Teenage survivors of ritual abuse or other forms of extreme or organized abuse including sex trafficking often experience some lasting effects that differ from those of adult survivors, for example medically unexplained symptoms (somatisation) resulting from the trauma may include headaches, stomachaches, vague aches and pains, wetting or soiling themselves and/or diarrhea/constipation, non-epileptic seizure-like motions, genital pain or trouble walking.
Teens often experience difficulties with:
- learning new information,
- concentration,
- memory problems,
- behavior patterns and trust difficulties that impact their relationships with others
- altered behavior and mood problems including disruptive behavior or over-compliance, difficulty managing their emotions, dissociation (e.g., shutting down, zoning out, being emotionally “flat”, feeling detached from their body or numb to pain), spontaneous age regression, or being clingy or withdrawn
- self-harm including self-injury or eating disorders
- problematic alcohol or substance use or addiction
Minors groomed or coerced into illegal activity may also be wrongly treated as criminally responsible rather than recognized as victims of sex trafficking or child sexual exploitation within the justice system.
Child and adolescent screening tools for mental health or psychosocial difficulties also differ from those used for adults.
In common with adults who were abused as minors, teenagers may also experience mental health difficulties like complex post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociation or dissociative disorders (including plural selves/multiplicity) and have an increased risk of early pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and are vulnerable to future sexual exploitation or repeated victimisation.
Self-help for teens
Books are sometimes available in public or school libraries, as well as on google play or as ebooks.
Bean, Barbara and Bennett, Shari (1993) The me nobody knows: A guide for teen survivors. Lexington Books, NY, NY.
NOTE: A workbook and informational resource for teenagers who have been sexually abused. Contains material on incest and ritual abuse.
Mather, Cynthia Lynn and Debye, Kristina E. (1994) How long does it hurt?: A guide to recovering from incest and sexual abuse for teenagers, their friends, and their families. Jossey-Bass, Hoboken, NJ.
Fiction for teens
Rainfield, Cheryl – Cheryl Rainfield is a ritual abuse and incest survivor and a Young Adult author. She writes the kind of books she needed as a teen but was unable to find. Some books are fantasy and have paranormal themes, there are also books including self-injury, and surviving after abuse, queer-affirming and LGBT+ teens, and books for reluctant readers.
- Hunted
- Scars
- Stained
- Visions
Crisis Intervention For Teenagers – A Family Guide
InCrisis provides a free screening tool for parents of teenagers
International Society for Trauma and Dissociation. Child & Adolescent Fact sheets including For Caregivers/Parents – For Medical Professionals – For Teachers & School Staff – For Child Protection Services plus Wise Social Media Use for Survivors of Complex Trauma & Dissociation.
Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale screening tool
The books listed below include books for parents or caregivers, therapists, educators, support workers, and more academic sources.
Anderson, Neil T. and Russo, Steve. (1991) Seduction of our children. Harvest House, Eugene, OR
NOTE: Christian viewpoint.
Arterburn, Stephen and Burns, Jim. (1995) Steering them straight. Focus on the Family Pub., Colorado Springs, CO.
NOTE: from the cover: “A parental plan for guiding today’s youth through the temptations of: premarital sex, eating disorders, pornography, suicide, Satanism, substance abuse.”
Dunigan, Jack. (1990) Bad moon rising: Satanism’s war on America’s youth, and what you can do about it. Lifelines, Rimrock, AZ.
Evans, Charles G. B. (1991) Teens and devil-worship: What everyone should know. Huntington House, Lafayette, LA.
Fairholm, J. and Moore, T. (1990) Child abuse prevention program for adolescents, Part I. Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa, ON Canada
NOTE: From the publisher: “Presents background information and a curriculum outline for use in helping Canadian adolescents understand the nature and impacts of child and adolescent abuse and neglect, in involving them in a dialogue about their hurts and experiences, and in becoming able to protect themselves and others. Adolescents describe their vulnerabilities, inner turmoil, and insecurities. The students’ disclosures are combined with information about the nature and impacts of adolescent maltreatment, emotional maltreatment, physical abuse and neglect, abusive families, and child sexual abuse. Sex offenders, ritual abuse, and the components of effective intervention and treatment are also discussed. Communication methods to use in prevention efforts are discussed, with emphasis on basic techniques, public speaking, student involvement techniques, ways to handle stage fright, cross- cultural communications, and leadership of discussions. Figures, checklists, outlines, and chapter reference lists.”
Feuereisen, Patti and Pincus, Caroline. (2009) Invisible Girls: The Truth About Sexual Abuse. Seal Press, Berkeley, CA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction – Answers to Girls’ Questions – Girlhood to Womanhood – Facing the Emotional Aftershocks – How Girls Get through – the Actual Abuse Experience – Father-Daughter Incest – Other Incest – Acquaintance Sexual Abuse – Different Paths to Healing – Supportive Families Speak Out – Finding Your Support Posse – Five Years Later – Endnotes
NOTE From the publisher: “Dr. Patti Feuereisen has been working with teenage girls for twenty-five years and has been a pioneer in helping abused girls find their voices. What she discovered in listening to hundreds of girls was not only that sexual abuse of young girls is in fact epidemic, but if the abuse can be processed when girls are still young-in their teens and early twenties-remarkable healing can take place. Girls and young women who are given an opportunity to speak out will most often go on to thrive as adults; without such an opportunity the traumatic effects of their abuse will often continue to cause them difficulty long into adulthood.”
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Gardiner, John and Gardiner, Helen. (1990) Satanism: The seduction of South Africa’s youth. Struikhof, Cape Town, USA.
Hunter, Mic, Ed. (1995) Child survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse: Treatment innovations. Sage Pub., Thousand Oaks, CA.
NOTE: From the publisher: “The first chapter discusses the facilitation of emotional regulation and impulse control in children who have been sexually abused and provides clinicians with practical treatment recommendations. Another chapter describes the specialized treatment of adolescent survivors of abuse within the hospital setting and provides criteria for determining when inpatient treatment is appropriate. The final chapter in this section deals with ritual abuse, a controversial and emotionally charged topic. The most controversial topic within the field of sexual abuse is whether to define sexually aggressive children as victims or perpetrators. The definition chosen depends on the type of treatment provided. The chapters here present a cultural background for addressing this issue, a model for identifying sexually aggressive children, a treatment model for working with such youngsters that allow young offenders to assume responsibility for their emotions and behaviors without assuming the shame of a negative label, and a treatment model for working with the parents of these children.”
Jones, Rick. (1988) Stairway to hell: The well-planned destruction of teens. Chick Pub., Chino, CA, Ontario, Canada.
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Langone, Michael D. and Blood, Linda O. (1990.) Satanism and occult-related violence: What you should know. American Family Foundation, Weston, MA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Events stimulating public concern — Law enforcement findings — Growing public awareness — Reports from helping professionals — Historical background — Modern Satanism — Folk religions — Prevalence — Why do people get involved in Satanism? — Recruitment tactics — Effects and signs of Satanic involvement — Teenagers forming cults — How does Satanic involvement affect people? — What can families do? — Educate yourself — Communicate effectively — Be patient and set a hierarchy of goals — Exercise authority when appropriate — Know when to seek professional help — Suggestions for mental health professionals — Working with deeply involved Satanists — Ritualistic abuse — Adult survivors — Legal issues — Conclusions — References — Resource organizations.
NOTE: : From the publisher: “This report’s perspective is that of the mental health professional. Our goals are to review the existing literature pertinent to Satanism and to offer suggestions to parents and helping professionals concerned about people, especially youth, involved in Satanism. This report provides a balanced overview of the problems posed by the recent upsurge of Satanism and occult-related violence in the United States.”
Larson, Bob. (1999) Extreme evil: Kids killing kids. T. Nelson, Nashville, TN.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Blame Game – Media-Made Murderers – Paying for Paducah – Kids and the Culture of Death – Satanism in the Schools – Intervention on Time – Answers to Extreme Evil – It’s a God Thing
Larson, Bob. (1989) Satanism: The seduction of America’s youth. T. Nelson, Nashville, TN.
NOTE: From the publisher: “In this book Bob Larson discusses the forces that are influencing America’s youth to sell their souls to Satan – ghoulish games, horror films, black metal music, and drugs, as well as the occult enticements in our culture. Larson gives specific ways parents and counselors can combat these forces in the lives of teenagers.”
NOTE: Christian point of view.
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Mercer, Joyce. (1991) Behind the mask of adolescent Satanism. Deaconess Press, Minneapolis, MN.
Moriarty, Anthony. (1992) The psychology of adolescent Satanism: A guide for parents, counselors, clergy, and teachers. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood, Westport, CT.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: The problem — Personality types of adolescents involved in Satanism — The psychopathic delinquent — The angry misfit — The pseudo-intellectual — The suicidal impulsive — Risk factors associated with Satanism — Cultural factors — Physical factors — Psychological factors — Social factors — The Satanic Bible — Satanism as a source of power — The Satan-God duality — Rites of passage — Parent styles: The beginning — Communicating effectively — Satanism and suicide
NOTE: From the publisher: “This book addresses the problems of adolescent Satanism from a psychological viewpoint. It includes the developmental dynamics that underlie four different types of young people who become involved in Satanism and provides an analysis of risk factors. The author critically evaluates the philosophy of Satanism through a review of The Satanic Bible, and further appraises the causes of Satanism by examining the roles of power, ritual, and dualistic thinking in young people’s lives. In addition, Moriarty evaluates how communication patterns and parenting styles impact on a young person’s vulnerability to become involved in Satanism. This is also the first book to describe the relationship between Satanism and suicide. Finally, it closes with ten practical suggestions for parents and others that will lead to effective prevention.”
Ottens, Allen J. and Myer, Rick. (1998) Satanism: Rumor, reality, and controversy. Rosen Pub. Group, NY, NY.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Searching for Answers – Concerns About Satanism – The History of Satanism – Satanic Symbols – Rituals and Ceremonies – Two Views of Satanic Crime – The Controversy over Satanic Ritual Abuse – Lured into Satanism – Mike – Getting Free – Glossary – Where to Go for Help – For Further Reading
NOTE: Presents arguments for treating teen Satanic worship as a mental health problem rather than a religious issue and provides information about rituals and symbols, signs of involvement, and the controversy surrounding this topic. Preview in Google books
Quas, Jodi A., Goodman, Gail S., Ghetti, Simona, Edelstein, Robin, Redlich, Allison, Cordon, Ingrid, and Jones, David P. H. (2006) Childhood sexual assault victims: long-term outcomes after testifying in criminal court. Blackwell Pub., Hoboken, NJ.
Raschke, Carl. A. (1990) Painted black: From drug killings to heavy metal: The alarming true story of how Satanism is terrorizing our communities. Harper Row, San Francisco, CA.
NOTE: Examines the links between Satanism and the epidemic of racism, drugs, sexual abuse, pornography, random violence, and murder sweeping America.
Reid, Greg. (1995). Orphans in the storm: Male survivors of sexual and ritual abuse. Youthfire Publications, El Paso, TX and The American Focus on Satanic Crime Vol. 27, American Focus Publishers, Edison, NJ.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART 1: JUST THE FACTS – Looking for the Signs – Where Predators Hunt – Myths About Abused Boys – Types of Abuse and Abusers – What a Victim Looks Like – What Not to Tell Us – A Predator Tool Kit – Open Letter to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation – PART 2: THE HEART OF THE MATTER: Sleeping.,..Sort Of – The Hurt Of Being Different – Doubt and Denial – Sadness – Telling the Secret – What Being Molested Cost Me – Why We Don’t Talk – Predator Radar – Then and Now – Out of the Revolving Door – Touch…The First Time – It Felt Good…Sort of – Authority – Feeling My Skin – Teddy Bear or Tiger? Letting Go – Letter to a Molester- Letter to Joel – I’ve Got Nothing to Prove- I’ve Got to Do Something – Epilog
NOTE: Part One contains facts helpful to professionals and Part Two addresses personal issues molested boys, teens and men face on the road to healing.
The complete text is available at
Reid, Greg. (1997) Teen Satanism: Redeeming the devil’s children. Youthfire Publications, Box 370006, El Paso, TX
NOTE: From the publisher: “This book was written to address the very real epidemic of teen Satanism that had affected thousands of kids in the late 1980’s and through the last decade. Although the problem is not as visible today, it is still a growing problem and a dangerous one. This book should be helpful to anyone wanting to understand what happens when kids get involved in the occult, and how to get out.”
Excerpt at http://www.gregoryreid.com/id68.htm
Richardson, Brent. (2001) Working with challenging youth: Lessons learned along the way. Brunner-Routledge, Philadelphia, PA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface – An Introduction to Challenging Youth – Lessons Learned: Promoting Self Awareness to Enhance Therapeutic Relationships – Lessons Learned: Meeting Youth Where They Are – Individually, Developmentally, and Culturally – Lessons Learned: Finding a Health Balance between Support and Challenge – Lessons Learned: Framing Problems and Solutions in More Creative, Constructive, and Caring Ways – Lessons Learned: Valuing Systemic, Collaborative, and Preventive Approaches – Revisiting the Six Principles
NOTE: From the publisher: “Stressing the importance of self-awareness, genuineness, and empathy in effective counselors, this book will be a practical, reader-friendly guide through the pitfalls and problems that arise when working with challenging populations. Building on a solid theoretical base in Reality Therapy, Humanistic Philosophy, Solution-Focused therapy, MRI Brief Problem-focused therapy, and Systems theory, the book identifies specific considerations and strategies for counselors. The author postulates six philosophical principles of effective counselors and frames each chapter around a specific principle. In addition, it offers 47 lessons for working with at-risk youth and uses vignettes and studies to illustrate the principles under discussion.”
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Ross, Joan and Michael Langone. (1988) Cults: What parents should know: A practical guide to help parents with children in destructive groups. American Family Foundation, Weston, MA.
Simandl, Robert J. (1997) “Teen involvement in the occult.” in Fraser, George A (ed.) The dilemma of ritual abuse: Cautions and guides for therapists, pp. 215-230. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC.
SUMMARY: The purpose of this chapter is to focus on teenagers who dabble with the symbols and rituals associated with Satanism and other areas of the occult, or the experimental teen dabbler group. Although the problems with this group are not as prominent as street gang problems in the United States, the growing phenomenon of teenage dabblers is a major concern and a problem for both urban and rural populations. The term dabbler may be misleading, as I have discovered in my work that these teens are killing themselves, their parents, and others. I may eventually change my terminology because my conclusion is that the behavior of this group is often more serious than just dabbling. [Text, p. 216]
Vernon, Ann. (2002) What works when with children and adolescents: A handbook of Individual Counseling Techniques. Research Press, Champaign, IL.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Considerations in Working with Young Clients – The Therapeutic Relationship – Building Rapport – Establishing Goals – Interventions for Internalizing Problems – Anxiety – Let It Go – Procrastination – Underachievement – Case Study – Fickle Friends – Performance and Competition – Making the Grade – Self-Consciousness – Perfectionism – Less-Than-Perfect Circles – Guilt – Depression – So Sad – Take a Sad Song and Make It Better – Case Study – Anger Alert – Acting Out – Action Awareness – Transitions – Get a Job – Case Study – Identifying Irrational Beliefs – Disputing Irrational Beliefs – Solving the Practical Problem – Rational Emotive Education
NOTE: From the publisher: “Designed for counselors, school psychologists and others, this practical handbook offers creative, useful interventions for problems children and adolescents commonly experience.”
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Wedge, T. W. (1988) The Satan hunter. Daring Books: Canton, OH
NOTE: An over-view of movements appealing to teenagers, including heavy metal, Dungeons and Dragons, and above-board Satanic groups.