Ritual Abuse Websites

Survivor Blogs

A Survivor’s Thoughts on Life.  A Christian who  lived through ritual abuse writes “At my core, I am a person…not a disorder…not an experience.”  http://asurvivorsthoughtsonlife.wordpress.com
She also has a poetry blog http://asurvivorspoetry.wordpress.com/
and an art blog http://asurvivorshealingart.wordpress.com/

Blooming Lotus – Faith’s journey of recovery from ritual abuse. http://faithallen.wordpress.com/

Buntstreifenkatzen. (Little striped cats.) A German ritual abuse survivor imagines herselves as cats exploring the new, non-cult world.   http://buntstreifenkatzen.wordpress.com/

Cherish Freedom – My Healing Journey From Mormon Ritual Abuse To Freedom. http://cherishfreedom.wordpress.com/

City of Angels – Ongoing coverage of the pedophile priest epidemic in the Catholic Church. http://cityofangels12.blogspot.com/

Coloring outside the Lines – A Christian blog on recovery from ritual abuse and mind control. Creative use of Polyvore collages. http://mysteriousjourneys.blogspot.com/

Democratizeourknowledge’ Blog – Mind Control and Deliberate Dissociation. http://democratizeourknowledge.wordpress.com/

Daffodil Rites – A ritual abuse survivor and single mother’s diary of trauma recovery and dissociation. http://daffodilrites.blogspot.com/

Delightfully Scattered Thoughts. A Wiccan survivor of Satanic ritual abuse, raised in England, now living in the US.  http://englishrain.wordpress.com/

Dissociation Blog Showcase.  A list of about 150 blogs on dissociation.  http://thirdofalifetime.com/dissociation-blog-showcase-2/

Grenzgänger: Vielfältiges Schreiben- Geschriebenes Vielfältiges (Pioneers: Diverse Writings, Diverse Pioneers.) A German survivor’s blog with essays, collages, and photos. (In German)  http://diepaulines.wordpress.com/

Hopeful Tears in Broken Places – A survivor of ritual abuse and government mind control. http://ziggy-hopefultears.blogspot.com/

Kate is Rising. Hundreds of resources on all aspects of healing from ritual abuse.  http://kate1975.wordpress.com/

Memoir of a Redemptive Life – Rosie shares how she lived through ritual abuse and came out the other side. http://memoirofaredemptivelife.blogspot.com/   

Mind Parts. Paul, who was abused throughout childhood by a priest, writes articulately and deeply. He also shares his music and  the Expressive Arts Carnival, a collection of themed drawing by contributors. http://www.mindparts.org

More Than An Idea.  Trish Fotheringham’s blog with excerpts from interviews. http://morethananidea.wordpress.com

My Clouds, My Storms, and Multiple Personality Disorder – By a survivor of Satanic ritual abuse.  http://mycloudsandmystorms.blogspot.com/

Pandora’s Showcase. A German blog with much information on ritual abuse, including a detailed ritual calendar. http://pandorasshowcase.wordpress.com

Parrallelwelten der Mosaiksteinchen.(Parallel worlds of tesserae.) “The life cycle consists of many small and different stones. Only at the end can you see her pattern.”  by a German survivor of intergenerational Satanic ritual abuse. (In German) http://omosaiko.wordpress.com/

Ritual Abuse. Jean Riseman’s blog: Essays, poems and artwork, plus ritual calendar, coming events. http://ritualabuse.wordpress.com/

Blogg för Erik Rodenborg. By a male Swedish survivor of ritual abuse. http://kiremaj70.blogspot.com
He also has a personal blog at http://kiremaj.blogspot.com/

Surviving Out Loud ~ My journey towards healing.  “Out of my hopelessness comes beautiful growth.” http://survivingoutloud.com/

Understanding and Healing From Designer Dissociation. Grace is a survivor of mind control who lived in many different parts of the world as a child. http://forbiddentopic.blogspot.com/ org.
See also The Art Journey of Grace http://graceartjourney.blogspot.com/
and Grace Uncensored http://graceuncensored.blogspot.com/

You Can Fly with Broken Wings – Diary  of a Christian RA survivor. http://fiyoucanflywithbrokenwings.blogspot.com/

Voice from the Desert – Supporting survivors of clergy sexual abuse and examining the cover up, causes, and effects of that abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. http://reform-network.net/

We Are Many Lights – We were Children of the Illuminati/Cult/Mind Control Programming you have heard about, and we are here. http://www.wermanylights.blogspot.com/

Blogs with Information, News, and Resources

Believe the Children  – “A place to share knowledge about pedophile tactics as reported in the news, by abused children, or recalled by adult survivors.” Not specifically about ritual abuse, but useful. http://believethechildren.blogspot.com/

Donde vamos? French blog with news items and essays from around the world, mostly about pedophilia, but with many ritual abuse entires. http://dondevamos.canalblog.com   

Extreme Abuse Survey’s Weblog. The final results of the international surveys with over 750 pages of data and  analysis. Also general information on ritual abuse and multiplicity. http://eassurvey.wordpress.com

Higher Insight.  A British care worker saves a child from MK ULTRA programming. Contains a section on deprogramming. http://higherinsight.webs.com/

Menawa Report has videos and essays on mind control, occultic abuse, ritual abuse, the Illuminati, and more. http://menawa.wordpress.com/

Ritual Abuse Articles – Many articles and links from SMART’s newsletter.

Ritual Abuse Info – News and articles on ritual abuse and child abuse. http://ritualabuseinfo.livejournal.com

Survivorship. Information about the support organization Survivorship and general ritual abuse news. http://survivorshipwp.wordpress.com/

Satanic Ritual Abuse and “Multiple Personality Syndrome.” About the Illuminati and ritual abuse in the Mormon Church. http://satanic-abuse.blogspot.com/

Surviving Ritual Abuse at Australia. David Free’s blog with extensive information about ritual abuse, programming, and resources in Australia. http://survivingritualabuseaustralia.blogspot.com

Targeted Individuals: Freedom of thoughts, beliefs, opinions, expressions.  Cases, books, links, videos, resources. http://hrvcanada.blogspot.com/

The Wholeness Foundation.  Providing education and resources about sexual and/or ritual abuse to individuals, caretakers, counselors, and academics http://www.thewholenessfoundation.org/resources.html
