Child Sexual Abuse – Some Family Considerations in Assessment – The Assessment of Children with Disabilities – The Assessment and Investigation of Ritual Abuse – Ethical and Legal Issues in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse
NOTE: From the publisher: “The first volume to address, through the expertise of a diverse group of scholars and practitioners, current research and the clinical, legal, and ethical issues that arise in sexual abuse cases. … particular emphasis on improving the assessment and case management of all allegations…. aims to translate complex research issues into comprehensible and sound recommendations for practice…. also offers useful strategies and techniques in assessment and case management, particularly where information inconsistencies exist.”
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Reed, Robert D.  and Klaus, Daniel S. (1993) Ritual child abuse. Midpoint Trade Books, NY, NY.

Richardson, Sue and Bacon, Heather, Eds.  (2003) Creative response to child sexual abuse: Challenges and dilemmas.  Jessica Kingsley, London, England and Philadelphia, PA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Unspeakable truths – Piecing the fragments together – Attachment, trauma, and child sexual abuse – Telling the baby crocodile’s story: – Attachment, and the continuum of disclosure – Multi-perpetrator abuse of children: Mothers of victims tell their story – Flamingos or sparrows? Paediatricians – Advocacy for the sexually abused child: The role of the guardian ad litum – A zebra among horses: Sexually abused children in the care system – Pre-trial therapy for children who have been sexually abused – Monsters and angels: How can child victims achieve resolution? Daleks and kerbstones: Surviving the aftermath of abuse – Maintaining awareness of unspeakable truths: Responses to child abuse in the longer term
NOTE: From the publisher: “This book addresses in depth the acute practice dilemmas concerning children who, despite the climate of increased awareness, multi-disciplinary cooperation and legislative and procedural change, cannot easily be protected. Drawing on lessons from the major inquiries into child sexual abuse in the 1990s and using attachment theory as a theoretical framework, the contributors (who include mothers and survivors as well as a range of professionals) give guidelines for working with the children – in particular those who, unable to disclose their experience themselves, are the most difficult to support.”
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Rossman, B.B. and Rosenberg, Mindy S.  (Eds.) (1998) Multiple victimization of children: Conceptual, developmental, research, and treatment issues. Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, Binghamton, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Cumulative Risk and Protection Models of Child – Stress and Coping Approaches and Research: The Impact of Marital Conflict on Children – Trauma Models of the Effects of Childhood Maltreatment – OVERVIEW OF THE LITERATURE: The Victimization of School-Age Children – Maltreated Adolescents: Victims Caught between Childhood and Adulthood – IMPACT ON DEVELOPMENT: The Effect of Multiple Victimization on Children’s Cognition: Variations in Response  – The Effects of Child Abuse on the Self-System – Multiple Maltreatment and the Development of Self and Emotional Regulation- The Effects of Multiple Abuse in Interpersonal Relationships: An Attachment Perspective – TREATMENT APPROACHES AND ISSUES: Interventions with Young Children Who Have Been Multiply Abused – Multiple Victimization and the Process and Outcome of Child Psychotherapy – Into the Haunted House: The Treatment of Multiple Traumatized Adolescents – SPECIAL ISSUES:
Correlates of Multiple Forms of Victimization in Religion-Related Child Abuse Cases – Legal and Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Multiply Victimized Children -CONCLUSION: Multiple Victimization of Children
NOTE: From the publisher: “…current theoretical models and address research and clinical issues for multiply victimized children and adolescents, with a special focus on the impact of victimization in major domains of development…. three different conceptual models (risk and resiliency, stress and coping, trauma and post-traumatic reactions) from which to view the co-occurrence of maltreatment singular and multiple victimization literature on young children, school-age children, and adolescents….planning research and treatment interventions, and in formulating legal, medical, educational, and community strategies for dealing with multiple maltreatment victims.”
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Salter, Anna C., Ed. (1988) Treating child sexual offenders and victims: A practical guide. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, London, England.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Occurrence of Child Sexual Abuse: Nonoffending Family Members: Philosophy of Treatment Programs: Differences in Treating Child Sexual Offenders and Other Clients: Offender Denial: Offender Treatment: Relapse Prevention: Measuring the Offenders Progress: Spouse and Victim Treatment: Victim Identification and Behavior: Conclusions: Appendices
NOTE: From the publisher: “The author discusses methods of treatment of offenders and includes an assessment battery, which measures their sexual attitudes. She also addresses ways of treating victims and minimizing trauma within the legal system.”
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Smith, Carole. (1998) The magic castle: A true story of multiple personality and one boys harrowing journey to wholeness. St. Martin’s Press, NY, NY.
NOTE: A women adopts a foster child and stands by him as he struggles with his history of Satanic ritual abuse. Despite being away for most of his childhood, he returned, as programmed, for his eighteenth birthday. Afterword by his therapist. Dr. Steven Kingsbury.
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Tate, Tim (1991). Children for the devil: Ritual abuse and Satanic crime. Methuen, London, England.
NOTE: Documents contemporary cases of ritual child abuse in Europe and presents an historical discussion of occult beliefs and practices

Terr, Lenore. (1990) Too scared to cry: Psychic trauma in childhood. Basic Books, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Chapter 1: A First Glance at Childhood Trauma – Part I: The Emotions of Childhood Psychic Trauma – Chapter 2: Terror – Chapter 3: Rage – Chapter 4: Denial and Numbing – Chapter 5: Unresolved Grief – Chapter 6: Shame and Guilt – Part II: The Mental Work of Childhood Psychic Trauma – Chapter 7: Misperception – Chapter 8: Time Goes Awry – Chapter 9: Remembering Trauma – Chapter 10: School Work and Fantasy Work – Chapter 11: Repeated Dreams – Part III: The Behaviors of Childhood Psychic Trauma – Chapter 12: Post-Traumatic Play – Chapter 13: Post-Traumatic Reenactment – Part IV: Treatment and Contagion of Childhood Psychic Trauma – Chapter 14: Treatment – Chapter 15: Close Encounters of the Traumatic Kind
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Waterman, Jill, Kelly, Robert J. Oliveri, Mary Kay, and McCord, Jane. (1993) Behind the playground walls: Sexual abuse in preschools. Guilford Press, NY, NY.
NOTE: (from the jacket) Representing over six years of research with children reporting nonritualistic and ritualistic sexual abuse in preschool settings, this book examines the effects of reported molestation on young children and their families. Based on data gathered from the children, parents, and therapists in a comparison study, the book covers the effects on children’s behavior, fears, PTSD symptoms, sexuality, achievement, school performance, and self-concept. The ways in which the children and their families coped with reports of abuse and the factors associated with positive short- and long-term outcome are detailed.  Part I of the book outlines the scope of the problem. Cases from two communities — alleged ritualistic abuse in several preschools in Manhattan Beach, California, and nonritualistic abuse in a preschool day care setting in Reno, Nevada — are described and compared with a control group of nonabused children from southern California. The background literature is reviewed, as are the methods, procedures, and limitations of the study. Chapters in Part II offer perspectives on what happened to the children and the patterns of disclosure in therapy. Part III concentrates on the aftermath of such cases, with separate chapters on the children’s overall levels of distress and cognitive, emotional, interpersonal, sexual, and school-related effects. The impact of sexual abuse on the children’s parents, families, and therapists is discussed in Part IV. Factors that were associated with positive outcome for the children, both in the short term and at follow-up 5 years after initial disclosure, are then covered in Part V. Part VI presents community and research perspectives on the findings by well-known child abuse experts, and concludes with the authors’ recommendations for treatment.

Whetsell-Mitchell, Juliann. (1995) Rape of the innocent: Understanding and preventing child sexual abuse. Taylor and Francis, Washington, DC.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Many Faces of Child Sexual Abuse – Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse: Children at Risk –
Sexual Abuser Profiles – The Hows and Whys of Victimization – Ritualistic Abuse – Parents as Protectors – Development of the Child: Origins if the Self – Prevention Programs for Preschoolers, Primary Graders, and Adolescents – Issues and Components of Prevention Programs – Child Sexual Abuse and Pornography – Minority Children – Children with Special Needs –
NOTE: From the publisher: “Written for mental health professionals, crisis hot line workers, educators and clergy, this resource discusses how to prevent and recognise child sexual abuse and what to do if abuse is suspected. The content covers many settings in which sexual abuse may occur, including the home, day care and group settings. A special section addresses abuse of minority children and those who are handicapped.” Includes a chapter on ritual abuse, including inter-generational ritual abuse.
NOTE: From the publisher: “This resource discusses how to prevent and recognise child sexual abuse and what to do if abuse is suspected. The content covers many settings in which sexual abuse may occur, including the home, day care and group settings. A special section addresses abuse of minority children and those who are handicapped.”
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