
A Gateway to Ritual Abuse, Organised Abuse and Mind Control Resources

Resources for ritual abuse and organised abuse survivors, trauma-based mind control survivors, their therapists, friends, family, and supportees, ministers, and researchers. We have been collecting these resources since 1995, so many books are now out of print and many websites are no longer on the Internet.

Back in 1995, it was easy to find all references to ritual abuse on the Internet. Today, a Google search yields over 300,000 entires! Obviously, not all are listed here.

The Basics

An introduction to Ritual Abuse, Dissociation, and Government/Military Mind Control.

The Most Popular Articles

Key Court Cases and MKULTRA

Key court cases and the MKULTRA mind control program.

Fiction and Poetry

Survivors’ writings about abuse and healing. Fiction, poetry, biographies, and autobiographies.

And much more!