Poems by Tina

My Child

My child, what did the demons do to you?
Drinking blood
Eating raw animals
Raped by shadows in black coats
Buried alive

Waking up on the other side
The garden of roses, your resting place
No evil lives here
No black shadows follow you here
This is a place for all
the world’s soulless children
Angels take care of you, hug you,
hold your hand when the pain tears you apart


A Childs battle
Childrens struggle
It is time to kill
Standing at the border
Looking at the soldiers
Ready to fight
Ready to justify
God, our mother
Give us your blessing
Give us strength to carry the wounded
Help us bury the lost ones

Our lives so fragile
Protect the newborn
Help the little ones
Help us find the runaways
Save us from dark shadows

Punish the guilty
Save the children
Let us breath the air
Let us rest in the sun
Lethal crusader
It must be
It will be
It should be
The last war
Once and for all
The future released to us

God, our mother
Who will win the last crusader?
Let faith decide
If we lose
At least we fought
At least we did not give up
We did not sell our soul to demons
They tried to kill us
But some of us survived
Some of us ran away to other places

Hidden memories
Neglected pain, anger, tears, fear
Saved by joyful, laughter

Angels carrying my body, mind, soul
Gentle words,warm hands
Singing voice in our ears
Restful peace
Children, we are the winners
My heart filled with hate, anger
Now released into laughing tears
Finally we are free!

The demons did not win!
Demons could not kill our soul!
They could not sacrifice us to the devil!
God in its mighty will punish them!
The power is now in our hands!
Demons not worthy our thoughts!
We will manage on our own!
Our freedom is real!
Demons cannot hurt us anymore!
Demons will burn in hell!

Runaway Soul

Lost forever
Never coming back
Dead soldiers
Lost soldiers at the frontier
So brave
So much courage
Never afraid
Never locking back
Always struggling forward
Making a path for others in me
Never walking in demons footsteps
A sacrifice in pain
A sacrifice to save one soul
To save one life
To carry a wounded child
She is now resting in the forest
She is regaining her life

My Soul

I am my own
We are back
Together, not as one,
We are more than one
Together we fight
A no longer lethal battle
My soul is now my own
My body is a place where to stay
No more running away
Children; play, laugh, rest
Children, let us live
Let me carry you
I am here for you all
Children help me remember
Let us rest in pain

Life Guard

You, my second mother
You saw me
You hugged me
You loved me
You trusted me
You gave me faith
You hated what she did to me
You tried to save me
You did save a part of me
You gave me life

I did not know how to survive
But you stood by my side
For that I am grateful
You have a special place in my heart
I am not your child
I wished for that
But in this life it is a dream

Do not blame yourself
You did your very best
It must have been painful
Not knowing everything
But remember, you did save me
I am strong!
I am an iron child with human heart
Sent from the light to end the demon act

Coming Home

Daddy, I am on my way home
They treated me bad
They did not love me
They did not want me
They did not help me
I had no one to turn to
I am on my own again
I do not want to give up
But my strength is gone
Crying like a baby
There is no point
Things will not get better
If no one will help me
I might as well come home
Will you pick me up at the gate?

Grave Yard

Buried soul
Locked up
No love
Only fear
Loud voices
Beating arms, feet

I did not stay
I did not feel
I did not speak
I ran away

An abandoned soul
A lethal struggle
A bleeding wound
A burning heart

Lost childhood
A cross for every lost soul
Three lilies for every brave warrior

Home Coming Soul

A soul in despair
Lost in space
Haunted by demons
Sacrificed childhood
A holy trinity

Was not meant to be strong
Born to take the heritage further
The holy lying rituality
We were meant to continue the evil pact
To continue the demon act

But the trinity survived
Survived the lethal struggle
When standing on the edge
Home coming soul
Gave life to inner children


Beating defenseless children
Making love, rape
A body in shock
Aching heart
Never ending lust
Endless needs

Not a child, an actor
A lonely performance
A stage in terror
Dirty closet
Unspeaking memories
Pictures without words

Demons hangover
Yesterday forgotten
Abused again and again
Abandoned children
Darkness, death

It was not that bad
A quiet smile
Be a nice girl
The show must go on
The leading star
My child, they depend on you
No tears my child
They would never forgive you

Lethal heritage
Escaping children
Lost souls
So predictable
Trustful rituality
Same procedure every day, every night
Abused, neglected, degraded
My body, mind, soul
Controlled by demons
Who they are?
Evil perpetrators hired by the devil